Girls Unscripted: Rumor Has It (Southern Hospitality S1E6)

When Kate Riccio and Carolyn Murdock are on Vanderpump Robs it's not long before the podcast takes a swift turn into the world of the Nissan Rogue. Will Grace Lilly pull of the perfect event? Is Maddi focusing more on Trevor than Republic? Can Joe Bradley stop kissing people and get a dang promotion? It's the episode that throws the script out while floating on cloud 9.

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Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs, a podcast about Hollywood, Charleston, and everything in between. On today's episode, I welcome two [00:02:00] very special guests, the hosts of the podcast, Girls Unscripted, I know they're here.

Everyone calm down. It's Carolyn Murdoch and Kate Riccio. Hello. 

Kate: Caroline, don't you feel so famous? 

Carolyn: Oh my god, like where's my security? Thank you so much. 

Kate: Uh, and you, Rob, you just have like, that like, radio voice, hearing our names coming out of your mouth. Oh, it felt good. We needed that. I know. It felt like it was on an IMAX movie screen.

It was really something else, yeah. 

Rob: This is podcast 40 X. Your chairs are about to move. Water's going to spray at you. 

Carolyn: That's where that was coming from. You thought, you 

Rob: thought Twisters was going to be the media event of the summer, but no. 

Carolyn: I know this isn't. Summer came early. This isn't a Twisters podcast.

No. But that was a good ass movie. 

Rob: I haven't seen it yet. I haven't 

Carolyn: seen it. Guys, before, when I was getting ready for this podcast, I was literally listening to the Twister soundtrack. 

Rob: I [00:03:00] love 

Carolyn: it. I love it. I love it. 

Rob: That's a great sign. Were you a Twister home in the, like, 90s when it came out? Did your family have it on DVD?

Carolyn: Too scared. Too scared of it. Uh, it was on the television and I looked away. Living in Pennsylvania, I was like, this is gonna happen to me. This is gonna happen to me. And my parents were like, it's not gonna happen here. You're fine. That's what I thought you meant when you said a twister home. Like a home that was used to twisters.

That was definitely my home, too. I was gonna say, well, does Tennessee have tornadoes? Hell yeah! And I grew up in 

Rob: Kansas City. Oh, you got the 

Carolyn: worst, probably. I'm 

Rob: in Tornado Alley. 

Carolyn: You're in the alley, which is like only growing. Yeah, Rob, they literally, you have to see twisters. 

Rob: I know. Well, here's the thing.


Carolyn: Twist and Tornado Alley. Oh, no. 

Rob: I am dropping my dog off at Doggy Daycare in a couple of weeks because we're taking a trip. [00:04:00] To, uh, the old country of New York where we used to live. And I've 

Carolyn: heard of it. 

Rob: The plant, they call it the big apple. I'm not sure. we have two days between leaving the West coast and heading to the East coast.

And that one of those days is seeing the summer blockbusters because our dog cannot be left home for the length of a movie. 

Carolyn: Oh, one of those. Wow. Yeah. It's like a child. 

Rob: He is a child and one day he's going to grow up and be even more childlike. Now, I need to get a little bit of an update because Kate, you're returning to the podcast.

Of course, you know, the first time you were on, your car got stolen. I want to make sure, has any other cars been stolen since then? 

Carolyn: I think, and it's funny because you reminded me of that. I think my car was stolen. The day that I went on your podcast, 

Rob: I was like, we could have rescheduled. 

Carolyn: I was like, it's my first [00:05:00] podcast.

I can't miss it. Um, the car was, was found, but it was totaled. It wasn't originally totaled, but then they found, 

Rob: Oh no. yeah. There's 

Carolyn: a long story. I had a flirty cop.

There's a whole thing. Flirty cop, you know. She thought it was sand dust in the backseat of her car. I thought it was. Or sawdust, sawdust. She didn't realize it was what it was. That's how innocent I am. That's how sweet she is. I'm an innocent little girl. 

Rob: Hey, that's okay. We, sometimes you want to live in that world, but uh.

Carolyn: Yeah. You 

Rob: Carolyn, has your car been stolen or are you like, I don't know. Thank God, 

Carolyn: no. Okay. Nope. Nope. It's been crashed a lot. But like, no big deal. Well, Carolyn's car, Carolyn drives a Nissan Rogue, and I was like, how do you like this car? And she was like, it's great. I got in like a big accident with it and it like saved my life.

You know, I didn't die. So then I went out and bought a Nissan Rogue. So now we both drive the same car. I love what. We're slow and morphing. 

Rob: What's going [00:06:00] on here? This is truly friends coming together, helping each other out. Um, if I get a new car, it will be a Nissan Rogue. Look 

Carolyn: into it. I love mine. 

Rob: Uh, I think I got about 80 more years until I pay off my car.

And then, I will. 

Carolyn: Or it could get total, get sponsored. 

Rob: Both of these are great ideas. 

Carolyn: Carolyn's always singing with her business mind and I'm just thinking like the first thing that comes out, I'm like, total your car. Get a check and then you can get a new fraud. Go straight to fraud. You can't be anyone.

It gets totaled. 

Rob: Well, and now that we've recorded this, um, it's not fraud because we are It's satire. We're talking satire here. 

Kate: Yeah. Shit. That's true. What if it happened? The satire clause? 

Rob: Yes, exactly. Uh, so how's the podcast world treating you, Kate? I think last time you were on you, you guys had put out two episodes, maybe, maybe four.

I don't know. We were so new. 

Carolyn: Oh my god, that was so long ago. We've done, how, oh, Kate, how many [00:07:00] have we done since? About 40. About 40? I was going to say going to 50. Um, we're so much better than when we started. Oh my god, I listened to earlier episodes, and I wanted to die.

But, I do think the growth has been so fun. Also, just getting to know Kate better, like, we've known each other, For six years, however long, many years, but we weren't like best of friends. So it's been so fun just getting closer in that capacity. Fun fact, Kate didn't want to do this podcast. I just learned this the other day.

I thought you knew that. I had no idea. And now you stayed real 

Kate: quiet when I said that. 

Carolyn: I was like, Well, I hope she doesn't mean it now, but I think she doesn't mean it now. Well, first of all, I wouldn't say that. Yeah, I wouldn't. First of all, I couldn't have said it better myself. I just didn't want to do it because I was like, I don't know how I'm going to have the mental capacity to do all of this.

But then when we started doing it, it just became so fun and so easy. [00:08:00]And I mean, Rob, I'm sure you can relate. It's like when you start doing these things and when you continue to do these things, like in mine and Carolyn's case, we don't make any money. Yeah. Like, we genuinely are just doing it for fun. So, trust me, Caroline, if I still didn't like it, I wouldn't be doing it anymore.

I believe you for that. And I think seeing a community build was just like, I don't think either of us were really expecting it. We were doing this for fun to see what would happen. But once it started getting some traction, we were like, Whoa. Like what? Wait, hold on. Is there something here? So it's been so fun to just keep going.

And Rob, you're right. You, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, but I want to hype you up for a second because I talked to you, you remind me right in the beginning of Girls Unscripted and you gave us such good advice. And I remember texting Carolyn after me and like, this is what Rob said, this is the advice, like, like you really like helped us kind of get started indirectly.

Rob: Well, 

Carolyn: I'm happy 

Rob: to help. I always struggle with like the community aspect of it. Cause I'm a solo [00:09:00] podcaster and I'm just like, Hey, come on over. And I think there's something that inherently can happen when you just have, you know, a couple of people chatting, maybe bring on friends every now and again, yada, yada, but there's also like. Only so much like you have to take a path, right? And that path is, do I want to put like video on YouTube? Do I want to do the social clips? Or do I want to be like, you know, my end goal is maybe to help pay with the bills and have fun. So like I took the Patreon path. Nothing wrong with either one of those paths, but I do think when you talk about community, you all are doing it organically and correct and it's showing right, whereas I tried to skip that step and I still have fun and I have a community, but it was a, a longer road to hoe because I tried to like skip that, like, and not even thinking I'm skipping a step, you know, just like, Oh, this is what I do next.

And you got the benefit of learning from my mistake there in that. Last episode so 

Carolyn: whatever you're doing. It's working [00:10:00] for you. Yeah, I was gonna say it seems like you're doing great So I keep going i'm 

Rob: having fun 

Carolyn: I have a question for you and I know we have so such good shit to get into but When we spoke last time you were about to do your live show in la Would you do another live show?

Rob: Absolutely. I would love to do another live show. In fact, Molly and I are thinking about booking one for this fall, like a re up to what we did before. but we all should do a live show too. 

Carolyn: Well, I would, well, I was just going to say one down, but cause I was like, okay, you know, it would be fun if like, if like, I also kind of live in like a la la land where like everybody's friends and has fun, but whatever.

But like, if we got like all like the, like. The Bravo podcast like, like, you know, there's Bravo con for the Bravo. Why can't we have our own where we just like talk and I'll tell you, 

Rob: I don't think it's as hard as people think that it is. Like, I don't understand why the like Bravo podcast [00:11:00] community, at least near LA hasn't done something like this.

I mean, for my live show. Who TF knows Emily Rose and Vanderpod recaps flew to the West Coast to be a part of it, right? I did not 

Kate: realize that. Wow. So 

Rob: like Wow, 

Kate: that's awesome. 

Rob: We could easily do something with all of the creators here if other creators on the other side of the country are willing to come out for live events.

the ops are there. We just need the establishment that will host, you know, 

Carolyn: totally, where did you have your live show? 

Rob: Uh, at the pack theater We'll make it happen. We'll offline it now I have to keep moving 

Carolyn: this show. It's all 

Rob: right. This is, this is how business happens, folks. And man, 

Kate: I love this town. God, I love this town.

Rob: Well, Kate, of course, doesn't use the Lord's name in vain. So we know why she's here. 

Carolyn: Sweet, sweet [00:12:00] girl. 

Rob: Speaking of the Lord, Lord knows that I have to start plugging my Patreon at the beginning of episodes. So at this point, I forgive me. I have to remind my listeners that you can get bonus episodes, add free episodes, video episodes.

So see, this is what you can get folks. You join at patreon. com slash Vanderpump Robs. And, uh, the best part is you don't have to hear, celebrities trying to make another car payment by talking about some sort of.

Anyway, let's get into our recap today. We're watching Southern Hospitality season one, episode six, which aired on January 9th. 2023 the the bravo tv. com description Grace Lilly tries to impress Leva by creating a new event at Bourbon and Bubbles, but worries no one will support her after the disastrous trip to Charlotte.

Joe Bradley pursues a promotion that could [00:13:00] impact his budding romance with Mia. And the return of a controversial Republic employee causes division among the crew and unearths a scandalous rumor. Wow. All of that in one episode? Who could have thought?

Carolyn: This was jam packed. Wait, so I have a quick question. This is your first time watching Southern Hospitality, right? Yes, 

Rob: and I know nothing further than this episode. And I know 

Carolyn: it was Carolyn's first time too. Okay, so we're on the same page. Yes. I actively watched the show so I will not spoil anything, but just know, like, it gets better.

You know, like, I mean, I, like, I did like season one, but when I watched season two I was like, holy shit. Like, who, it was really interesting to me to see who, uh, Was friends this episode because I just know them as not being friends currently, or who wasn't friends. This episode that are friends currently, like a lot of shit happens in the show.

All I know 

Rob: about season two is there's a guy [00:14:00] who like pours milk on himself. 

Carolyn: You want to know something about that guy? 

Rob: Yes. Do I, do I, 

Carolyn: well, it won't spoil anything because they never talk about in the show. You've actually seen him on television before because unless you've heard this, but just kind of a deep cut, but it was like season nine, maybe a Vanderpump when Charlie Burnett was on Vanderpump rules, they had a party at Tom and Ariana's house and it was for Brock's birthday and it was like a steam punk 

Kate: party 

Carolyn: and Brock had a bunch of friends in town and one of his friends.

Like inappropriately touched Charlie by the pool. 

Rob: I remember this. 

Carolyn: And it was that guy. So now they're playing, they, it's the guy from season two that pours milk on himself and he like sells it on OnlyFans. But they never mention that on the show. They just pitch it as like, He's like, Oh, I met so and so when I was traveling and they asked me to come work here.

And it makes me wonder if Bravo placed him on the show or if it genuinely was Randall. 

Kate: Oh, he's [00:15:00] pleased. He's pleased. Fun fact. 

Rob: Because that's because let's remember this is on the east coast and Vanderpump Rules is on the west coast. So. When 

Carolyn: also this guy is literally from Ireland. So it doesn't make any sense.

Rob: Uh, okay. So we pick up at Leva's staff meeting. I have a lot of thoughts on how the business at Republic has run. Republic DMG, sorry. But, uh, Leva reminds the staff that Trevor shouldn't be posting demeaning videos of them, uh, because it makes the brand look bad. And. I don't know. How do we feel about this?

Uh, second question. How do we feel about Trevor posting these videos with the text, jerky Joe approved? 

Carolyn: I just don't fuck with Trevor. Nah, nah. You see a lot more of him in season two, but I think that there's, I'm actually kind of split because there's one part of me that's like, you should be able to post whatever you want.

It doesn't fuck matter. Like you work at a restaurant, chill [00:16:00] out. But those videos, they were a bit much. Like, workplace etiquette aside, I can't believe that they didn't care that that shit was gonna be aired on Bravo. Like, their parents are gonna watch that. 

Rob: Yeah. Yeah. Uh Well, this 

Carolyn: says a lot about me, cause I was like, I didn't see the big deal.

I was like Cause they already do that shit all the time. I mean, on the Instagram, their brand is big. Drunk and partying like that's true. That's what they're there to do So I guess there is a line when it does go too far For me, it didn't cross it for love it did and for for most of people it did but I was like She for her to be shaking from anger from it.

I was like leva like take it take it down Yeah, 

Rob: leva's a bit much but I also feel like it would be different if If it was one of them posting their own video of their sugar. Right! It 

Kate: wasn't even That's true. And I think It wasn't 

Rob: an 

Kate: employee. 

Rob: So, it's like, [00:17:00] they can't control what Trevor's posting. But also, like, let's have it come to Jesus of, Why is Trevor on this trip with everyone posting videos?

Like, I'm more pissed that you're, like, allowing this to happen and not taking ownership of it. Because any one of these dudes at the pontoon boat party can. Could have been filming you shaking your ass and it got, own your ass shaking. 

Carolyn: Also who fucking snitched? That's what I want to know, because you know, Leva doesn't follow Trevor on fucking Instagram.

So someone had to snitch and be like, Hey, Leva, look at what. I think a 

Rob: couple of people did. I think, I think Joe Bradley and TJ did, if I remember correctly from a previous 

Carolyn: episode. I remember when I first watched this show, I think what Bravo was trying to do, and I understand why they did it, but. They were trying to make Leva like the new Lisa Vanderpump.

And that does kind of fizzle out a little bit because it's just unrealistic. Like, like no one is as in to the lives of their staff as [00:18:00] Lisa Vanderpump is. And even that's weird. So like, I don't know. It just because it just became a little like, all right, Lava, you're obviously not that fucking mad about it.

You, you have these girls wearing No clothes serving food to your patrons. You obviously don't care that 

Rob: much. Does not care. Well, but you know who does care? Grace Lilly about her event. She's planning it's at bourbon and bubbles and it's called on cloud nine. And at six hours until the event, they decide to go pick up some flowers, which is fine.

You don't want overnight flowers at an event. So, uh, Lucia and Grace pick up the flowers and discuss how most of the staff have yet to have a spiritual awakening. But Grace has had like seven, apparently. 

Carolyn: That was my biggest note. Grace can do no wrong. Four, four spiritual awakenings are a lot. And like, I, I want to know the details of each.

I hope she goes into details of it. 

Rob: We got the details of one. That when she was sixteen, [00:19:00] she was quote, sent away. 

Carolyn: After being 

Rob: caught joyriding in a stolen vehicle, I must know more. 

Carolyn: Dude, I want like an E True Hollywood story on Grace Lilly. Like, it seemed like a crazy, like, that was just the one story she chose to tell.

Yeah. And it was just a snippet. It was a sentence. That was all she gave us. 

Rob: And she, I want to know what Else she gave production that production decided to be like, you know what this is what we need to put here, 

Carolyn: right? We're gonna go with the car thing. Do you guys know who chanel west coast is? 

Rob: Oh, yeah Don't you 

Carolyn: think they kind of look the 

Rob: same?

Uh, I don't know if you've 

Kate: seen her recently. I 

Rob: see what you mean. Yes Now, will Grace Lilly ever get that ridiculousness gig that she's been pining for? 

Carolyn: See, I think that if Grace Lilly just sat in on ridiculousness, people would not be able to tell the difference. They wouldn't. Well, that's 

Rob: true because they'd be laughing at all of the goofy [00:20:00] videos that are being shown.

Carolyn: It's just so goofy. 

Rob: Yeah. They're 

Carolyn: getting paid to just giggle. 

Rob: Yeah, uh, no one has shared Grace's flyer, so we're a little worried. 

Carolyn: It's hooked up. 

Rob: But, well, this is like Raquel's puppy party, right? She made the thing, she put it out there, she wants everyone, but no one's sharing her event for the puppy party.

luckily at least this flyer wasn't made on Instagram. You know, I actually had some design. 

Carolyn: Right. Maybe Canva. I'll, 

Rob: I'll, I'll give her Canva. Yeah. 

Carolyn: Canva may not have been out yet though. I love Grace Lilly. I, and you know what? Me too. Yeah. And, and, and like, she's just, I think she's fun. I think she was made for reality TV.

You Rob, you reminded me of wavy baby. Cause I haven't watched this in a while. Not today. She literally says it like four times an episode to have your own catchphrase. You're doing something right. 

Rob: Absolutely. And she knows it. Like I spoke with Molly McAleer a couple episodes ago and she reminded me [00:21:00] like they're trying to pit us against.

Uh, Maddie and Grace, but we can't be misogynistic going into these episodes. Like they're both their own full characters and Bravo's just trying to do their Bravo cookie cutter things. And I, cause my whole thought process going into this was, Oh, they, they want us to like Maddie and not like Grace Lilly, but it's not working on me.

And I like Maddie for multiple reasons, but I love Grace Lilly. Grace Lilly is my like favorite person on Bravo right now. 

Carolyn: Wow, that's that's saying a lot. I love Grace Lilly too. I do have a theory that no one likes her on the show. Like I don't think those are her real friends. I think she is alone on this boat.

And I think that part is kind of just not being mentioned. It's like, well, we were really friends before this Grace Lilly. Like, where are you coming with your wavy baby stuff? You know? 

Rob: 100%. Um, at the event on cloud nine. Joe Bradley shows up to show support before he heads to [00:22:00] Republic. Great. Good job, Joe.

Uh, he loves a good comeback story. So he's got to support wavy baby, Grace Lilly. Lucia, Mikkel, Mia, Bradley, and former Republic server Reagan arrived to show support as well. And then Leva arrives to inspect the event, but she's pretty. She's pretty, uh, proud of the moment and the turnout and the attention to detail.

They're putting cotton candy and champagne. It's like i've had 

Carolyn: that before. Oh, really? That's six flags about like 

Kate: You wouldn't drink something like that in six flags Can 

Rob: I tell you that is the second time six flags has been mentioned on this series of episodes like Okay 

Kate: I would not expect that could be yeah, do we smell a sponsorship from I 

Rob: need it.

I need i've had factored now. I need six flags Uh, you know, the event is very [00:23:00] grace lily coated and i'm okay with that. Um It feels a little shoehorned into this episode, quite frankly, but 

Carolyn: Yeah, I agree with you. 

Rob: Um, we're reminded that Joe Bradley and Mia had a fantastic makeout session after the NASCAR event.

Carolyn: It was awesome. 

Rob: Yeah. So 

Carolyn: good. 

Rob: So good. And we were, we were like really horny, but like, we didn't do anything. That's 

Carolyn: a pretty good Joe Bradley. 

Rob: Thank you. It's all in the teeth for Joe Bradley. Okay, 

Carolyn: can I ask a quick, quick question? Now that you guys are watching Southern Charm, isn't it kind of crazy that he was with Danielle from Southern 

Rob: Hospitality?

Well, we're watching Southern Hospitality. 

Carolyn: I meant to say that show. God, these spinoffs really just get me. I am not feeling wavy, baby. And 

Rob: I wouldn't be a great host if I didn't embarrass and correct my Guests? Sorry about that. No, as you 

Carolyn: fucking should. No. As you should. Carolyn, did you not know that he dated Danielle from Summerhouse?


Rob: And then cheated on her with Luanne. Did 

Carolyn: you hear that? I [00:24:00] hope you put, keep this silence in because I truly draw to the floor. 

Kate: Guys, where have 

Carolyn: you been? I was just, I forgot about, I knew there was someone that hooked up with Luanne from Southern Hospitality, but I didn't really know who they were so I didn't care, but now I care.

And I was just about to ask you guys, is it wrong that I think he's so attractive? And I take it all back! No, he is cute. He is cute. I thought he was cute, he's nice, he's smart, he's like all of the 

Rob: things. He shakes his chest. He's a little boy. He's 

Carolyn: hairless, he's a mole rat. Yeah. Liked. I don't have to think about it now.

Rob: The thing about Joe Bradley is that From what I've seen in these few, six episodes is that he, he seems a little bit like call him John Kerry. Cause he's flip flopping all over the place. That is a topical reference for those of us who voted like 20 years ago. no, he's, he really feels, he kind of goes with the wind on, uh, supporting people.

[00:25:00] And we get that a little bit later in this episode. 

Carolyn: If I'm quiet, it's because. I just can't say anything because I, I've seen the whole show. 

Rob: Okay. Okay. And here's the thing. Here's what's what's up though, is that Bradley, not Joe Bradley, Bradley thinks that Joe is only using the Mia make out story, uh, to make Maddie jealous.

Kate: Hard to agree. 

Rob: Yes. Hard to 

Kate: agree. 

Rob: Totally agree. Um, later that week, the staff arrived to Republic for an evening shift. Reagan arrives to work once again, and we're met with dramatic music, but we're not told why. Because she's not like in an outfit or anything, she's just wearing her own dress. She's the 

Carolyn: hot girl.

Rob: Yeah. Hot girls on this show? Hot men? Hot women? What? 

Carolyn: Just another hot chick. 

Rob: Uh, Lever reminds the staff that they've been short staffed and that they are in hiring season, which is really her telling us. We'll That, [00:26:00] uh, yeah, you see all these people that we're still short staff, 

Kate: right? 

Carolyn: Which is crazy at learning all these names has been difficult for me.

There are so many cast members I'm, just do you know who 

Rob: emmy is because emmy took me about five episodes to know 

Carolyn: They all look so similar to like it is I mean they don't look alike but they're all kind of like a similar vibe Yeah, it's a lot I had to rewatch, I had to rewatch the fight like five times because I was like, who?

To who? Yeah. What? To who? Yeah, but we'll get there. For what it's worth, it gets a little easier season two. They weed out some people and they get a better focus. I'm sure they do. Yeah. I was so curious. 

Rob: Well, everyone seems to like Regan except Maddie and possibly Will. 

Carolyn: Oh yeah. Well, but Will and Regan hooked up.

Yeah, that's what I'm 

Rob: saying, but she let him on. Will 

Carolyn: called her [00:27:00] the devil. Will hates Regan. 

Rob: The devil 

Carolyn: incarnate. 

Rob: Oh yeah, incarnate, I think is what he said. Will is really dumb. 

Carolyn: No, he's unhinged and he's acting like he's motherfucking Elle Woods up there. Like, you can't swim when you have a perm on the same day.

Like, he is like, the things that he is yelling at her, I'm like, You're just like, like stringing words together that you think makes sense. 

Rob: Also, one thing I want to talk about Will from a previous episode, because I still think about it every time I see him is when Emmy talks about Will trying to get her back and he like essentially stalks her and then 

Carolyn: in Emmy's 

Rob: like, And he would sleep on my futon and I'm like, what's going on here?

Like, why is he sleeping on at your house at all? Like, if you're not together, Hey, maybe I'm just been out of the game for too long. I don't know. 

Carolyn: No, I was going to say, okay, sorry. This is a, you know, more voices. I was going to [00:28:00] say, if you want to get a, like a peek into my college dating life, Will is a great prototype.

Kate: Hmm. 

Carolyn: Southern, frat, dum dum, but cute, super cute and charming a little bit, sort of. Okay, I have a question. Do you think Will is cute? I, when I was in college, I would be like, Oh, he's cute. I didn't see it at first, but they kept saying it. And I was like, wait a minute. I kind of see it now. They taught, the way that these like girls, all of the girls are like stunning.

Gorgeous and I don't want to sound mean but I feel like these guys are just like scrubs like like I don't know again. I've seen season two so I should just shut the fuck up But no these men should not have as much power over these women No, someone did call will like the most beautiful man in charleston or something.

That was crazy Like he's not that good looking and i'm like have you seen 2024 craig conover like hello 

Rob: How do we feel about the first episode where we get the [00:29:00]shirtless fruit salad eating though? I mean, the guys are at least in shape. 

Kate: Epic. Yeah. 

Rob: There's a thing. If the baseline is that we're all, you know, athletes and models, then you go from there.

If that's zero, then it's like, well, maybe not on that is 

Carolyn: true. 

Rob: They're not asking Will to wear a doctor's coat without a shirt on. 

Carolyn: Right. Let me tell you something. I'm talking a lot of shit, but if I was fucked up after a NASCAR race, I'd make out with Joe Bradley, too. That's what I'm saying. If I were to frat basement, I would be like, Oh, Joe Bradley.

Yeah, forget about it. Well, from what we what we've learned from both of these shows, Southern Hospitality and Charm, Is that the pickings for men are slim, like young men are slim in Charleston. I'm sorry, I'm still having trouble moving on from the fact that Joe Bradley hooked up with Luanne. Yeah, it's tough.

While he was dating Danielle. I'll move on, that's the last I'll speak of it. It's tough. It's, it's hard to get out of there. Okay, moving on. Well, and we, 

Rob: We don't have much [00:30:00] Danielle memory. We're not going to have any new Danielle memories. So this is where we're 

Carolyn: at. This is the last thing we think about.

This is your 

Rob: legacy. Yeah, that and Dawn. Um, so So they're hiring Reagan back. Everyone seems to like Reagan, except for Maddie and Will. Sierra who works at Republic. And his Maddie's roommate she was dating Bradley. Sierra was dating Bradley. And Reagan knew that and slept with Bradley anyways. Also, Reagan had been dating Reese while she was cheating on Reese with Bradley who was cheating on Sierra. For some reason, Bradley doesn't get any flack for this.

Carolyn: This is what I had to rewind like five times. I was like, who? Like, what? 

Rob: Why? 

Carolyn: Who? Where? 

Rob: Because they also didn't introduce any of these people. Like 

Carolyn: Yeah, well, they don't matter. We'll never meet them. Like, basically, I guess all they were trying to say is, like, they both cheated on their significant others with each other.

But you're right. [00:31:00] They didn't really give Bradley as much as Bradley kind of sucks. No, he's in this 

Rob: episode for sure. Like I thought he was just like cruising through the previous episodes. He kind of was just like, I work with these crazy people, but it turns out, no, he's in the mix. He 

Carolyn: becomes like, he is a, I, this is not a spoiler cause I'll say this after this episode, he is drama, he is sketchy, like he is not someone that I would ever tell my secrets to, I'll just say that.

Rob: Wow. 

Carolyn: And 

Rob: he loves to wear a turtleneck. 

Carolyn: Hey, he looks good in a turtleneck though. And 

Rob: not everyone can. there's drama and tension everywhere, but Mia brings Reagan to the back for a break. Mia's theory is that everyone hates her because, hates Reagan because she met her rich boyfriend at Republican.

He swept her off her feet and, you know, they're like, yep, that's it. They all, they all hate me because I have a rich boyfriend and I don't have to do anything anymore, yet here I am working on a [00:32:00] TV show and back at work at Republic. 

Kate: Yeah. 

Rob: Sure. Do we all want to get swept off our feet and not have to worry about bills?

Yes. But. I have a feeling that maybe that's not what everyone wants, or maybe this cast does want. Anyway, Regan says, if this is the case, that she's also heard a bunch of rumors about Maddie and her relationship, but, uh, she's gonna keep her mouth shut. We learn she doesn't keep her mouth shut, she just tells everyone.

It's like a very Vanderpump Rules thing. I will tell you, I've heard shit, but I'm not gonna say it to, like, everyone else. 

Carolyn: Right, by you saying that, you're basically, Not keeping your mouth shut. I was just going to go back to like the, the being a server just so you can get a daddy type feel thing that kind of made me sad for them.

I was like, Bravo, you didn't need to do that. Like that's a whole plot line of just, Oh, so they're just waitressing. So they can have some hot guy. Like, I don't know. I felt a little, you're right. She didn't say it like that [00:33:00] of like, she got what we all wanted. Like she met a rich guy who dropped 20, 000 on a table rate that night.

And like, I do believe Mia that a lot of them are probably jealous of Reagan. It's like kind of like Regina George vibes, almost like everyone hates her, but wants to be her. 

Rob: Well, and the other side of it is like, there's this lingering thing that. Throughout all of these episodes so far that, yeah, we work at Republic so that we can meet rich people and make rich people connections and like go on yachts and go to Tulum and fight over baseball players and do all this sort of stuff.

But like, even Mikkel was like, yeah, I got to go party on boats and stuff. But my thing is, is that. I haven't cracked the code, but why are they such a level of bootlickers? That is my thing this whole time. Like they have to have their social media monitored. They have to respect the business. They have to do all these things.

And I doubt they're getting a 401k. Like, I [00:34:00] don't think that there's job security here. 

Carolyn: We know it's interesting, Carolyn and I not to just to do like a. Not to do a subtle plug, but hey, 

Rob: plug away 

Carolyn: on our podcast, girls unscripted. We are watching Vanderpump rules from the start. And if you take this social media and this out of it.

It is like a mirror image to what they're trying to do in this first season of Southern Hospitality. For example, we just, uh, recapped the episode where they go to Vegas for Saucy's birthday and they get in a fight in this parking lot at this other restaurant. Vegas with 

Rob: a vengeance. 

Carolyn: Vegas with imagines.

Yes. And Lisa finds out about it and she's so upset because of the way that they represented Sir at this random hole in the wall shirt mall restaurant in Vegas. And Carolyn and I are both laughing about it like they don't know you. Why do you give a fuck? I feel like that's almost the same thing as Leva being like, you're not representing us well on social media.

Like, it must just be the form. I, I truly believe that That Bravo is using the exact same formula [00:35:00] they did for Vanderpump for Southern Hospitality, and that's why everyone's like kissing Lova's ass. And I think they only do it to be on the show. I think they just want to be on TV. I mean, they're all young, hot people that just are gonna do it.

But I did think it was crazy, and we'll get to this scene too, when Joe Bradley talks to Lova about his career, and she's like, Well, where do you see yourself in five years here? I was like, Five years?! And he's still there! Like, that's I stole at the restaurant, like five years. I 

Rob: better be getting like a title change every six months.

And yeah, this should 

Carolyn: be his launching pad. This should not be the final destination for Joe Brown. No, right. I totally, totally agree. It's so funny. 

Rob: Well, speaking of making money, I'd like to throw to a quick break and we'll be right back. The Republic gang. Get. To head to a VIP suite for a [00:36:00] river dogs base. We all, you know, our favorite team, the river dogs. 

Kate: I've been dying to go to a game. 

Rob: they're all barking. They're all waiting for, they're all waiting for their beers and their home runs and everything that you do at baseball games.

Uh, Grace Lilly wants to announce that she's got a date coming. That 

Kate: was fucked up. 

Rob: Gives a little backhanded compliment to Mia there for a minute.

Kate: Mia backed the fuck off. 

Rob: But I kind of like, this is the sort of thing where it's like, Grace Lilly was totally in the wrong with like the name she was Throwing out in the previous episodes, but this was, I felt like this is in, maybe I'm giving grace too much grace, but she's like trying to be like, no, I understand why you all are making fun of me.

And I'm trying to like play into that here. Now that the cameras are on me, a step the fuck back, but I just don't think it [00:37:00] landed. 

Carolyn: Yeah, you know what? I think you're right, Rob. I think that she is a bit more self aware than we are giving her credit for, like, I think she is how she is, but playing into this, you know, this, I'm spiritual, blah, blah, blah, whatever, but, She knows that she's on camera.

It's calculated. Like, it's all calculated. Not that that's a negative thing, but I do think it's probably low calculated. I think it's an and. Like, I think she's aware of how she comes across, and she really wanted to tell me how to, like, back the fuck off. Like, 

Rob: hopefully you'll let me 

Carolyn: try. 

Rob: Uh, I do love Lucia's quote here of, like, Don't use your sexuality to hurt other women.

It's too powerful. 

Carolyn: Lucy is awesome. She's a very underrated character. 

Rob: She definitely like, she is the older sister. Like, yes, granted she is older than them, but also like, she's like, I have wisdom that you all need to hear. I feel like she's 

Carolyn: also just like, she could tell them exactly what to do and they just won't [00:38:00] listen to her.

And she's like, what else can I do? You guys? Like, I'm trying my hardest here. Just enjoy the ride. Enjoy the movie. 

Rob: you know, I was going to say this earlier. So if no one made it this far into the episode, you just reminded me of something with Lucia here. Okay. When you were saying that the notes from podcasting world, when you were beginning were helpful, it's like the thing that I think clicks for girls unscripted and potentially for Vanderpump Robs.

I'll let the audience be the judge of that is that there are some people who are like, I put, and I heard this on my favorite podcast too. So I'm kind of stealing from your Kickstarter sex, but like, there are people out there that like put the Lego pieces together. And it's like, I know that piece one goes to piece two and piece three goes to piece four.

And then I should have something successful, right? They're missing the fact that there's like a spark or like something you need that like makes it. unique and your own. And I think Lucia here, like trying to give the advice, it's like, they don't know that missing piece. Like they can hear [00:39:00] all the things that they're supposed to do, but they don't know that personal piece that makes it its own.

So, you 

Carolyn: know, who, you know, who will tell them that piece. 

Rob: Who? 

Carolyn: Time. 

Rob: Oh, wow. You just blew my mind. 

Kate: you were going to say there. 

Rob: I'm clipping that for social media, by the way. 

Carolyn: Thank you. Oh, God, that's all I wanted. 

Rob: Everyone finds out that Reagan continues to drop breadcrumbs about Maddie and Trevor and now we know Reagan needs to 

Carolyn: shut the fuck up.

Sorry. Exactly. Sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off, but I'm pissed at her. 

Rob: It's important that we speak our truths here. And it was very important that we also find out that this might deal with peanut butter. And I, this show, like, is, the, we didn't need it. I'm, it comes up later, but like, having the like, smoking gun of peanut butter, like, planted before a commercial break, was wild.

Carolyn: But also it ended up being like, nothing. Yeah, [00:40:00] I was just gonna say, like, 

Kate: Yeah. Here's 

Carolyn: what I, here's what I love about this show though, is like, you know, we're hearing this weird hint about peanut butter and it's like, that's weird, but it's the exact reason why I do love Vanderpump Rules or I loved it when it first came out is because they are all actual friends and sometimes they bring up stuff that happened off camera and that helps drive the storyline.

I like this show because whether or not they like each other or not. They are in each other's lives. They actually work together, and they have this dirt on each other that makes it feel authentic, you know? I enjoy watching that a lot more than just random people thrown in a house together. 

Rob: One 

Carolyn: hundo.

And Charleston is a small town. Like, you kind of do, everyone knows everyone in some, like, six degree separation capacity. 

Rob: Yeah. And as I've said pretty much on every episode, Charleston, you're still on watch. I'm [00:41:00] not, I'm not done with you yet. You know, clean up your act. Are 

Kate: you, are you a bit sus about Charleston?

Rob: I'm sus about Charleston. The only thing I support is Sewing Down South. So you, you have yet to win me over. 

Carolyn: What about a Charleston chew? 

Rob: Wow. Those are delicious, but, uh, still haven't won me over yet. Hopefully by the end of season two of this. Anyway, the next day at Maddie's house, Joe Bradley is helping design her closet.

Okay. Joe lets Maddie know that he and Mia kissed again. And part of it wants to make her jealous. Sure, yes, we know this. And Maddie reminds Joe that Mia is high maintenance and is dating a new man every other day. So, maybe it's working? 

Carolyn: Okay, here's my thing real fast. Joe is 100 percent trying to make Maddie jealous.

Mia, I think genuinely has a crush on Joe. And Maddie, I feel like is the type of girl that she doesn't want to be with Joe, but she doesn't want that attention to be off of her. So she's trying to steer Joe away [00:42:00] from Mia instead of being like, supportive because all Joe wants to be is in love. Joe loves love.

We, we kind of see that in this season. We know that about him just from, we just know about him with the whole Danielle thing. And I think he, unfortunately in Gen Z terms is a bit of a simp. 

Kate: Wow. Because 

Carolyn: it's like, if, Maddie, and also Maddie shouldn't allow, she knows Joe likes her, she shouldn't allow him to come in and fucking paint her closet purple, yet he's still gonna do it because he's a bit of a simp for Maddie.

Like, it's just a crazy web that, It's not fair to anyone. And I feel bad for Mia in this. And I'm going to call it now later in the season, Joe's going to say how he really feels. And she's going to be like, well, how was I supposed to know that? I thought we were just like best friends when you know that you weren't just best friends.

Everyone knew that you weren't just best friends. 

Rob: And I'm sorry, sometimes you have to tell your friend. They always know like they know the girl knows [00:43:00] like when you've got a crush on her. She knows 

Carolyn: she knows like she knows like she's not blind.

It's so obvious He likes her. 

Rob: Well, I'm like you're lying to yourself To, to say like, well, I haven't been honest with her about my feelings and 

Kate: I, 

Rob: I just need to tell her that I have a passion for passion and it's just, no, she knows dude. And if you were honest with yourself, Joe Bradley, you would know she knows.

And I'm looking directly at my camera now, Joe, she knows. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Speaking back four years or whatever this came out, uh, Later that night at republic joe bradley is taking a meeting with leva about getting more responsibility We talked about this and he wears his glasses like a real sophisticate.

He's I think he looks hot 

Carolyn: in the glasses I'll say that. Oh, yes. I like the glasses. He's 

Rob: got some clark kent energy in this. Yeah, you know It was like a 

Carolyn: hint of, like, Spider Man. 

Rob: Someone give this man a [00:44:00] superpower. And we talked about this, Leva wants to give Joe more managerial experience by being the director of VIP sales at Republic DMG.

Jesus Christ, say that five times fast. He has to be fair, um, with the staff. He has to deal with their bullshit and he cannot date anyone. And this one I was saying earlier, in the description they're like, this throws a wrench in his gears with Mia. But it throws a wrench in his long game of dating Maddie, I think.

Carolyn: There's multiple wrenches. And just what a coincidence that those wrenches just happened to be thrown while we're filming a reality show. 

Rob: Who knew? Wild Joe's got his glasses on. He's gonna get grease on his glasses. well, it's National Sex Day and Reagan's birthday and they're gonna party at MESU with a group of folks who are drinking a lot.

And Reagan 

Carolyn: better get railed that 

Rob: night. Oh yeah, Reagan, Reagan needs to get railed. She lets us all know this. the rest of the Republic game are hanging [00:45:00] out at, I thought this restaurant was called Griffin, but apparently it's Griffon.

Carolyn: I think it was Griffin because I had this, okay, I had the subtitles on. Griffon! And they were talking about Griffon and the subtitles like made it like a fancy French name. And then we see the sign that's just like, Old English! Old 

Rob: English with a griffin. A 

Carolyn: griffin, yeah. But you know what, I was, I thought that same thing too, but I was like, maybe that's just like, a joke.

Cause like, we'll be like, let's go to the clerb. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Carolyn: Or say, tarjay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's funnier. Because we are millennials, I guess. Yeah, exactly. 

Rob: We also hate the word moist. 

Carolyn: My mom says that all the time. My mom's like, so what? I can't say moist anymore. How am I supposed to describe my cake? I'm like, mom, who's telling you?

How many times do you have to 

Rob: describe your cakes, mom? Okay, I was 

Carolyn: just over 4th of July and she said that like 3 times. She's so upset about it. I don't understand why. Like, it's been a big part of her life, but anyways, 

Kate: sorry. 

Carolyn: [00:46:00] Morning cake, my cake is moist. 

Rob: Kate's mom, you get a pass. 

Kate: Uh, 

Rob: Maddie makes a comment about how Reagan's boyfriend isn't there. Uh, Oh, um, but Bradley is, and it couldn't at all be because of filming. 

Carolyn: I was gonna say, yeah, if I were a 33 year old dude dating a 23 year old hot chick, I wouldn't, I wouldn't want to be involved. Okay, but doesn't it also kind of give you, like, I, I'm so sorry I keep comparing it to Vanderpump Rules.

I'm horrible 

Rob: about this. Well, you're on a podcast called Vanderpump Robs. I think it's 

Carolyn: okay. Okay, you know, you're right. This is, this is the right place. We're talking directly to our listeners here. I feel like it's the same vibe with like Lala and Randall when like Randall wasn't around he was like this weird older rich guy and everyone was always like, where is he?

Where is he? Where is he? You know, yeah, like mind your fucking business. I think it was a little interesting. This girl just randomly shows up and now she's the main character of the episode. 

Rob: Yeah. [00:47:00] Feels lazy, almost. It's like they didn't 

Carolyn: have, they had no drama for a second. So, 

Rob: well, they were 

Carolyn: found out like how entangled she is. And they're like, fuck. Yeah. Just like plopped her in. 

Rob: I could also see like them being like, Oh, Maddie and Grace, like are on good terms on episode two. And even though they fought, like, they're not like getting bought, throwing bottles at each other.

Like we're here. 

Carolyn: This what it was set up that it would be like foe versus foe this entire time and like within the pilot They were like, but it's okay. 

Rob: Yeah 

Carolyn: Where do you go from there? I want to say something 

Rob: No, you're not allowed. We must find it out organically. Okay, 

Carolyn: fine I won't say anything but my theory is that they found out about this whole The production found out about Emmy and Trevor hooking up and this whole peanut butter thing.

Kate: That's what 

Carolyn: I'm saying! Yeah, and they wanted to find a way to incorporate that, [00:48:00] and they had to go so roundabout that they had to bring Reagan in and create this entire episode just to get to that one. 

Rob: I wouldn't doubt it. I have a feeling that when things are boring, In the, you know, production world that they have to then just like, okay, out of what we have and what we know, how do we then create the thing we need, you know, which by 

Carolyn: the way, is incredibly impressive.

Like, it is, it is such a strategic puzzle. That's like D orchestrated. 

Rob: Yeah. Uh, well, let's get to that part. Um, Emmy says. When, when everyone converges at Griffin, you know, both parties are now they're Griffon. Uh, Emmy says it's like the last meal with Jesus vibes. And then Maddie breaks the tension and the fights begin and will breaks it down.

Okay. Suspicion, evidence, confession, uh, the suspicion is there are [00:49:00]rumors that they cheat. The evidence is that Joe Bradley says he heard Bradley and Reagan having sex 

Kate: and Joseph. That's all true. It's 

Rob: yeah right there. He's 

Kate: like 

Rob: But then in his you know in the or one on one Talking head. He's like, well, I didn't hear moaning, but I did hear.

And, uh, yeah, we all know what's going on. Joe don't clean 

Carolyn: it. I was when they had him do the sound effects because he was so sincerely just answering the question. It was like. He just 

Rob: wants to be good at his job, whether it's VIP directing manager or public DMG or character on this show. And then the confession Reagan told Emmy.

If I fuck Bradley and he runs his mouth, I'm going to ruin him. Which I would say is a questionable confession considering it started with an, if I do this, [00:50:00]

Carolyn: imagine saying that you're going to ruin someone. If they talk about having sex with you and then you go through with having sex with them. I'd be shaken in my boots.

Like, why would you do that? You're going to have to have that thought. There's plenty. You're a hot girl, Reagan. Like there's other people. 

Rob: It doesn't seem like there's a shortage of people who want to fuck in this town and like are probably Her, her cup of tea. Let's put it that 

Carolyn: way. 

Also, you know, that will practice that speech 17, 000 times before he can't on camera.

No, I feel like will is the guy though, that you're like hanging out with your friends. It's like a low key hang everyone's drinking beers and he gets a little too fucked up and just does. And he like, you know, those people and they just, every argument, every conversation is a heated argument and they need their case until they are proven.

Right. It's giving early Craig a little bit like, yes, it's like really messy, 

Rob: maybe less Adderall [00:51:00] and more just, but Adderall, um, but you're absolutely right. It is giving early Craig and. But it's also giving like a dude who's 25 and figured it all out already, 

Kate: you know, he's going to law school. Yeah. 

Rob: I know what's going on.

I, I understand. I've had that epiphany moment. So 

Carolyn: much so that I can describe it in three succinct parts. 

Rob: Yeah. I, and I only know this because I've been that guy at 25, you know, the know it all, the smug asshole who just finished college and is like, well, good. Now it's now all I got left to do is die and show everyone how smart I know you're 

Carolyn: so fucking right I did love Reagan did nothing for me this episode.

I couldn't even tell you what her voice sounds like but I did love That actually sounds really by reagan. I'm sure you're a great girl But I love, she did fucking nothing for me, but no, she did make me laugh when this argument's [00:52:00]going on and she's just sitting there and she's like, Oh, his daddy's a lawyer or something like that.

That was good. That was, that was all she said. Oh, she said it was, it was epic. 

Rob: Yeah. The, the weird thing here is that we get Maddie yelling at Jobing. Like you can't deny it. You told me and the subtext there is like, because you have a crush on me. And then Bradley says, the only reason Maddie is concerned about Reagan is because Emmy fucked Trevor.

Carolyn: That came out of nowhere. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Carolyn: I needed a whiteboard for this shit. Like what? I think because this, this kind of does become an overarching thing that they do throughout this entire show, where if anyone is having relationship problems, they will always throw it back on the person that's questioning them and be like, well, you have relationship problems too.

And people have a tendency. Maddie Reese runs her fucking mouth a lot. I think she is la la like they are the same exact person [00:53:00] And I I even think like I couldn't even imagine what maddie was like when she drank, you know Like she runs her mouth a lot. So I think a lot of people are kind of just like I mean, there was even that scene where she was like, I never said I didn't like Regan, and they were like, Yes, you did!

You just did it like two seconds ago! I think she's like, I think she just talks a lot, and people get tired of her acting like she's a little Miss Perfect, and can like, comment on everyone else. So it very quickly gets thrown back onto Trevor being an asshole, and well, Trevor, Did this because they can't really say much about Maddie, but Trevor sucks.

Rob: Well, and like, they have to throw in like, and if it's not bad enough, there was peanut butter involved. And it's just like, Can 

Carolyn: I also say, like, when they mentioned that peanut butter was involved, There's only one thing that could mean. Either it was on the dick or on the nipples. Literally. That's about it.

Like, that's a big deal. No one's, 

Rob: no one's memory or imagination was running wild with this. We're [00:54:00] like, okay, 

Kate: what could it 

Carolyn: possibly be? Where did it go? Were animals involved? Like, no, it's just peanut butter. 

Rob: Well, and also I think she said they were like sophomores in college. It's like 

Carolyn: they weren't even, yeah, it was a bomb drop.

Exactly. Exactly. 

Rob: Ah, well, 

Carolyn: even, even Bradley was in the confessional, like I'm not ready to speak on this yet. 

Rob: And emmy like cut to emmy being like, yeah, I think I licked it off his dick. I don't know Yeah, 

Carolyn: that you know, that is something I do like about will and emmy like right now where it's like I feel like they're super secure in their relationship and they like even at the game Will was like go flirt with g lily's man.

Let's see if we can piss her off like they're toxic But it is like at least you know They're on each other's side and they're not so against each other. There was something that I found to be interesting in this scene too, where Maddie, I mean, God, she was just coming to everyone, but she's coming at Reagan.

And she says [00:55:00] something like, Oh, like, like, these are the people you care about. These are the people you want at your birthday dinner. And I read into that as. We haven't seen you in months. 'cause you fall off the face of the earth and now you're coming back. Coincidentally, when we're filming a TV show and all the people that you invited to your birthday dinner are people that are on the TV show.

Like to me, it looks like Reagan's trying to get on this TV show. 

Rob: Yeah. And to us. Well, she got on well. Yeah. And she succeeded. 

Kate: And 

Rob: to us as viewers, it's like. Okay, we already explained it all to each other in this episode, like, The drama was discovered by production. They're like, would you like to be on this TV show?

Right. Hell yes! You know? There's no attempt at anything. They all know how things get shot on this. But as the fight continues, the episode ends. With Grace Lilly taking a selfie in the middle of it, and I loved it. Loved it. It was the 

Kate: most beautiful ending to the episode. So good. Oh, she's so funny. Crazy baby!

[00:56:00] Well, 

Rob: we're gonna have a beautiful ending to this podcast by doing my final segment, which I call Bourbon in Bubbles. Where we choose our bourbon, which is the thing that we think is bad. And we choose our bubble, which is the thing we think is good. I'm the first person I think to ever come up with this concept.

So I hope we all enjoy. No, you do so good. 

Carolyn: Like I, by the way, the bourbon bubble thing, that was really smart. 

Rob: Thank you very much. It used to be Pumptini and Pasta, but I'm on a different show now. 

Carolyn: Which one was good and which one was bad? 

Rob: Between the Pumptini and Pasta? 

Carolyn: Yeah, like what, yeah. 

Rob: Oh, well, of course the Pumptini is good and the Pasta is bad. 

Carolyn: Because it's not about the pasta makes it bad 

Rob: and so much screaming involved with pasta and drug use and we all know drugs are bad So, 

Carolyn: okay understood.


Kate: glad it's so good Pumptini 

Rob: is pink and joyful and fruity and Sweet, right? So I've had plenty when I [00:57:00] used to drink. Anyway, Carolyn, would you like to go first on the bourbon and bubbles segment? 

Carolyn: I'd be happy to my bourbon and this is His note here literally says like you can go avant garde with this I won't go that crazy But I will say just overall my bourbon was Maddie this episode because I started the season really liking her and thinking she's really fucking cool, DJ, sober, self starter.

And this episode, she just did a few, and every scene, I was like, ee, uh, uh. Speaking of ee, uh, uh, that is a nice segue into my bubble, because my bubble is, is indeed Joe Bradley making sound effects. Of what he heard of Reagan and, um, Reagan and Bradley. Yes. And it laid out or whatever of bubble for sure. So those are mine.

Rob: Those are great. Kate, what are yours? 

Carolyn: Okay, not to do a cop out [00:58:00] because we literally just talked about it, but I literally wrote down that my bubble is G Lily taking selfies at the table at the end absolutely sent me. 

Rob: Ding ding, you and I both, you and I both. Yeah, 

Carolyn: that was so goddamn funny. I don't even care if it was spliced in there from a different moment, like the editing, it was just so good.

Um, my bourbon unfortunately also has to do with Maddie. I just, I've seen this before, and I think that she is Taking advantage of Joe Bradley's kindness because she knows that he likes her and she's still allowing him to like do things for her. But I guess maybe she just thinks that they're friends, but like we said earlier, she knows they're not motherfucking friends.

Like, if she wanted to date him, he would be down on one knee in one second. Like he's in love with her. 

Rob: One hundo P. Uh, for me, the bubble, same thing. Grace Lilly, like I said. It has to 

Kate: be. 

Rob: I, I do believe Grace Lilly. You know [00:59:00] what listeners you go back and you count what all of my bubbles and all of my bourbons are.

Bourbons. Oh, that's 

Kate: a new one. That's for, that's the X rated. That's Patreon 

Rob: only folks. 

Carolyn: Yeah. That's only fans. 

Rob: Yeah. Uh, I'm thinking about doing something with this cake. Anyway. 

Carolyn: It's moist cake. 

Rob: Yes. Uh, Grace Lilly taking a selfie is wonderful. My bourbon is going to have to be. Trying to like get one over on me by like sharing something from her past.

Like, aren't we all like, like it's hard for me as a man, who's about to turn 40 and less than 14 days. Uh, I feel like you don't just use whatever you have in the arsenal, right? Like, and I feel like we as a society have reached a point where we're like, Some things when you're fighting are just off limits, 

Kate: you 

Rob: know?

And Bradley, if you're going to try and dig, Maybe do something that's [01:00:00] actually like good, like a good dig. This is just stupid. And you, you really thought you did something there, but really you're just like outing someone's sexual past. Like 

Carolyn: that ain't 

Rob: good, man. Like 

Carolyn: wasn't even a good bird. No, 

Rob: it just made him look bad.

Carolyn: Yeah. We were talking about how we're like confused about who's who and all the names. What I'm more confused about is who is actually friends with each other. Yeah. Because it's like, you're right. Like he did do that and I'm like, but is he not friends with Emmy and Will? Like what? Like, and 

Rob: tj like, 

Carolyn: yeah.

T you know, TJ doesn't, he is in the show obviously, but I feel like he's not like a huge part of it for a lot of these episodes because there's just such bigger personalities. Yeah. But he's really interesting to me because he has a huge Southern Charm connection. 

Kate: Yeah, 

Carolyn: and you'll, I mean, this isn't a spoiler or anything, but he was in the most recent season of Southern Charm, just like at a party.

And we do learn this season two of Southern Hospitality, but it is not a spoiler. But his [01:01:00] roommate, is currently dating Taylor Anne Green from Southern Charm. So there's like a lot of crossover with TJ, who's actually friends with all these people in Charleston. So I wish that we would be getting like a bit more of him, but he's just not in like the current drama.

Rob: They're, I think, currently filming season three. So hopefully we get that, but we have talked for a long time and I want to allow the space for Carolyn and Kate to plug your podcast and let people know where to find you. 

Carolyn: Carolyn, take the floor. Well, if you want to listen to Girls Unscripted, we talk about all reality topics.

We have a weekly gab episode. We also are re watching Vanderpump Rules from the beginning. So we're on season one, episode like five at the moment. It's a lot of fun. We are on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, YouTube. You can find us on Instagram at Girls Unscripted Pod. And on TikTok, are we on [01:02:00] Girls Unscripted Pod as well?

I think so, man. That's it. That's been a hard one to manage, but yeah, you can find us, but we're in all those places. So wherever you want to listen, 

Rob: excellent. Listen to 

Carolyn: do it. Good at that. 

Rob: It's it's amazing. Well, yeah, did it. And listeners right now, the link to that podcast is in the show notes. So as you're listening to me talk right now.

You can be going there and subscribing and not missing on these sweet, sweet credits of this episode. So of course, once you're done going and subscribing to girls unscripted, you can also join Vanderpump props premium where you get bonus and add free episodes. Everyone loves it. All the cool kids are doing it.

You don't subscribe though, because you get something. You join the Patreon because you like what I'm doing and you want to make sure that it continues. And then as an added bonus, you get bonus and ad free episodes. So, [01:03:00]you know, like change your way of thinking. It's not what you get, it's what you're providing.

And then you can like have that sick satisfaction of knowing you're a good person. It's like charity. Yes, exactly. Write it off your taxes. You know, I don't know if that's legal, but you know. Try it and 

Carolyn: let us know if it works. Yeah, 

Rob: write in. Leave a five star review. Were you able to write this off? Uh, Carolyn, Kate, thanks for joining me.

This was a whole lot of fun and uh, we'll see everyone next time on Vanderpump Robs. 

Carolyn: Thanks, Rob. Thanks so much, Rob.


Kate Shapiro: Sex, Lies and Audiotape (Vanderpump Rules S6E5)


Brett Kenyon