Cheryl Couture: Clocking In... Coming Out (Southern Hospitality S1E2)

When Mikel's short-lived suspension from Republic ends, it's not long before the cellophane is busted out. Will TJ's instagram ever do Grace Lilly numbers? Does Joe Bradley have what it takes to express his feelings? How many drinks can you have before clocking in to a shift on King street?

It's the episode that cleans vomit after talking to a church bro.

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Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Rob's a podcast about Hollywood, Charleston, and everything in between.

I'm Rob Schulte and today I welcome back one of the guests people say, bring her back more. We need her. It's friend of the podcast, Cheryl Couture. Hi Cheryl. 

Cheryl: Goodness. I did not know that there was a following. 

Rob: Oh, they love you. They love you. I don't have a name for my like patrons and maybe we can figure that out in a subset.

Yeah. We don't need to figure it out right now. I'll throw some 

Cheryl: ideas out later. 

Rob: [00:03:00] We'll, you know, 

Cheryl: you at 5 a. m. 

Rob: And I try not to do like robots. You know, I think that would be derogatory towards them. Oh, 

Cheryl: yeah. Because they're, you know, they're human beings. 

Rob: Yeah. Yeah. The Robbie's out there. Robbie's. We'll see.

We'll see. I, before we talk about Southern Hospitality, season one, episode two, I just want to get your Bravo temp, temp check at the moment, uh, summer house has recently ended at the time of this recording. 

Cheryl: Yeah, summer house wrapped up. Um, apparently summer house is coming back with season nine with a full cast.

They're all coming back, which is, I, the most insane thing, but it also goes to show 

Rob: you how much like it didn't matter. Yeah, I know. 

Cheryl: Oh, what a confusing show. It's been very fascinating to watch. Like, I know that like with these shows kind of reaching their decade in and it's like, like, how long can they possibly go on?

Yeah. And it is. Yeah. Like, what will take their place? Will they just replace cast mates? 

Rob: I am fine with [00:04:00] in summer house over anything has had the easy 

Cheryl: one 

Rob: to do like no one's clamoring saying I need Kyle to be there. I know. I definitely don't need 

Cheryl: Kyle to be there. 

Rob: Can I ask you a question because I want to talk VPR in just a second.

Um, but summer, how specific there are things? I think Bravo learned from. Scandal that they were trying to implement in one way or another, and in certain ways did well, I think, you know, I've said this before on the podcast. I think summer house in a very basic way this season you're kind of on Carl's side until halfway through and then you're like, Oh, wait, no, I'm not at all.

And then it 

Cheryl: did. And like the editing, um, I think because the scandal really does change everything 

Rob: and 

Cheryl: it helped them like push back the release. I think they were just like, we know we can build momentum on this. Like, let's just [00:05:00] keep going. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Cheryl: I don't know, it's so public, it's so wild, and it's so painful to watch, because you get, like, you're literally, you know, seeing the relationship unfold, even as acquaintances, to like, potential hookups, to like, and it's just, yeah, it's a lot.

It's a lot to see that. Yeah, I mean, I don't mind the new cast mates. I think, no, I mean, fun and like breathing new life into a franchise like that is probably necessary because yeah, they're settling down. I mean, Kyle is my age. Like, you know, I can't drink like that. I don't drink like that. 

Rob: No. Uh, and we bring the new cast mates and bring back old.

Castmates, you know, maybe give the 

Cheryl: workers twins another, I think we need 

Rob: to bring the workers twins, even if they're friends of just bring them back, Uh, moving on though, to Vanderpump Rules season 11. Did, were you able to finish the whole season? I did. Yeah. Okay. I. I just wanted, like I said, temp check because I think most [00:06:00] people are on the same level, but they, the, the hard part for me in the fandom this season was just the unwavering loyalty to people that do not give a shit about you as a viewer, you know?

Like it was so weird, like podcasting about it and like digging into the fandom where it's like, I like Ariana as much as the next person, but like. I'm not like writing vitriol on Sheena's comments because I 

Cheryl: know. I mean, that's rough because like, she was so easy to kind of hate on and aware of that.

She's like, she's, you know, she's very self aware of that aspect and that she's always gotten a bad at it. 

Rob: Like, from the get go. It totally and like, Lala is annoying as well, but like, I'm not losing any sleep over it. Folks. 

Cheryl: I know I just, um, I did listen to that podcast that you had recommended with. Just the end of Summer House and Vanderpump. 

Rob: Oh, the one I posted about the other day? Yeah. Who TF [00:07:00]knows with Emily Rose. Yeah. 

Cheryl: It was really fascinating because it's true. It is like spot on. Like I, I lost my, I got kicked off of Twitter for impersonating Elon Musk. So like I couldn't watch my, I couldn't like read my recaps.

Uh huh. So I had to go to Reddit and it's a cesspool. It really is. Yeah, I posted something somewhat innocuous on like somebody's thing and I like the response back was just so like salty and I'm like, I know that you are just like ignoring your five kids right now obsessively posting on Reddit, but like, I don't know, like, well, 

Rob: it's what is this?

Like, there's there I think there's going to be a little bit of a reckoning and I don't think it's like. You know, it's like the, the loudest voices are the ones that like reach the top in like communities like that. But you know, it's gotten to a point where there is that weird loyalty and then like almost like a badge of honor to have anyone block you, not just Jack.


Cheryl: all loved Carl at one point. You know what I mean? Like they all, they're just fickle. They're a fickle group of [00:08:00] people. It's sorry not to annoy any of your fans, your potential. 

Rob: Hey, if they're listening to this podcast, they know that I have a Complicated relationship with the fan base, uh, and myself and myself, I know, 

Cheryl: like, I'm confused by it.

Like, I didn't love this season. Um, and I think it's because they, they film too soon after that and it's really, it's just, it was too hyper focused on the 1 thing, which is fair because it was recent, but like, it's just, I don't know. It wasn't fun to watch. 

Rob: No, it really wasn't. And it was. 

Cheryl: And that's why the Valley is getting like so much, like, cause it was like, Oh, you know, and I think the aftershows definitely help with summer house too.

Like I've, I really appreciate it. Cause it's like the insight that you, you don't get, or at least you get a chance to that for them to kind of like report or like be like, well, this is the context. 

Rob: And I honestly, looking back on it now, I had fun watching the Valley, but I don't think the [00:09:00] Valley is as good as a lot of us think it is because I think it's just like, well, damn, this is.

Better than Vanderpump Rules this season. I know. I think we just miss 

Cheryl: Jax and we miss Kristen, like. 

Rob: Yeah, and they really fucked it up with Kristen, like, ostracizing herself after like two episodes. Like, I wanted Kristen that whole freaking season. I didn't want, like, 

Cheryl: casual clips of her. Well, we're gonna get Janet now.

Janet's her friend now. 

Rob: Oh yeah, Janet. She's Ooh, anyway, I feel like 

Cheryl: my, I feel like I dislike Janet. Like I dislike love, uh, love a blog. Oh, really? I didn't, she didn't. She's like, you're amusing. I won't block you yet. And then I was like, well, you're no LVP or something. And this was like five in the morning.

She's so responsive. And I forgot that when you add a Bravo Liberty, like they are kind of like open to like, Yeah. Responding back to you. Cause you know, like I, I, I typically don't clap back at people, but you know, she fired [00:10:00]somebody that I didn't agree that she fired and I was like, like shooting off my mouth 

Rob: and I'll learn.

I'll learn all about that. 

Cheryl: I'm like, you're two years older than me. 

Rob: Oh, love, uh, love, uh, like the other thing is, is like, I get that. I get that. Leva owns. It's a bunch of stuff in Charleston, but like, 

Cheryl: I don't think she ever worked in service. I know. And 

Rob: why, why is she getting the spinoff? Right? Like I know Shep had that like dating show relationship.

Yeah. I didn't 

Cheryl: watch it. I don't even know what it was on. Was it? I don't, 

Rob: I think it was on Bravo, but I do not think it is available anymore. Oh, it's probably very problematic. I'm sure it is. But uh, why not? Why is sewing down South? I know. I mean, I feel 

Cheryl: like Craig and Paige, depending on how their relationship goes, like, I could see that being a future thing.

Maybe not. Well, Bravo would be stupid to not try to lock that down. Oh, 

Rob: yeah. Oh, yeah. Uh, well, let's lock down this episode. Southern [00:11:00] Hospitality, Season 1, Episode 2, which originally aired December 5th, 2022. This title is Clocking In. And, uh, here's what the bravotv. com description says. Leva brings Mikkel back to Republic, but makes him prove his dedication by doing dirty work.

Grace Lilly fires back at TJ for attacking her work ethic and judging her steamy social media posts. Maddie makes Jo Bradley jealous by bringing her ex boyfriend to a work event. Mikkel risks losing his best friend from the church. When he reveals the truth about his sexuality. Well, here's the thing.

Very interesting that the beginning of this episode, it's Cinco de Mayo. why didn't we get an episode with a Cinco de Mayo party in it? I mean, probably Charleston. It was very problematic. And yeah, I 

Cheryl: think that's 100%. They were like, they probably filmed it and they were like, [00:12:00] too 

Rob: this is where Leva wants TJ Will and Joe Bradley to know that Mikkel will be training his bar back in nothing more than bar back. And, uh, we see that Mikkel has no idea what he's doing. And instead of asking where the gloves are, he wraps his hands in cellophane to clean the bathroom. I have been there in that sense.

And tell me if you've felt this ever at a job too, where you're just like, it's not that you're afraid to ask questions, but you're just like, I want to get the thing done and I don't want to look stupid. But in doing so you look even more stupid. Like, no, ask me where the gloves are because you look like a fool wrapping your hands in cellophane.

Cheryl: I, the fact that he would think that like a singular glove in an empty box would mean there's no more gloves in the you know, those VIP servers are definitely making a lot more money than a bar back is. And so like, as somebody who's done all the grunt work in the past, like, it's just, I don't know, but I get it.

You have to start [00:13:00] somewhere. 

Rob: You know, one of the things Jordan and I were talking about is in the previous episode of listeners, uh, like the financial stakes of working at Republic because some of these VIP concierge and managers feel like it's like they're making.

Like hundreds of thousands of dollars. And that is not, I can't imagine that. 

Cheryl: I 

Rob: guess a good 

Cheryl: apartment, like, you know, or it's like, I was kind of impressed with Demi's apartment. I'm like, yeah, we're living alone. 

Rob: Yeah. It's still relatively small, but most people are living with their parents on this show, it seems.


Cheryl: I mean, I probably would be honestly, just because my parents lived in different houses. And that 

Rob: they've got that Charleston money that no one's asking questions. Patricia 

Cheryl: tools child, you know, 

Rob: um, is that is that a that's Whitney's 

Cheryl: mom 

Rob: Whitney? Yeah. What was the documentary [00:14:00] Whitney made? Oh, my God.

The. Suede 

Cheryl: Hal, how ha Uh, Hal Halstrom Ver, like

seventies brand design. Ultra suede in search of 

Rob: Halston, an exploration of the clothes, the glamor, and the decadence of iconic fashion designer. Halt. 

Cheryl: What's funny is I think I have seen this documentary before I watched Southern Charm.

Rob: And then you're like, yep, that's exactly the dude who And it wasn't, 

Cheryl: I mean, no offense to Whitney. It's just, you know, Austin's not like a great designer. He was like JCPenney. 

Rob: Yeah, and Whitney is the JCPenney of Charleston. Oh, 

Cheryl: he's just Well Loved by, you know, French models and, uh, 

Rob: Catherine Dennis, um, forever.

Cheryl: I know. Uh, someday, someday. 

Rob: RIP to her driver's license. Did you see that? Oh, 

Cheryl: I didn't see that. Her and Justin Timberlake. 

Rob: Her and Justin Timberlake. We just need a three, a third DUI. 

Cheryl: Oh wait, there was a third one. There was so, Oh. We'll leave 

Rob: it in the comments, [00:15:00] folks, if we think about it.


Cheryl: please, please let us know in the comments. TJ is 

Rob: not letting Mikkel have a moment, and is loving bossing him around. And this is a thing we get from TJ throughout this whole episode. TJ wants to be the boss of Republic, it seems. 

Cheryl: So, in service industry jobs I've had in the past, the worst bosses I have were elder, elder gay supervisors.

And not that he's an elder, but to them he's kind of an elder, you know what 

Rob: he's got the, uh, the superior, no, the, uh, Yeah, he's like 

Cheryl: a, he's like a lead or what, he's 

Rob: Yeah, he's, he's just, uh, what do you say when you've been there longer? Right. Like a seniority seniority. I was going to say superiority. No, he's got the seniority kind of, 

Cheryl: I'm sorry. Like, he's also like, you need your bar back. Don't be addicted to your bar back. Yeah. Just boning yourself. just needs to get off of everybody's business. 

Rob: I think I've got some thoughts on that later on. And TJ has got a complex [00:16:00] and it's not just because he holds a pillow in front of his chest in episode one when they're shirtless.

Joe Bradley calls Maddie his work wife. And is talking about how her and him click. And right at that moment, Trevor pulls up on his pedicab we're reminded from Maddie though, that She's taking it slow because not only did Trevor hurt Maddie when he cheated on her He hurt 52 of her co workers 

Cheryl: including the one that burned him with a cigarette butt.

Rob: Yeah

There's so much about this trevor guy that i'm like, yeah, of course, of course, no, yeah, we 

Cheryl: all know trevor 

Rob: Yeah, we if you all 

Cheryl: if you were in your 20s at any point, you've known a treasure trevor You may have dated a trevor type, you know Hey We 

Rob: all, we all have been with a Trevor type and it is, uh, or, or have had a friend who's been with a Trevor type and we, we just praying for all the [00:17:00] Trevors in this world right now, but, uh, Joe Bradley is his own Trevor type and cannot break himself from the shackles of friend zoning himself with a work person.

did they not watch Vanderpump Rules? Dating someone at work is just not going to, or lived life. 

Cheryl: Forbidden fruit that I've tasted of and it has always backfired. 

Rob: There's always a worm in that apple. That's for sure. 

Cheryl: It is because like, when it doesn't work out, you still have to see each other. You still have to be pissed off at a distance from each other.

Rob: Yep. Uh, Leva asks Grace Lily to take a meeting at her condo, which is on King street, which Leva reminds us that she does own a house, but she also has this condo. On king street, so she can be there in 30 seconds. 

Cheryl: Yeah, she can be there really fast. She can, you know, reply back to mean comments on instagram very quickly because of this condo.

Rob: It is, I guess the 

Cheryl: kids not of the condo because the kid would probably be pretty distracting from the. 

Rob: Yeah. Condo is White Wall's big table. Uh, [00:18:00] Grace has a bunch of excuses as to why she left early the other day. A headache, sinuses, all that. Lever reminds her that she only works three shifts a week. So, taking more time off or getting another gig at Republic just ain't happening if she can't even work three days a week at Bourbon and Bubbles.

I think I'm a Grace Lilly guy. 

Cheryl: Yeah, it's hard not to be.

She's, you know, she's wavy, baby. 

Rob: She's wavy, baby, and she's fun. Like, everyone else feels like it's work first, fun second. 

Cheryl: I know, and TJ is a great example of somebody who's just kind of jealous, maybe. Yes! You know, I get it. I get annoyed with people with big personalities sometimes, but it's like, what does it say about me?

What am I sad about? Because I'm not getting attention, you know? 

Rob: Because he only gets three to four likes on his Instagram photos of like the 

Cheryl: editors lovely with with the cap of his just like very normal [00:19:00]Instagram, 

Rob: which is also funny that they blur out his handle at the top, but not at the bottom. Oh, like, if you're really didn't even notice.

Yeah. Yeah. the next day Will and Mia head to Republic for brunch on the patio where TJ immediately pulls them inside to talk shit on G. Lily? It's like TJ, you're going to be start being the one where everyone's just like, dude, he is obsessed with Grace.


Cheryl: With you. He. 

Rob: And this is where it is. He does not like that Grace doesn't take working for Levin as serious as he does. And he also doesn't like that. She likes her own photos on Instagram, which 

Cheryl: that is bizarre, but it's 

Rob: bizarre, but it's such a petty, petty thing. Like you have enough, like on, like gracefully makes it easy for you.

If you want to like, talk about it being professionalism at work or whatnot, like just to add these extra [00:20:00] things takes away from the argument you're trying to say. TJ. 

Cheryl: He's also, yeah, trying to like, rationalize with somebody who doesn't exist on our planet. It's true. Is ethereal. She's 

Rob: fine. She sparkles, you know?

Cheryl: And it's true. It's just like people will want to dim your sparkle. You're pretty, you're young, you're popular. You got hula 

Rob: hoop skills. 

Cheryl: You got hula hoop skills I hope that she marries correctly and that she doesn't get boned Charleston I feel is very rough. 

Rob: Charleston has a lot of growing up to do honestly, like even just like Will, Will Model Will, I've got that moment about Will coming up that I've got, I need your opinion on, I gotta talk about it.

Oh yeah, I'm so sorry. No, it's okay because I just need to get through a couple things. Mikel and Maddie go for mani pedis. Mikel is apprehensive to get his nails done because he's about to get lunch with his church brother Anthony. Mikel isn't out at his [00:21:00] church. His mom doesn't even know that he goes by Mikel.

Mikkel, instead of Michael, and he has this discussion, he should have had his collar up when he was saying this and wearing a mask on. Well, and I love this idea of you know, Jax Taylor, Mikkel, yeah, Raquel, yeah, Raquel, Rocky, now Rocky, 

Cheryl: Wait, Raquel goes by Rocky now instead of Rachel?

Rob: Raquel went Raquel, Rachel, Rocky. 

Cheryl: I mean, Rocky was the better choice, I feel. Rocky 

Rob: is the choice. Rocky's pretty 

Cheryl: good. 

Rob: You could put, she, she changed, uh, Rachel goes rogue to Rocky goes rogue, and new show art, boxing gloves, like, Yeah. She can really reinvent it here. 

Cheryl: Yeah, and then she's actually learning how to box as well, as like a, a, a B plot throughout the show.

Rob: this is amazing. Uh, actually, you know, Vanderpump rules is on its death rattle. You know, we all know this bring back a show with Rocky and let's, let's just yes, 

Cheryl: maybe just like a, [00:22:00] like a pageant. Oh 

Rob: yeah. Like 

Cheryl: she's where she's a pageant coach. I love this. Hey, Andy, if you're listening, 

Rob: give 

Cheryl: me money.

Rob: Alex Baskin. you got some splaining to do man, but here's an idea. we get another personal training session this time with Bradley and G Lily. We learned that if the legs ain't shaking, the booty ain't bacon, which. Hey, fair, fair. 

Cheryl: No, I need to start thinking about that when I'm at the gym, because I would like bigger booty and, you know, Grace Lilly does have a good booty.

Rob: She's got a great booty. We all respect the booty. It's our duty to respect the booty. 

Cheryl: You know, she works hard or maybe she doesn't. I don't know how youth works. I never, well, 

Rob: also it seemed like maybe it was editing, but she seems like she did about 10 things and then it's like, I need a break. Let's yeah.

Respect. Um, this is where she found out that, you know, TJ was, uh, Just scrolling IG and talking shit with Will in a different scenario, again, [00:23:00]so this guy can't stop talking about her. Uh, and we learned that Grace has a list of dudes she's hooked up with on her phone, which

was news to me, but apparently this is a thing. 

Cheryl: You know, I could see it, cause like, I mean, you had a little black book, you know, maybe an address book, maybe you had an email file, I have an email file. 

Rob: Oh, see? But like, I don't 

Cheryl: want anybody just like Unlocking my phone and how many plants 

Rob: next to the name, you know, I 

Cheryl: mean, I would look like if we're in the back room, I would send it to somebody.

I worked with like, I wanted, 

Rob: uh, and everyone you post your notes app with everyone you've hooked up with, patrion and we'll take a real quick break. All right, we're back. Cheryl. Uh, Mikhail is freaking out. He's about [00:24:00] to. Meet his church brother, Anthony, for drinks before he goes to work. He's gonna come out and, uh, he orders a double with a shot floater on top.

Like, what are the drinking, like, I mean I'm in the South. Yeah, it's the South. You can order as many as you want. 

Cheryl: Yeah, he's going into work after this. Yes, 

Rob: that's what I'm saying. He, uh, Anthony shows up, he starts drinking from Anthony's drink. He orders another drink. He brings up his nails. He's like, my dad would fucking beat my ass.

If he's on me with these nails, which tells us a little bit, maybe why he doesn't want to come out. Um, uh, Mikkel says that he's trying to figure things out and that yes, he likes women, but he likes men. And Anthony responds with. I know, 

Cheryl: you took that as I did. Cause I was like, cause when he's like, I know, and then he was like, oh, it's hard.

Like the fact that you said, like, I know, [00:25:00] immediately, mostly most of the time, any of my friends came out to me when I was younger, it was usually like, I know. 

Rob: It's, it, don't worry, you don't need to explain it because I've, I just needed you to say it first. Right? Yeah, 

Cheryl: exactly. I'm not gonna make you. 

Rob: Yeah.

And I love that. He's like, you know, it's no big deal to me. I can't speak for anyone else in the church, but my mom and I don't care. And your family to us. And I thought that that was, well, it was 

Cheryl: very lovely. 'cause that's scary. You could see he was scared. You could see he, yes. 

Rob: And then he, um, uh, leaves drunk as hell to go to work.

Cheryl: Yeah. Cause it's not just that one. He finishes that one very quickly and then he has another one, but whatever. It's also the South they drink. 

Rob: It's the South. You can, you're going to show up to trial drunk as hell and the judge will ask you for the snifter. Yeah. Uh, Mia heads to Emmy's apartment, uh, for a charcuterie and wine.

Emmy's planning a party for the. Group at fun park and, uh, [00:26:00] me, we, we quickly learned that Mia wants to stop going for hot guys and start going for kind of ugly guys. And they're like, she's like, I know 

Cheryl: what you mean ugly for her. Like they have an eye patch, just like one deformity. 

Rob: She's like, uh, kind of like a Pete Davidson type.

More like, Oh, like a Hollywood actor. Okay. Hollywood actor. 

Cheryl: Who's tall and 

Rob: But we, this is where it gets interesting. We learned that Emmy broke up with Will in September of 2021. So I'm wondering if that's like six months ago at the point of the filming.

Cheryl: I mean, honestly, yeah. Cause yours, it got released late 2020 or 

Rob: December, 2022. So you would think that like. And they probably 

Cheryl: film it, I think they film it over, like, winter, spring, usually. Probably. I think that's how Southern Charm. Yeah, yeah. It's so hot there, I think, too. Couldn't 

Rob: be that they needed to get back together for filming of the first scene.

Cheryl: Maybe. 

Rob: But, 

Cheryl: uh, I mean, that would be a better move on Emmy's part than being in love with that boy, [00:27:00] boy, man. 

Rob: Yeah. Well, here's the interesting thing. She says that when she broke up with him, Will pursued her at full speed with love letters and diamonds, showed up to her place of work, was sleeping on her futon.

Cheryl: Yeah. How did that happen? Are you sending mixed 

Rob: signals? Like, is that, yeah, like you can hang out with your girl 

Cheryl: sleeping on the futon afterwards. Yeah. 

Rob: I need the attention, but you can't sleep next to me. 

Cheryl: Yeah, but you're not all, yeah. She's like, 

Rob: and it worked. I feel like there's, there's a lot of like, 90s friends coded, this is how you show a woman you like her.

I know. I, 

Cheryl: I try to give them a little bit of grace because they're young and like a lot of the, like Maddie specifically, good God, like, or it's just like, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? And, and, and you see it happening, but people need to make their own mistakes. 

Rob: Yeah, I guess. But it 

Cheryl: just, it sucks because.

But Will 

Rob: is two steps [00:28:00] from stalking in this moment. 

Cheryl: Oh my God. Yeah. I mean, like, honestly, like guys in Charleston have it so easy. These women are gorgeous. And these guys are like very basic Austin, Austin, human being 

Rob: and, and is never wrong. Right? Like the dude is the dude is so self righteous and so boring yet, 

Cheryl: so boring.

And he just like makes women feel uncomfortable or makes them feel comfortable. And then he's just like, fucks it up so bad, and you're like, what are you doing? Like, what's the point of making someone fall in love with you if you're gonna just Imploded like this. 

Rob: Uh, I couldn't answer that because he's dumb ass.

I know he's in therapy 

Cheryl: apparently for it, so hopefully Oh, good for him. Good for him. Yeah, I hope so. 

Rob: It's probably Reiki therapy. Um, it 

Cheryl: probably is on Jackson therapy. Yeah. 

Rob: Uh, Mia discusses that she met an OnlyFans model with 7,000 [00:29:00]subscribers, so she's diving into the $11 a month subscription to watch him fuck a cake, I guess.

Cheryl: When she could be subscribing to your Patreon. I know 

Rob: let's now I'll tell y'all I I do take requests on the Patreon, but I I don't do that. I don't 

Cheryl: do that. I would do anything for Vanderpump robs, but I won't do that. 

Rob: Yeah uh Upcoming a request from the Patreon. I will tell you is that i'll be covering all of the angel movies on Patreon I don't know if you've ever watched angel but 

Cheryl: uh, wait, like You Buffy angel or no, no, 

Rob: no.

Like the eighties angel series. 

Cheryl: I mean, I have a, I have access to your, uh, your, 

Rob: my Plex library. They're all on there. And 

Cheryl: you have the most abysmal Plex and like the best way. Like I know a lot of it is because you like do shows and yeah.

You have to research it, but it's just like good God. It 

Rob: is trash and a half and I [00:30:00] love it. Yeah. 

Cheryl: No, it's good. It's eclectic. 

Rob: Yeah, that's that's what it is. Um, well, at Republic, things are hustling and bustling. Mikkel gives Maddie the good news and while he's on his high about how he's got a weight lifted from his shoulders, someone comes over and tells him he's got to clean up some vomit on the patio.

I love it. He feels good. Leva comes in and reminds Mikkel to trust the journey. She's going to, she can't just hand him back his old job of asking people to spend 2, 000 for bottle service, I guess. 

Cheryl: Yeah. Cause he threw a party somewhere else at a rival club. 

Rob: Yeah. And posted about it on Instagram. I heard that 

Cheryl: like.

Republic is not as big as they try to present it, that it's actually a very small room. 

Rob: I bet it is, which is why it would make more sense that you would need to sell like a 2, 000 booth for your group because you're just not going to make it. Like you even see the scenes where like [00:31:00] TJ is selling someone like a Corona for, you know, 3 and it's like, well, why do you give a shit TJ?

Like you're not, you're not in this bottle service business. but at the next day, the staff at Republic are headed to the fun park for Emmy's event. TJ throws shade on G Lily, potentially fucking a go kart, which I thought was, uh, noted not needed.

But, um, Maddie brings Trevor, which is a no no for a work party. I think we can all agree on this, though. 

Cheryl: Like, they couldn't have any plus ones or just specifically him because he let down all 52 employees. I 

Rob: think it's because he left all 52 down, but also 

Cheryl: all of us, and 

Rob: this isn't even Salt Lake City housewives.

But I do think that it's a, it's a little bit like, obviously this is production, right? Like trying to instigate some stuff, but I think there is like a weird, like work party thing where [00:32:00] it's like, if this is someone who they're consistently dating, sure. But like new partners don't get to come read the benefits 

Cheryl: of free food.

No free 

Rob: ICS for Trevor. they hit a bumper cars. And, uh, Grace spins around Spread Eagle and twerks. Loved it. TJ thinks she's making everyone look like trash. And I don't understand why he hates her so much except for jealousy, but I guess we'll learn that shortly. Um, while ordering some icies, the ladies of Republic give G Lily a pep talk and Joe Bradley and TJ bro out over Joe's jealousy of Trevor, Joe calls Trevor the stereotypical movie douche in like a rom com without acknowledging that Joe Bradley is the stereotypical.

Douche in a different rom com. 

Cheryl: Sweet summer child. 

Rob: Is he still [00:33:00] dating Luann? 

Cheryl: Oh my God. No, but he did date Danielle for a little bit and it got a little hot and heavy and of course, like all things. And, 

Rob: and he broke up with Danielle to date Luann, which is, 

Cheryl: I thought they just like, 

Rob: well, I mean, sure. 

Cheryl: I don't think Luann 

Rob: Luann doesn't date 

Cheryl: a wind.

Rob: Yeah. 

Cheryl: You can't tame her. 

Rob: You cannot tame the countess. The countess. Grace asks TJ to go talk, which is great because TJ would never do that. TJ wants to just talk shit. And not confront the process. She starts it pretty cool. I think she's like, Hey, I just want to clear the air. It seems like you're kind of judging me off of my Instagram posts and not having a conversation with me.

If I've upset you or pissed you off. And he's like, he immediately gets defensive and grace reads him like a goosebumps novel. she says that he consistently wants. Or like that, that [00:34:00] he's jealous. She, he, she gets more attention than him and she thinks that's why he has to talk shit. TJ really wants to talk about the Republic brand more than anyone else on this show.

And he's not an owner. He's actually just boring. Like, he is just a boring dude who probably He cares about his job. He's a rule follower. Those are the 

Cheryl: worst people. 

Rob: It's the worst, and like, I could understand if TJ were to be, like, in a Joe Bradley, in a Maddie type position, where you're like, If you sell the 3, 000 table, you get the, like, huge, 3, 000 table.

Incentive or whatever that's paying these people for bills. If you get a high reward, 

Cheryl: it seems like. 

Rob: Uh, and then, yeah, like we said, they blurred out his Instagram handle, but not the whole Instagram handle at the bottom. That's 

Cheryl: okay, TJ, I'll follow you. 

Rob: Yeah, TJ, we're coming for you. We need to see if [00:35:00] butthole.

On Instagram since then. I'm sure 

Cheryl: he's put his butthole other places. Well, maybe not. Maybe he's not that kind of boy. 

Rob: Maybe he's not, but I think I just think it's so interesting that like he's so hard up and I get that like, you know, you get coached to have stakes, but like I would think going into a reality show You would want to be able to be, three dimensional, and he's just totally coming off like a catty bitch.

Cheryl: I know. You know, hurt people hurt people, you know. 

Rob: That's true. That's true. Well, speaking of hurting people, we need to We've hurt ourselves with one final test of the episode in a segment I'm calling Bourbon and Bubbles where Cheryl, I'm going to ask you, and I can go first if you need to think about it, but I'm gonna ask you, what is your bourbon of the episode, which is the bitter, the bad, the not as good thing that happens?

And it can be [00:36:00] abstract and what's your bubble, the good thing of the episode. Would you like to think on it? Would you, would you like me 

Cheryl: to go? I have it. I don't think it's like maybe the greatest answer. Um, I will say my bubble surprisingly, cause I'm not the biggest Maddie fan, but Maddie helping McKell out, you know, just being supportive of him.

He was coming into a shift after a really heavy conversation and just being like, I'm going to be there with you. And that was a lot. It's weird how little things like that, you don't even think It's not that big of a deal, but it's a huge deal. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Cheryl: It's a big deal to just even have, you know, just somebody who's like, you know what, I know you're having a big day and like, I got your back.

Rob: Yeah. That's good. That's good. Mine is Mikkel cleaning vomit. Just because he was good as a viewer. 

Cheryl: Oh my gosh. Like to see that. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Cheryl: It's true. It's humbling really. Yeah. I think like, 

Rob: and it's not to take away from his victory, but it was just perfect episode making. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, 

Cheryl: no, yeah, I mean, like, but also like him with a new attitude being like, you know what I'm cleaning up vomit, but like, [00:37:00] I'm I might 

Rob: vomit, but I'm gay.

Cheryl: I'm gay. Damn it. And my best friend knows 

Rob: what's your bourbon. 

Cheryl: Uh, T. J. Dick writing for lava. It's that's mine too. It drives me insane. I hate 

Rob: it. 

Cheryl: Like, I hate that. It's just like, what do you think you're going to get? You think love is going to put you on the Christmas card list? You know, you're serving her friends at her birthday party.

You're not like invited to her birthday party, dude. 

Rob: It's the false consciousness that TJ's got here, right? Like he is sucking the bourgeoisie's teat. And he's the 

Cheryl: reason that capitalism works. 

Rob: Yes. It's like, I don't know about you when you worked in the service industry or in bars, but when I worked at bars, it was like, Hey, make sure you post on your personal social media about the beer specials going out right now.

Like turn your own account into like an advertisement for this bar, be loyal to the bar [00:38:00] because like it's paying your bills. And it's like, how about early 

Cheryl: paying my bills? These guys were tipping me are likely paying my bills. Yeah. 

Rob: How about respect me as a worker and you will have a successful business.


Cheryl: It's crazy how that works, but yeah, 

Rob: I Charleston baby, 

Cheryl: they got approved the bootstraps, the bootstraps. I mean, I was in service for a really long time, like 

Rob: Yeah, uh, I had to take some huge swings to get out of service, and it's, it's not, Nine times out of 10, like it will not work because you are the, there are just certain economic areas that people live, that that is the job market.

And exactly. 

Cheryl: Yeah. You're not going to get a big tech job living in a rural, which is fine. If it's livable, if it's exactly, 

Rob: it's like when I watched bar rescue and, and, you know, John Taffer's done screaming and everyone's out and they're going to kill people and actually sits down with like, maybe the, uh, [00:39:00] The bartender who's, you know, 55 and it's like, you know, I actually can pay my bills from this place, you know, if it's running correctly and that is what they need to get.

These people probably can pay their bills, but T. J. is young and is delusional to think that like, like Leva needs him exactly where he's at because he's his unwavering loyalty at this position. Yeah, like that's not going to get 

Cheryl: a taste of what assistant manager someday like, Oh, please level. Please. Like, let, let me, let me think that.

Yeah, she's, I mean, I'm not even a big fan of her from Southern charm. Yeah, no, not at all. 

Rob: She, she, and if he went off and tried to start his own club. In Charleston, Leva would stomp him. She would 

Cheryl: kill him. Yeah, it would not be like, oh, we're going to support you in your career in Charleston bars. Yeah. Your career in Charleston bars [00:40:00]doesn't matter unless you own the bar.


Rob: Yep. Well, Cheryl, this has been great. Uh, where can people find you? Cause you know, if you're posting stuff that love is blocking, then yeah, people are going to want to follow that 

Cheryl: you like. Uh, so, uh, my Instagram handle is a country couture, uh, instead of a U it's a V. So, uh, figure that out. Uh, I could spell it out, but it just seems kind of, they get it, they're smart, they're smart, discerning.

They're, they're podcast. 

Rob: It's so true. And we respect them for that. Yes. 

Cheryl: Um, But, uh, and then also, same handle for Blue Sky. I've been kicked off of Twitter. Uh, me and Joe are working on a Christmas musical right now called Jerry Little Christmas, so. Love 

Rob: it. 

Cheryl: We'll see. I'm hoping to have at least like an idea of what it's gonna be like by the end of summer.

So I can actually like see if it is feasible to do this year. 

Rob: That would be great. And Joe will be on in just a few [00:41:00] episodes, folks. 

Cheryl: He's delightful. He doesn't know anything about Southern hospitality, so it should be. 

Rob: And it's going to be great, but he knows a thing or two about drinking, which we need to have on this pod, especially with cocktails.

Cheryl: Oh, yeah, he, he knows how to, he knows how to kick back. 

Rob: He's the star, straw that stirs the drink. He is the 

Cheryl: straw that stirs the drink. Yeah, we, we opened a bottle of champagne last night and I had like one glass and Joe, cause I'm just, I'm not a drinker, I just don't drink anymore.


Rob: either. Well, listeners, on that note. Remember, you can listen to ad free and get bonus episodes at patreon. com slash Vanderpump Rob's where I am asking you, I'm imploring you right now. Listeners, if you've got 1, 5, or 8, there's something for you over there. Now the 1 doesn't get you anything, but it, but the six satisfaction of knowing that you're supporting this podcast, 5, you get some cool shit.

8. You get even more cool shit. So [00:42:00] patreon. com slash Vanderpump Rob's Cheryl. Thanks again. Thanks This has been a blast. We'll have to have you back on for season two of Southern Hospitality. Oh yeah. 

Cheryl: Season two is delightful. Oh, great. 

Rob: Awesome. Well, listeners, we'll see you next time on Vanderbump props.


Avenging Angel (1985)


Angel (1984)