Lea Palmieri: The ‘D’ Word — The Valley (S1E5) [Unlocked Premium Episode]

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When Brittany wants to party and Jax wants to do dishes, it’s not long before the barf hits the driveway. Did Nia “dip out?” Can Brittany have a night to herself? Turns out Jax will eat more than cheese and ketchup on a burger! It’s the episode that gives you a girls night but not without a morning of condescension.

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Rob: [00:00:00] Have you ever moderated a panel between anyone in the Bravo space before? 

Lea: I have indeed, Rob, actually. Yes, the first two Bravo cons.

Audio Clip: Previously on The Valley. 

Audio Clip: Making babies. 

Audio Clip: We get home, sex, smoke weed, sex. 

Audio Clip: As long as I've got like ten minutes in between, we're good. There's no separation or anything like that, right?

Audio Clip: The conversations have been had. 

Audio Clip: I'm no longer affectionate, and he's not either.

Audio Clip: When's the last time you felt sexually attracted to him?

Audio Clip: I'm feeding them full time, and I'm pumping full time. I'm pumping a good amount of milk. Ain't even close to what I'm gonna need. 1am, 3am, 5am, 7am. Thanks for being with the babies, honey.

Audio Clip: Where's my date night? There's just a lot going on right now. If we're gonna have more kids, we're gonna go further apart. So we can't allow that to happen. Exactly. I love you. Very, very much.

Audio Clip:I said something that I shouldn't have.


Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs Premium, a podcast about Hollywood, the Valley, and everything in between. Today, I welcome a returning guest, someone I've been asking to come back on the pod for About four years and we finally made it happen. It's the incredibly fun, funny, and fabulous Leah Palmieri. Hi, Leah.

Lea: Hi, Rob. I'm adding that to my Instagram bio immediately because what three words sum me up better than that? [00:02:00] Um, and apologies for the last four years, let me say that, but you know what? We made it happen. We made it happen. 

Rob: We made it happen. It, you know, this is not, I'm not being condescending. I'm not, it's just.

That's, that's, that's the world we live in. Sometimes you just, schedules just don't line up. And sometimes people say, uh, uh, uh, can't go on Vanderpump Rob's. 

Lea: It's a highly controversial place. So, you know, I get it. I get it. 

Rob: I speak the truth to the youth and the middle aged. So, uh, talking to myself there.

Welcome back. I think last time we talked was Vegas with a vengeance. Wow. 

Lea: I mean, I probably subconsciously I knew that I could never top that. So that's probably why I've stayed away for so long. But wow, it is a joy to be back. Thank you so much for having me. Happy to be here. You know, between what is it the Hollywood and the valley and everything in [00:03:00] between?

Incredible. Yes. And I think in between is like a mountain or a highway or both. So 

Rob: Some trees, I think, that have been displaced. I, uh, you know, since you've been there, I've, you, you live on the East Coast of these United States. Since your last time, I've moved to the West Coast and I'm a SoCal elite. Wow.

These days, it is. It's wild. Yeah. It's very wild. But you did visit and we did eat at Sur, and that was fun. 

Lea: You know, that was my first and only time I've ever been to Sur, by the way. 

Rob: Wow. 

Lea: Yeah. Wow. I don't feel like I got the full experience, because we did go on a Sunday night, but you were there, so like, that was very meaningful to me.

And we had the goat cheese balls, so I don't know what else you really need to do there, so. See 

Rob: James Kennedy kind of DJ? 

Lea: I will see you there next Tuesday. Yes. That is true. 

Rob: Okay. I gotta get into it. Have you been following along? Since [00:04:00]the newest season, are you caught up on, I know you and I are going to talk about the Valley, but Vanderpump in general, have 

Lea: you been, yes.


Rob: Thank God. 

Lea: Yeah. 

Rob: You didn't fall off. 

Lea: Um, there was a moment at one point where I fell off, not this season. It was probably two seasons ago. Um, that makes sense. I fell off a little bit. Yeah. Um, and just wasn't sure. what was doing. Um, but then obviously Skandoval season, I was back. Um, and then post Skandoval season, which is this current one, I'm back.

Rob: I'm back. I have mixed feelings. Yeah. I feel like they cut the budget a lot. 

Lea: That's possible. 

Rob: Are potentially rushing this season. A few things, and I would love your brain to, uh, to go Lindsay mode and get activated on this. So Peter was asked, was told that they didn't have enough budget for him. And [00:05:00] to be fair, Peter was never really a huge story driver, but he was kind of this.

central figure of Sur. 

Lea: Yeah, he was around. 

Rob: Yeah. And then when they started filming there, they asked him to sign a release and he said, no. So like, I think that is a big reason of why we're not getting a lot of shots at Sur this, this season. 

Speaker 4: Yeah. 

Rob: But also you can't top a Scandal, we all know that, but does it feel like if they're cutting budget from people like Peter yet getting the largest amount of ratings ever.

That that budgets are being cut in other places too like potentially Storycraft and editing because just feels really hodgepodge this year. 

Lea: Well, a couple of things. Number one, um, I know when the Valley, I believe it was episode one when there was the photo and Peter is clearly the person that's blurred out of it.

Like this is making more [00:06:00] sense to me that I understand why he was probably like, no, you cannot use my likeness on this show if you're not going to pay me. Like that makes more sense to me now. So I'm glad to know that too. If you look at. I think there's absolutely something to this because if you look at what they've done this season, like they went to Tahoe for a trip.

Is there any other like trip? Are they doing anything else? Like they're, they're all really. in their like, kind of like crappy apartments. I shouldn't say crappy. They're nice. But like, they're not what we've seen from some of them before. 

Speaker 4: Yeah. 

Lea: But that makes a lot of sense to me. The other thing that I was thinking about, too, is, you know, Where's Lisa?

Like, it feels like Lisa's not really there either, and so this could contribute to it. They could have said, hey, we can't really, this is the amount we can pay you each episode. So she's like, all right, well, then I'm gonna be in two episodes, and that's it, but it feels like And I'll be in France, filming 

Rob: Villa.

Lea: True. True. But it also feels like she's kind of distanced herself. I mean, this group has so much going on. They don't need her [00:07:00] there to stir the pot or guide them really. I mean, occasionally, but like, for the most part, she's not as central as she's been to the show before. And so it's, yeah, I definitely think, I think Scandalball Shook them because they knew how big it was and they knew it was like kind of not of their Devising and so they then had to be like, oh, I know what do we do?

And that's like you said you kind of you can't really top it And so like I think the pressure was on now as far as budgeting goes to you know There's been a lot of rumors that like this show wasn't going Gonna come back that like the scandal season was gonna be sort of like the last one and now clearly that's not true but one of the notes that I had for you actually was even with this season and Love Andy, but you know a few weeks ago when he was going to the reunion He was saying I've seen the second half of the season and [00:08:00] it is incredible And so now we're probably three or four episodes after he said that and I'm like, what was he referring to?

And so like I don't 

Rob: part was incredible 

Lea: Yeah, like I don't want to distrust him, but I'm like I don't You may have led us astray here. Now that Andy 

Rob: never, 

Lea: I mean, I want to believe him. And sometimes he is right in this case. I'm like, I'm not quite seeing it yet. 

Rob: Maybe he saw like the last two episodes and those, 

Lea: yeah, maybe, maybe.

But, but you're asking me like, this is a very long wait for it. And I don't have that patience. Now, what I was going to ask you was like, at this point, what even happens? Next season. Is there a next season? Because, like, do I need Schwartz? Do I need Sandoval? Like, kind of? No. Like, what else are you bringing to this?

And, like, Does Ariana even have the time of day for this show anymore? Like, I just feel like it's, I don't even know what, where the show could even potentially go [00:09:00] now, but I want to know. I, 

Rob: my thoughts are, so you, the fandom is split like it always is. And people are like, we should just follow something about her.

It ain't happening. That's not a show. I mean, sorry, Katie and Ariana cannot lead a show. 

Lea: Not a show like this. 

Rob: Yes. That's what I mean. Like they could lead a type of show, but they would have a fun show. 

Lea: Yeah. But it wouldn't be a, Oh, here's some explosive, ridiculous drama because neither of them want to deal with that.

Rob: No. Uh, I think that where this show goes is a semi reboot, right? We get 75 percent new cast and then we get. some characters we remember. Maybe those people are now splitting their time between the Valley or some other show, but it is, it's more of a summer [00:10:00] house, uh, Southern charm crossover situation. Uh, because they haven't really done that until the Valley has come out.

Even that's still, it's one season. We're not, we're not there yet. You know, I guess at the time of this recording, Uh, Vanderpump episode, Jax comes back again, which 

Lea: could 

Rob: be incredible, but like, it is a retooling that needs to happen. And I think kick a lot of them out, you know, kick the people out. And I've said this before.

Like, I think. Bravo is famous for rewarding bad behavior and I wouldn't be surprised if within three to five years Sandoval gets his own show. Oh, don't think he could necessarily lead his own show Yeah, but I think they're gonna offer it to him in some way 

Lea: who you keeping on Vanderpump cuz I know I am 

Rob: I think you got to keep Sheena.

Keep her as long as possible. I don't think Lala is long for this world. I don't think Ariana is either. I think Katie would stay given the [00:11:00] right circumstances. And I guess James. Yeah, 

Lea: I'm keeping James and Allie. Like, I feel like Allie has some like fellow astrology friends, some like, maybe like little kooky friends in there.

Like she's got to have, She's got to have a group that, you know, she seems very chill, but I feel like she has a group around her that could come in and cause some enjoyable chaos. Let's put it that way. And 

Rob: we need to see the other side of Allie. 

Lea: Yeah. Right. Yes. 

Rob: That neat, that's going to come out. We get, we're getting hints at it with her stirring the pot with Lala and Katie this episode, this latest episode.

But, uh, But I think that, but, but, you know, I wasn't, I didn't have a huge problem bringing in Brett, Max, Charlie and Danica in that one season. No, they weren't amazing. But like, we're obviously learning this season, like Max is more influential. in this group than we were led to believe. 

Lea: Yeah. And like you said, they love rewarding bad behavior.

[00:12:00] So I wouldn't be surprised if he was somebody that popped back in, in some way, especially because he's been talked about so much this season too. 

Rob: And, uh, enough time has passed that Bravo doesn't care why they fired you, and they're just bringing it back anyway. 

Lea: Yeah. 

Rob: It's fine. It's fine. 

Lea: Yeah, whatevs.


Rob: Uh, well, let's get into the Valley, because we could talk about VPR till the cows come home. True. Uh, we're talking about season one, episode five, the D word. Originally aired on April 16th, 2024. And here's what BravoTV. com has to say. The ladies retreat to Malibu for a girls night while leaving the boys to daddy daycare.

Michelle opens up to Brittany that she took the Isn't sure she wants to stay with Jesse. Brittany shares that she isn't getting any intimacy from Jax. The ladies are concerned for Nia as she struggles with [00:13:00] postpartum depression. The old Jax returns as he stirs up some interesting rumors about one friend in the group.

Hmm. These descriptions teeter sometimes on blurring the lines between episodes that we haven't quite seen yet. Yeah, and not always getting it, like, I'm not sure. The Jax is stirring up the rumors in this episode, as much as Luke is at one point. 

Lea: I have a lot, I have a lot of thoughts, obviously. Should we 

Rob: just go, should we go through it?

We should go through it 

Lea: because should we start with the house because the house was the star of this episode. This rented house. Also, I love this house. I'm obsessed with the way that they end up at this house, which, what? Like, it could have felt more like, what? Like, I, fine. I will totally buy whatever you're trying to sell to me.

But like the fact that a person I've Not seen before, just randomly was staying in a house. Now she's got to go. So you can just have this house. I had so many [00:14:00] thoughts about like, who cleaned it? Who's going to clean up after who's paying for it? Like, I just had so, I had a lot of questions about this home, but then I saw it, they have 

Rob: a 12 hour curfew.

I, I 

Lea: just, I, again, like I, it left me with so many questions that like, you know, ultimately don't matter because the whole point is just they're there, accept it. But because it was so beautiful, they're getting 

Rob: away from the dudes, 

Lea: you know? Yes. Because it was so beautiful. I was like, can I stay here? Can I go there?

Who do I need to know? What friend do I need to have that's just leaving early to like go to Miami or wherever she was going, so. Well, 

Rob: you know what I have to say to that? Yeah. Vander Rob's lore. Uh, you introduced me to McKenzie Green. 

Speaker 5: Yeah. 

Rob: Who knows Nia. Oh, who got the house? for the girls trip. Okay. They, there is a way we could connect the red thread.

Okay. Hang out at this house sometime, I 

Lea: think. I mean, I think you have your assignment, so 

Rob: I, [00:15:00] so yeah, they get to go to this like, insane Yeah, stunning. Uh, girls trip, you know, peacock exclusive style house. And, but before we do get that info from that, like that chat between Brittany and Jax, where it seems like there's a little bit of tension.

But I don't like it because this show always does that sort of thing where not laying it on as thick with the dudes as they do with the women a lot of times. Yes. Oh my God. Yeah. Brittany's getting the brunt of this. Like you drink too much. And it's like, Jax. You are one to talk. 

Lea: If there's anyone deserving of a tequila blackout, it's Britney.

Do you know what I mean? Like, like you can tell she is the one keeping that family together as best as she can. You can tell she's also, you know, really in the middle of this friend group. Um, I think what I [00:16:00] like about her on the Valley and even sometimes when she's on the Vanderpump Rules after show too, she's.

Speaking up a little bit more or sort of showing her hand a little more of how she really feels about things, even though she is very much the peacemaker, very much wants everyone to be friends, very much is sort of, you know, the middle of the glue that keeps a lot of these people together. Like, you can tell she is sweet and wants the best for her friends.

And, and they want the best for her. And then that brings us to Jax. And look, the thing about him, obviously, is that he needs her sober, caffeinated, fully functioning at all times, because more than Cruz, he's the one that needs her to take care of his butt. And so I'm not surprised by his comments. However, Ugh, it just, like, you just get such a sinking feeling in your stomach when he makes those little remarks because you're just like, that's so manipulative and like, terrible and she doesn't deserve that and like, truly F you for, for making her [00:17:00] feel guilty about being in a safe, comfortable environment with her friends and finally having a night to let loose.

Rob: Yeah. Uh, I feel exactly the same way. I hate this sort of like. Jack's being like everything he's saying in this like little comments, but also it's like, I'm, I'm really OCD because I like to do the dishes. It's like, no, that doesn't mean you're OCD. Like you like to point out that you're doing something at the exact moment that Brittany is not doing something and not taking account for everything else that has been done.

When you're not doing something. It's real easy to do that. Uh, I know from experience. But also, we, Jax, you're on television. You are on television. Like you can't, we know what happens when you try and self produce. Tom 

Speaker 4: Sandoval. 

Rob: We know that you can do this without trying to make us think a certain thing.

Lea: Yep. 

Rob: You can just be Jackson. That's [00:18:00] enough. 

Lea: It's enough. And sometimes it's too much. 

Rob: Well, absolutely. Sometimes it's great. 

Lea: And sometimes it's just like in this case, because again, like they, it, it. Sets up the conversation that happens towards the end of the episode, where then he says, I need her in top shape and blah, blah, blah, and like, wants to have this conversation with her about the drinking.

And it's like, I don't know if he was trying to foreshadow or what his goal was there, but it wasn't just allow my wife to have a fun night and me to actually have to take some responsibility for one evening. 

Rob: Yeah, let's move over to the girl's night. Let's, because I loved it. It's so much fun. You start with a set your intentions paint and sip.

Like, that's so much better than like the 2012, like, let's draw a tree and drink wine together. Like, 

Lea: I, you just see these women sitting down at a table that's set so beautifully. They're doing what I would describe as probably a wellness project. And then what we're getting also is Alternatively, is the dude showing up with a pack of [00:19:00] Coors Light.

And it's like, okay, like I, I, 

Rob: I 

Lea: just, I was like, I wish somebody would invite me to a pain with intention moment because I loved it. Um, you know, one of the things I want to talk about in risk in regards to this episode specifically is Nia at this moment. And I'm glad that the BravoTV. com description does, uh, diagnose it as postpartum depression because she's sort of still talking about it as baby blues and stuff, and I'm not a medical professional, so I didn't want to put that title on it, even though It very obviously is what she's experiencing.

I love that she opens up about it. I love that she talks about it. I think it's so important. And I'm also like, yeah, like Brittany pointing out, you have two newborns and one who's, what is he, 19 months? He's under two. I'm depressed just thinking about that, so I'm like, you, like, your hormones and your body chemistry has to be [00:20:00] going whack right now.

It has to, and so I think it's, I don't wish that on her, but I'm so proud of her and have so much respect for her for opening up about that in this situation. Um, and. You know, I, I know there's so many people watching who are relating to that. And so I think it's just lovely and important and wonderful that she was able to, to really speak to it.

Rob: I completely agree. I have to equate it to Sheena's OCD journey this season of VPR. Like we haven't seen enough of Nia to like get like a whole picture of this person on screen, but we have seen a lot of Sheena and so, you know, when Sheena is Has twisted her ankle or ripped a contact and like, that's a storyline versus her.

I actually realized that I have OCD and it is Affecting my life right now. Yeah, and and and it's great because that does I mean I've talked about on multiple episodes [00:21:00] But I think between the postpartum and that it's like some people actually don't know Yeah, what they're feeling is a thing and And you need it to be normalized on TV, even if it is in a quote, silly reality show, right?

Lea: I feel the same way about Lala's sperm donor journey because, yeah, like, I, you know, like, we can play pin the sperm on the vagina all day and now we'll watch Lisa Vanderpump do that with, like, happily. And make comments. Yes. Happily, but I have had a friend who went through a very similar journey and showed me, um, you know, kind of what you see when you're selecting a sperm donor.

And I have not been through that. So I have not, I had no idea. And so I really liked that they gave everyone a binder and like really were on with her on this journey. Um, because I think it's an option that a lot of women Mm hmm. Are considering, maybe never even thought to consider, didn't know that it came with a party if you want it to, so like, if you want to throw [00:22:00] yourself a party for it, I think that's amazing, and to, yes, have a collection of people that are going to help bring a child into this world with love.

Maybe in what we're considering still in an unconventional way, but still in a special way. Um, and so I hope that like, well, first of all, I hope that when it comes to Kristen and her desire to be a mom, that it's easy and wonderful and smooth and beautiful for her. However, I hope she takes us on the journey as well.

Like, you know, she's been pretty open about it so far, but I hope she continues to be, because I think there is a real opportunity here for her to talk about the highs and lows of what that is going to bring for her as well. 

Rob: I agree. And I, I can have as many opinions as I want. Uh, I don't think I have a leg to stand on with some of them, but I do think Kristen's journey is going to be unique in comparison to Everyone else is, uh, I do think it's interesting though that, you know, [00:23:00] Danny texts her because like the AC is out and he's having trouble with the kids and stuff.

And you know, much like Brittany, like Nia also needs a night out. Yeah. But I also think like this kind of like gets pinned on Danny in a way sometimes. And I think like, but everything we've seen of Danny is that he's like, Incredible compared to all the other men on the show. Oh 

Lea: yeah. The bar is low, but he is clearing it.

But, you know, I'm glad you brought that up. So in my, like, slew thing, we'll call it. They show a version of a text on the screen, but they don't show the screenshot. So I don't think that it's actually what he texted her. And I think she wanted to go because I think she was feeling down, which is fine. Um, and so that was sort of my one note on that thing.

But you know, the other thing I noticed about them as a couple is I love when it says Nia and Danny's condo and that like, they don't live in a house and like, [00:24:00] I want to see more of him as an actor. I'm not going to say struggling actor because he sounded very confident in his voiceover work and, and he's certainly popped up places, but I do want to see more of the, like, they just feel, they feel pretty genuine to me.

And so I do want to see more of like what their life is actually like. And they seem to have, I don't want to jinx them, but a really nice relationship. And so like, I do want to see more of that. And that's, again, with three children under two years old, like that is. Mind blowing to me. So I, um, yeah, I, I thought about that moment, but I agree that I want to see more of them because yeah, I think they're nice.

So, um, yeah. I 

Rob: do too. I, I have to jump back over to the pool party though. Okay. With the burgers and flies and whatnot and getting reminded of Jax's freedom tattoo on his back. I 

Lea: mean, 

Rob: when 

Lea: did you forget about that? When was it not on your mind? 

Rob: Fair. Uh, but, you know, having it [00:25:00] burned into my retinas this weekend again, I had just finished healing from the last time it was on screen.

Lea: It is an eclipse. You're not supposed to look directly at it unless you have special glasses on, so you learned your lesson. I'm so sorry, 

Rob: everyone. Um, The, I hate to be a bad influence, but I, 

Lea: we, we all, we've done it. We, you're not alone. Yes. Okay. 

Rob: Thank God. Um, so we get a little bit of this like rehashed Michelle.

Jesse are on the rocks. This is also being discussed at the ladies night. So we don't need to like talk it to death too much. We get it. Michelle is not happy and Jesse's not the easiest to live with by a long shot. And he's showing us that on camera without any filter at all. And I think he thinks he looks cooler.

Then he is, and it's just not there. I think Michelle [00:26:00] has a pocket of things that can be dealt with that were brought up in a previous episode, but in terms of their actual relationship, Jesse seems to be the problem. 

Lea: I watch him and like, it just feels like all the signs are there, but I still feel like he hasn't done it.

Done his worst yet. Like I'm still sort of bracing myself for like, he's going to say something that really makes me angry and I don't feel like he's done it yet, but I'm getting like the tingly, like, Oh, something's telling me something about this guy. And again, I think it's also in context of who, of the company he keeps.

And so we're seeing Jack sort of make the comments a little bit more bluntly. Um, And Jesse, yeah, he, I just, I just sort of cringe a little bit because I just know, like, we've not seen the worst and I'm afraid of what it's going to be. And I know we're leading up to him saying or doing something that I really can't [00:27:00] respect.

Rob: Yeah. Uh, but the boys love to talk about how. Michelle's been seen hanging out with Quentin Tarantino. So 

Lea: is that who it is? Because obviously, yeah, Peacock. I also heard Michael Bay. I've, so I've heard. I also 

Rob: heard Spike Jones. 

Lea: Which is amazing that they are, you know, worried about legal ramifications of saying this person's name.

But, um, yes, I, again, I have a lot of questions for sure. 

Rob: And Luke drops is like, well, I've got a secret. I can't say it's like, Luke, what are you doing? Like that is, that's like Kristen coaching right there. It's like you drop that, you know, something, and then you refuse to say it. And that's, what's going to get you screen time.


Lea: Well, just wait an episode and then he'll obviously say it. Do you like him? 

Rob: No. 

Lea: Why? 

Rob: I do not like Luke. Um, I think he has. [00:28:00] retrograde views on power dynamics in relationships. And then the thing that sealed the deal for me was when he's talking about living back in Colorado. I grew up in the Midwest and how he knows some real down home good people.

And that feels coded to me and I don't like it at all. 

Lea: I really want to like him because I really want Kristen to be happy. And like, I want them, yeah. And I want them to like have a successful, whatever they want to have. Um. And he seems, I just can't tell because he, again, it's like, he's definitely not a Jax, but like, is he a Danny?

You know what I mean? Like if we're using them as a scale, like I can't, I just can't get a grip on him yet. And so like, I'm erring on the side of, well, I think I like him because. Like if Kristen says she likes him, fine, but I'm like, have you learned nothing? And so I, I, he's another one that I don't get as [00:29:00]strong vibes as I do with Jesse that like, he's going to disappoint me.

And so that's why I think when he does disappoint me, it's going to be that much more traumatic for me as a viewer, because I think it's really going to. Like, just be sad. 

Rob: Well, did you see, uh, you know, Kristen was on watch what happens live this week. Oh, yeah. And Luke was hanging out at the Schwartz and Sandy's watch party.

Uh, and Sandoval made sure to get video of him in his story sitting at his table, Luke sitting at Sandoval's And something about that feels weird. So are 

Lea: they together still, Kristen and Luke? 

Rob: Yeah. Yeah. Still podcasting. Still together. Luke was just hanging out with Sandoval. I think it was more of a Sandoval thing of like coming over to the table Luke was at for the No, that doesn't sound like 

Lea: him to me.

He doesn't sound opportunistic, so I don't know about that, 

Rob: but. He's not trying to get a rise out of his ex girlfriend who's now back on TV. 

Lea: He's not trying [00:30:00] to get people talking about his Instagram. Of course not. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. Would never. 

Rob: Behind the paywall? Yeah. No, no, no. So the next morning, though, after the ladies night.

Lea: Ladies night looked fun, by the way. That looked like a great time. 

Rob: I mean, the montage we get where like Kristen's coming out in the nightgown. It's like, these people were having fun. They were 

Lea: having fun. I already like picked out the pajamas that I would wear if I were invited to that girl's night. I have like pink satin ones.

I would have, like, they would have fit right in with the whole vibe. So, you know. I, I wasn't there, but yeah, that's what, that is what I was trying to say. But yes, thank you, Rob. 

Rob: I think this editing of Brittany, like there's a little bit like Brittany, yes, she did drink more than everyone else. It seems, uh, we got the Janet talking head of like, you know, do I think Brittany parties too hard?

Maybe, but she's with Jax. What like, who am I to judge? Um, 

Lea: I need to know your thoughts on Janet as well. [00:31:00] Because I feel like they have been like, especially in the last couple episodes 

Speaker 4: with 

Lea: just the game of telephone or whatever you want to call it, you know, it was falling squarely on, well, Janet said this or whatever.

And so I also, I feel like they keep making, even Jack said something about her. I feel like they keep making references to her being sort of, I don't know what the word is, scandalous or provocative or, you know, uh, stir or whatever. You've seen it. Yeah. We haven't seen it. And so that's why I'm like, I. 

Rob: It's kind of the Luke thing, you know, like, or even the Jesse thing that you're saying, you know, like, 

Lea: yeah, I 

Rob: see that there's potential, but I'm bracing myself because I actually like Janet.

And if she said the things that they're saying, she said, you know, what they, what do they say? Like what you say to your friends at the dinner table is different than what you would say to someone when you're trying to be constructive. Right. And she could have alluded or made a joke [00:32:00]about something, but Kristen is definitely like giving you the CliffsNotes version so that you can pass the test.

Yeah. And that's like, what's actually happening. Yeah. I think it was depressing to see. Britney getting sick all the time. And then having to talk about that with Jax later, like we said, and where she's like, Oh, well, I probably just didn't eat enough. And it's like, you guys are really editing this, not show anything that Jax has ever done.

But also in doing so, they're showing us who Jax is. Oh 

Lea: yeah. Oh yeah. And I want to give Brittany credit because she did look great when she had the conversation with Jax. So she really did clean up nicely from what we saw that morning to then later that evening. So I do want to give her some credit there.

I'm glad, like, she wasn't so sick. She had to stay in bed all day. Like, she clearly had a nice shower and, like, did her hair. So that was nice. Um, You know, he's [00:33:00] just, it's, it's, he's so hard to, to also wrap your head around because he gives us so much to talk about and he is so good at this job, but at the same time, I'm, I'm just getting to the point where I'm like, how much of this can I tolerate?

How much of this is going to be charming or is even going to drive story before it's like, bro, you know, 

Rob: It's kind of been my problem with the valley thus far is There isn't enough story, right? There's like story elements, but we're not getting these like intricate, like A, B and C stories that we're used to, which isn't, that's probably part of just having a season one and, and learning about these people and, and reintroducing Jackson, Kristen, wire.

But, but it's really, it really feels like this is going to be a, the last three episodes are going to [00:34:00] be what. Make you enjoy the Valley interesting. I think we're going to get the Jesse Michelle split up the Jackson Britney split up and then some other thing 

Lea: Yeah, 

Rob: and that's gonna be what makes us go.

Yeah. Okay. I'm in I'm in for the Valley. They got me, 

Lea: you know I think you're exactly right because I want to know so much more about Michelle I feel like Michelle has walls up and and again part of this is probably because of the marriage She's dealing with and all that, but I feel like I don't I I've not seen nearly enough of her personality.

Like, I feel like I want to know so much more about her and her life and whoever, whoever she's hanging out with. Like, there's just like so much more that I want to know about her that I feel like we haven't. scene. And that's a hard thing to do because are you going to spend 50 percent of your episode just like showing me Michelle's life when there's also Kristen and Jax who we are, you know, incredibly familiar with.

And so there [00:35:00] has to be sort of a little bit of a transition of how much time we're dedicating to the people we already know versus what we need to know about these new people. Because again, they're dropping little breadcrumbs that they're not backing up with showing us anything. Um, 

Rob: Yeah. 

Lea: Whether it is the 

Rob: Valley.

Sorry to cut. 

Lea: No, go ahead. 

Rob: I was going to say, is the Valley going to end up like summer house where you don't get true summer house until like season three, you know, 

Lea: um, 

Rob: or whenever the work is twins left. 

Lea: Yeah. Yeah. You know, yes. And you need a. You need a page. Um, and now even you need a West. And so I think that like those will come in time.

It's a really, it's, it's a weird dynamic to have people that the audience knows so well and then doesn't know. And all of the people that are new, I absolutely see why they were cast. I totally get [00:36:00] why they were each cast. But I, but I am interested to see how they and the show evolves and if it's with or without some of them.


Rob: yeah, I think that this is going to have a cast revamp next season, especially with like the Vanderpump. Potential revamp. Yeah. Like, I'm not convinced that like Lala and Sheena are moving over to the Valley. Like, I think that's, that feels too easy of a thing from fans to say, like, they bought houses near the Valley, so they're going to this show.

Uh, I feel like 

Lea: I'd send Schwartz to the Valley before I'd send them. Like 

Rob: That's what I'm thinking too. You know? It Just something's not adding up and I do think there's that both these shows will have a cast shakeup Yeah, and I just don't see them Canceling either one because you need that this isn't housewives and it isn't [00:37:00] prime Vanderpump rules They don't have a Vanderpump rules.

They don't have young people doing stuff right now even in summer house Right, they're all same age. So I think something's gonna happen and maybe hey, maybe a third show will creep up out of this 

Lea: You have the personalities, and I think you just need to fit them into the correct puzzle, and that's what they need to figure out.

But you're right, I don't think either is getting cancelled, because I think they're both There's, there is potential for both and it's just sort of like getting the right pieces in each place. If we 

Rob: made it through season four and season nine of Vanderpump Rules, we'll make it through season 11 and season one of these two shows.

Lea: I'd put that on like a t shirt or a tea towel or something because those are words to live by, surely. 

Rob: Yes. It's so true. Yeah. Well, the episode wraps up with this. Discussion between Jesse and Michelle being like, Oh yeah, I told all my friends about our problems. Oh yeah. I told all my friends about our [00:38:00] problems too.

And just seems dark. It seems like we, we know what's coming and we do know what's coming, but one thing I want to keep pointing out though, is they keep talking about therapy. They are not going to therapy. They are seeing a life coach, which is 

Lea: different, 

Rob: very different. And she, Michelle hugged the life coach, the life coach stronger than she hugged Jesse at the end of this episode.

Lea: She feels one of them is giving her more than the other. That's for sure. 

Rob: Yeah, there it is. There it is. Um, but I guess we'll just have to see what happens. You know, I, I. I'm worried. I'm worried, but I hope all these people end up happier in the end. 

Lea: Well, that's because you're an empath, so. 

Rob: That's true. Just like Kristen Doty, you know?

I loved that, that flashback of 

Lea: everything. She's given us so much. She just has, [00:39:00] she's just given us so much. Like that, like that's just what I take from it. And 

Rob: Yeah. Did you ever read Kristen's book? I 

Lea: did not. Should I? 

Rob: Yes. Okay. And you can get it on ThriftBooks for a very good deal. Okay, great. 

Lea: I will do that.


Rob: I would, I would definitely check it out. I love to support 

Lea: female authors. So yes, I will do that. Of course, through ThriftBooks. Yes. Wherever. Wherever. 

Rob: Well, I do like to play a game and it's called Peaks and Valleys. Of course. It's very simple. What was your peak of this episode and what was your valley of this episode?


Lea: gonna start with the valley, um, and that is too much poop talk. 

Speaker 4: Mmm, yes. Too much poop 

Lea: talk for me on this one. Like, don't need it. Definitely don't need to see it. Like, just, I don't know. It was established that we're all having very, like, intimate conversations. That doesn't need to be part of them for me.

So, that's my valley. 

Rob: That's my valley as well. I had it. Pre, pre prepared. And I think to go [00:40:00] one step further was like when Brittany was demonstrating how she was I was like, No, don't need it. Yeah. And I also didn't I get it. Yeah, I get the embarrassment. 

Lea: I'm aware. I didn't need the, um, even like the sound of her, uh, being sick in the morning either, like, just like, I don't need bodily function stuff.

Um, so I believe you, if you tell me, I believe you, um, I could see what she looked like, I could see the state of her. I knew how sick she was. Um, so there's that. And then my peak is I'm going to say, um, You know, again, I do, I liked a couple of things. I liked the separation of the men and women, because I do think it showed more fun.

And we did need an episode after the the Capri dinner party fiasco, we did need an episode of them actually bonding and showing why they are friends. So I did appreciate that, both men and women, but I'm going to go back to Nia talking about the postpartum depression. Because [00:41:00] again, I do think that that's really important.

And while it's not a fun thing necessarily to watch, I think you're exactly right to like other people might not realize what they're going through. And it takes seeing somebody like this to really be like, Oh, Huh. And so I think it's important and brave and I applaud her for doing that. So, um, that is my, my peak.

And yeah, I would say like, it's always nice to see like they're very little babies too, because they're very cute. So, um, yeah, that's cruising 

Rob: a tuxedo. I 

Lea: mean, I, 

Rob: uh, I, I agree with your peak, but I will just say, uh, for, for alternative sake, Jack's eating a burger with flies on it. It's like, this is who you are.

Lea: You know, this is who you are. That is who he is, but it does lead us to the valley again, which is he's going to be sick and then we're going to have to hear about that. So that is why I've avoided that as my peak, but you're not wrong either. So yeah. Yeah. Fair. 

Rob: Well, Leah, thank you for joining me. I would like to offer you this opportunity [00:42:00] to, uh, let us know where people could find you.

Anything you'd like to plug at this moment and, and, and before you answer that, remind me because some of my listeners may not know this. Have you ever moderated a panel between? Anyone in the Bravo space before? 

Lea: I have indeed, Rob, actually. Yes. The first two Bravo cons I was a part of. The first one, they really had me working, which was great.

I did, um, uh, Southern charm below deck and below deck med. Um, and so that I, Bravo con, yeah. Bravo con number one was amazing. It was. It was really such a fun time. Um, BravoCon 2 was also fun. I moderated the Southern Charm panel, um, there. But it was just, BravoCon 1 was scrappy, you know? Like, they didn't really know what was going on yet.

And so that was, it was a lot of fun to be part of that one. But yes, um, Yes. When, you know, we'll see in [00:43:00] 2025 for the next BravoCon for sure. So 

Rob: I hope so. We're both going to be there, I think, doing our thing. 

Lea: Great. Great. 

Rob: We I'm, I'm setting, you know, manifest the secreting. This is absolutely 

Lea: one 

Rob: of these days.

Lea: It, yes, absolutely. It will. And, uh, yeah, so you can find me. I'm on Instagram at little leap. Um, and I think probably anything else you'd need to know about me is linked from there. So that's where you can find me. Yeah. 

Rob: You should hire Leah to host your podcasts or video content. That would be incredible.


Lea: is so true. I'm available for that and so many other things. And yeah, that would be great. 

Rob: Great, great writer as well. That's just putting that out. 

Lea: Yeah. We go way back and you've always been so good to me and I'm so glad that this worked out. It was so nice to see you and to be able to chit chat about, you know, one of our favorite things, favorite people, all of that.

This was great. 

Rob: Well, thank you, Leah. Thank you, [00:44:00] patrons. Thank you, everyone. Who's listening to this episode. Hell, maybe I'll put this one outside the paywall. You never know that could be fun. Uh, and anyway, uh, we'll see you next time on Vanderpump Rob's goodbye.

Audio CLip: Rob. I mean, he created the air we breathe apparently.


Connection Queen: Opening Bars, Closing Chapters — The Valley (S1E12)


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