Sweet Baby JoJo: Woman Scorned (Southern Hospitality S1E8)

When it's time for a Southern Hospitality finale, first timers get educated in Bravo 101. Will Joe Bradley understand the error of his ways? Does Maddi really want Kala to protect her heart? Are we ever going to see The Milkman on this show?! It's the episode that brings on an expert in television pilots to talk about the exact opposite.

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Rob: welcome to Vanderpump Rob's podcast about Charleston and sometimes Hollywood, I guess. Uh, we've, it's, it's been a long journey to the end of Southern Hospitality season one, but we're here. And of course I had to bring back a very special guest, 

sweet baby Joe from Piloting Error.

Hello, Joe. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Hi, Rob, 

Rob: Joe, I made a promise to you when we covered angel four on the Patreon that the next time I'd have you on the podcast, it would not be for an intensely horny episode. Now, there are horny elements to Bravo shows all over the. Oh, yeah, 

Sweet Baby JoJo: but this one definitely had some. 

Rob: But it [00:03:00] was not a Femme Fatales, and it was not a USA Up All Night, uh, type movie, like Angel 4, so.

Sweet Baby JoJo: It was the first one that's semi normal. 

Rob: Yes, one that could pass the, uh, litmus test of, is anyone getting off to this? Which, I guess no, it doesn't pass that either, but not as much as the other ones. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Right. I mean, you definitely could if you wanted to. 

Rob: For sure, I mean, I feel Bradley. Bradley. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Which one? So this is my first thing.

I cannot remember any of their names. 

Rob: Sure. Well, there's Joe Bradley. There's Bradley. There's Will, there's Emmy, there's Maddi, there's Grace Lily, there's Lucia, 

it's definitely of an era of names. It's like that meme where it's like Mackenzie, Trapenzee. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yeah, just the chalkboard of nonsense names. Yes. 

Rob: but here, [00:04:00] before we dive into it, what you been up to Joe?

I saw there was a, a recent piloting error release. Y'all love to surprise us with those. 


Sweet Baby JoJo: Oh, we sure do. Um, I mean, our release schedule has been all over the place and our record schedule is all over the place right now. I 

Rob: love that. 


Rob: That's my favorite thing about the show. You never know when one's going to drop.

Sweet Baby JoJo: It's the beautiful thing of 

working too much and still wanting to make a really good show. 


Rob: Tell me about it. And 

Sweet Baby JoJo: hard life. 


Sweet Baby JoJo: Hard out here for 

Rob: a pimp. It is, 

You know, I'm working on this secret project. I'm not allowed to talk about yet, but, uh, 

one person I may or may not have interviewed for it did work on, 

Sweet Baby JoJo: ***************. Yes. Yeah. My favorite, my favorite reality TV show. 

Rob: Yes. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Probably the best one. You finally get to put a, put a face to the name. Big 

Rob: What a wonderful time, but we're not here to talk about that show. We're here to talk about Southern Hospitality [00:05:00] season one, episode eight, the finale of the first season, which originally aired on January 23rd, 2023. Title is woman scorned. And the description from Bravo TV. com goes like this. Grace Lilly throws an upscale event to host levels. Friends, Emmy urges will to apply to law school. Lucia fights to save her impaired relationship with her son's father. After a record breaking summer at Republic, Leva rewards the team with a luxurious yacht day, where Joe Bradley finally admits his romantic feelings for Maddi, leading to a showdown with her boyfriend.

Later on, When Mia finds out Joe professed romantic feelings for both her and Maddi, both women explode on him at Republic, landing Joe in hot water with Leva. One of the longer descriptions that looks like it was like halfway written by AI. And then someone was like, we need to put something in here about, 

Sweet Baby JoJo: yeah, you've got to [00:06:00] put a little human touch in there to your description of a boat party gone wrong.

Rob: Yeah, exactly. The thing I have found throughout this whole first season, Joe, and I don't know if you only watched this episode. I'm going to assume you only watched this episode. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: I did. I had intentions of watching through season one. And then, well, I guess, I guess I did leave it running last night while I was asleep.

So maybe osmosis absorbed some more of season two. 

Rob: These are 20 minute shows in 40 minute blocks, and I think even the finale show, you think the finale, you're going to get a whole bunch of shit, but there's still like a good 20 minutes of like cut scenes and fluff and conversations that don't really go anywhere.

And like failed, failed storylines, like you could tell they were trying to do something, but it just didn't have the gravitas. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yeah, I mean, I think one of the most striking things about this is just how, how much less is [00:07:00] happening than happens in like an episode of Vanderpump Rules and how uninteresting and I'm sorry, how uninteresting the people's problems are.

Rob: So much so. And it makes me wonder, like. What is Bravo doing? I don't think they ever have a real plan to like, this is a hit. They just like have a collection of ideas and like rely on teams that have made shows before, and they just hope that someone stands out and like pulls a bunch of shit.

But this show in general, this season in general had some Had some points where you're like, we thought we were going to get something that just didn't like that. We're introduced to grace lily and Maddi Reese as like. Once friends now enemies and by like the second episode they've made up so that's going nowhere 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Like oh my I cannot believe you you're such a piece of shit and you know instead of just a big climactic like [00:08:00] Moment it just turns into well, then I'm leaving and I'm gonna go to bed early tonight Yes, cuz I gotta be up.

Rob: A few episodes ago, they introduced a woman named Reagan, who we never see again, but apparently she got hired at Republic turns out just a chess piece to like, give us context for a whole other fight that. Was done within two episodes. And so it's like you all were really like Grasping at straws this season and will I get to watch season two?

Yes, but of course I see through the veneers I know what's good 

Sweet Baby JoJo: here. I mean, you've you've got the keenest eye of any of any Any, uh, reality TV analyst out there. 

Rob: And, and a podcast or that, can you believe it? Wow. Well, we pick up on Bradley and Maddi in a fight at bourbon and bubbles.

Bradley says he was with another girl, but he wasn't exclusive with Kayla at the time and he wasn't getting his dick sucked. So Maddi's argument is totally false. [00:09:00] Uh, I find it funny that we talked about this last episode, but like Maddi's like, I didn't tell Kayla that you cheated on her. I told her to protect her heart, which is worse, right?

Like a vague text rather than just like no text or a direct text. Like, give me a break. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: They're they're they're all such wieners when it comes to conflict. It's so odd. Yes I couldn't and I also could not I don't and maybe I just was not paying enough attention and not seeing season one hurts this Like what the fuck is republic?

Is it just it's it's just a party venue where they rent out to like big parties or is it like a club where you go? You know for some reason you have like a host like you wouldn't Korea, 

Rob: a little bit like, you know, King street in, uh, in Tennessee, um, they, or not Tennessee and Charleston, uh, South Carolina.

I know my [00:10:00] geography, which this 

Sweet Baby JoJo: also pales in comparison to the other South Carolina reality TV show that I know you were a fan of Southern charm. 

Rob: Yes. And this is a spinoff, but it's not. Near what it could be. Yeah. Cause Leva who owns Republic is on Southern Chime in a lot of these 

Sweet Baby JoJo: reasons. Okay. 

Rob: So Republic is one of her businesses and it is like a nightclub on like their downtown strip, but it is a bottle service club.

So you can go there and just like go to the bar. Hang out on the patio or you can say we're gonna buy four 2, 000 bottles of champagne and have a group of people here and Then you get like wait, you should get a sip. Yeah and VIP service, right? So you go to the bar. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Oh What a what a wonderful thing that I would love to spend my money on.

Oh instead of 

Rob: I can't wait to go to a loud place with my friends and spend 2, 000 and you know [00:11:00] what? Even 200 and I'm splitting amongst 10 people that I can't talk to. If I'm spending 200 in an evening, I'm going to like five or six different places. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Absolutely. 

Rob: Yeah. they both decide Maddi and Bradley are like, okay, we're over this fight. So quick. Leva shows up to Bourbon and Bubbles, which is her other place, which is where this event is and tells TJ and Mikkel that, uh, she's proud of how great their classy pride event is.

She then pulls Will off to the side to talk about. How passionate Will has been at work lately. Will is thinking about going to law school, but Leva is encouraging him. To be a shift lead at her bar. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Wow. I was screaming at this part. Like this is probably the most passionate I got watching this was when he was like, I don't know if I want to go back to law school.

I was like, go back to fucking law school. What are you doing? 

Rob: Why? [00:12:00] The fact is like, if your options really are go to law school. Or work at a bar 

Sweet Baby JoJo: work in service industry for the rest of your life. 

Rob: Yes, exactly. And I mean, this also goes to show you like, we know his dad is also a lawyer, but like it, if we didn't know that, we also know that he just comes from a rich family because he, well, I mean, like if you, if you are really like, well, I could continue working at this bar and partying, or I could go on a career path.

Sweet Baby JoJo: True. True. 

Rob: He doesn't have any fear of wanting for 

Sweet Baby JoJo: anything. No fear of failure. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Somebody needs to put the fear of God into that boy. 

Rob: Yeah. Uh, and I think that person is you, Joe. I think you can do that. I could. Let's take a trip to Charleston. I think. All right. And see who we can put the fear, you know who we need to put the fear of God in?

The city of Charleston. Cause 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Charleston, you're still on watch. I mean, you know what? One man. One man. One man dead. Is it time we bring him back? Uh, [00:13:00] no. General Sherman, we need you. 

Rob: Uh, you're the next General Sherman. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: We all 

Rob: know this. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: I do, uh, I do look insane, so. I'm starting to see the similarities. 

Rob: Well, aren't we all?

You know, the night is what it is, but Leva has a surprise for everyone. She says to celebrate, you know, this great triumphant summer they've had. She's going to take the staff on a chartered yacht and they're going to celebrate. And then after the yacht, they're going to go back to their place of work. To party.

Don't you love it? Not like a shutdown event where like, like a Christmas party for your job. No, it's still open. We're just also going to party. Yeah. Who's running it then? Probably one [00:14:00] of the other 52 staff that didn't make the cut for the TV show. That is the thing. Like you do see the glimpses of all the other people that you know.

It's like when you're watching Vanderpump Rules. And like Jax has to like do an aside to someone who's legitimately making like less than minimum wage. And they're just like, okay, whatever, buddy. Like, I'm not here to listen to this. Uh, Will and Emmy go to breakfast the next day to discuss their future.

She wants Will to be a lawyer so that she can quote become a trophy wife Legitimately what she wants. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yeah 

Rob: good for her. That's what she 

Sweet Baby JoJo: says I would love to 

Rob: be a trophy husband, but sometimes it's just not gonna happen But Will is afraid to go back to school because he doesn't want to focus on studies 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yeah, he forgot everything he learned in school the first time I guess 

Rob: homework is hard.

I think is what Uh, at Republic, Joe, Joe Bradley is [00:15:00] sweating up a storm that night, discussing with Mia, the kiss they had the night before, which is a big no, no for Joe Bradley. He's already been told twice by Leva. If you're getting a, a, a, a, a title change in a raise, no more making out with staff. You can't date staff.

You are the boss. We'll see if this comes into play later on. We do get a, what I can only call is a shoehorn story that like, boy, they tried their best with this, but, uh, we see this, this argument at Lucia's house that's been going on like every other episode her and her, uh, child's father, Davon is visiting Davon is upset with Lucia because he found out about, about a relationship.

She keeps saying she stepped out on him. And like 2017, I guess that means cheating. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: That's a very old term. Yeah. I mean, that's, that's like, if you were like, I don't know, [00:16:00] dolomite, you would say that, 

Rob: but we are in the South and maybe that's true. It's people are still using phrases like the vapors. So I 

Sweet Baby JoJo: use that all the time.

Is that not that not accepted common parlance these days? It's like. 

Rob: We find out that while Lucia was pregnant though, like the whole nine months, Devon was in a different relationship. So, sounds like things aren't really working. She cheated on him another time, he cheated on her another time. Maybe they don't need to be in a relationship.

Like that seems pretty simple to me. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: So a lot of a lot of the people that are in these shows they have a hard time accepting that it's very odd They just want to force the force it. 

Rob: No, we cannot force things a Relationship force does not make is that no good. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Let me tell y'all a little story about the square pig in the round hole 

Rob: It had a thorn in its paw.[00:17:00]

Well, at bourbon and bubbles, grace, Lily is hosting her event on cloud nine. And some Southern charm alum show up Patricia Taylor, Naomi Shep, along with our friend Leva, who owns 

Sweet Baby JoJo: all of these places. They're there at the Patricia. I love Patricia, 

Rob: honey. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Of course I do. You know me. I can't. I just, I'm such a sucker for a fine Southern bail.


Rob: love it is proud of what grace has put together for the on cloud nine event and says it's worth all the headaches. I mean, I agree. Grace. Lily is the only person on here that like knows they're on a reality show and is doing it. Doing it to the nines, like on the, on cloud nines, everyone else is like, I want to be cool on a reality show.

Yeah. At least Lily is like, just weird enough to be able to just [00:18:00] throw it all out there. Yeah. And I love it. Well, I also love throwing to breaks. So we're going to throw it a quick break and we'll be right back. Joe, we're back and it's yacht 

Sweet Baby JoJo: day. Wait, it is Yacht Day and I'm wearing my yachting cap. I didn't even think about that.

Rob: Well, see, you come prepared whether you know it or not. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: I know. 

Rob: And those listening and watching on the Patreon feed can see Joe's yachting cap. He's also shirtless and eating fruit salad. So enjoy it while you can, folks. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: If you want to see the, uh, alternative camera view, go to patreon. com slash Vanderpump robs.

Correct. Some great [00:19:00] shots of fruit salad running down my bare chest. 

Rob: Joe, I figured out a way for you to make some more money on the side. I think 

Sweet Baby JoJo: selling fruit salad. 

Rob: Yes, you'll be a fruit vendor, I can tell you that. So it's grain raining though and everyone's acting like it's their first time doing something fancy ever.

Uh, Leva's running late and chastises the young staff who decided to eat the amazing platter of food before she got there, she's like, you know, that's a big thing for me, like, uh, You know, waiting for someone to be here before you start eating. And it's like, is this our party or your party?

It's odd. You know what else is odd? The fact that Emi, like we get a scene of Emi delivering flowers to Leva, like it's an apple and she's her teacher. It was so awkward. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: It's very, ah, man. Some people just don't know how to kiss, you know, kiss [00:20:00] ass.

Rob: I've said this almost every single episode, so listeners, you know you've heard it. But Joe, I need your thoughts on this. Have you worked in a service industry gig like a bar or a restaurant? 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Oh my god, have I ever. Many. 

Rob: Yes, same. And how about that feeling you get when they're like, Hey, make sure to go post on your social media about our bar sales and like our 250 PBR pints today or whatever.

I hate that. These people seem to love that. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: No, no, absolutely not. That is, that is a, that is a situation where I look up from a dish pit, stare them directly in the eyes, give them a thumbs up, and then continue washing dishes without any response. Like I'm not doing that. 

Rob: No, exactly. And then the. Then you also get the other employees that are like, we're really got to respect the place so that we can, we've got to love the jobs.

Like these people are paying you the lowest amount of money possible. Yes. Like they do not care about you. [00:21:00] And you continue to like suckle at the teat. I mean, 

Sweet Baby JoJo: they're literally paying you. Your pay structure is based on. Fucking slavery. It's like, tipping is based, if people don't know, it's based off of the railroad car workers that would, uh, in the dining cars.

And the railroad company didn't want to pay them, uh, because they were generally black. Uh, so they invented, well, you know, if they did a good job, you should give them a little extra money out of your pocket. And that is how tipping began. 

Rob: very uncomfortable, especially knowing that this is a show set in Charleston.

Now, everyone's goofing off, having fun. Then Joe Bradley and Maddi sit down to have a little chat. Maddi is concerned that Joe is being a little too competitive with her lately. And Joe says that they were a better team before she got back together with her boyfriend Trevor. and admits [00:22:00] he's had feelings for her for a long time.

This is behavior that is not appropriate. She says that she was single for nine months and he didn't say anything, so why are you saying something now? Of course, television show. Like, we all know the television show on the road. He says, though, I didn't want to risk it because of our friendship. But you're saying something now, like, isn't even more weird.


Sweet Baby JoJo: worse now. 

Rob: Yeah. And thMaddidie says has some questionable language. She. Calls him a pussy, which I didn't know in 2020, I guess this is probably filmed in 2022, it just feels dated, doesn't it? Yeah, it really does. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: you know, a guy like me, a blue collar guy, like, you know, would call anyone a pussy mom, mom. You didn't get the bagels. You're such a pussy. 

Rob: [00:23:00] she does confirm though that like, she wouldn't have been surprised. She kind of knew it all along, but he should have said it earlier.

Not when she's in this predicament. And then says that it's fucked up that he said it while she has a boyfriend because it is yeah, that is 

Sweet Baby JoJo: appropriate our behavior. Yes, it's basically seeing something that you can't have now you want it because you can't have it. Uh huh. So it's eating away at you. You just got to run your fucking mouth.

Rob: You while let's not let's not sugarcoat it while you're also been fucking around with another girl. On that same boat, you know, like what are you, what are you getting out of this Joe Bradley? But later that night, the gang plus Trevor Maddi's boyfriend head to Republic for the work party. And surprisingly Regan is nowhere to be seen.

Sorry, Reagan. Is nowhere to be seen. Reagan is the employee I told you about that was brought in for one episode to help stir the pot and then is never [00:24:00] discussed again. Disappears. Yeah. Uh, Trevor asks Joe to go speak out in what can only be described as Republic's version of the Sir Alleyway. Uh, Trevor, Trevor lets Joe know what he did was disrespectful.

Sure. And they wants him to create a boundary and not cross it. Now, I don't really like Trevor. Trevor like shows up to places like a schlub and is weird and not very cool. But like what he says here is totally true. Like Joe, you, this is. Fucked up man. And Joe is like stumbling over his words the whole time because he knows he fucked up.

He's also getting very drunk, I think. Oh, for sure. Don't you love For sure. And they're not 

Sweet Baby JoJo: supposed 

Rob: to do that. Oh, no. But I do love, like, I remember When I used to [00:25:00] sip on grandpa's old cough medicine, uh, every now and again, and then like accidentally get pulled into a serious conversation, like, oh fuck, like, I 

Sweet Baby JoJo: don't know.

I fucking hate that. 

Rob: Yeah. No, no, no, no. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Especially when it involves somebody crying. 

Rob: Oh God. And cause then it's going to be me crying after that. Yeah. Of course. It's 

Sweet Baby JoJo: cause you're an empath, Rob. I am an empath. Much like myself. 

Rob: Yes, we can tell when the vibe is off.

Will pulls Leva aside to talk about his five year plan, everything you want to do at a work party. Uh, Leva says, just tell me what you want to do. Because I'm not gonna keep you on the roster if you're going to school and he says, yeah, my plan right now is to apply to law school. Great. Thanks. Can I leave now?

That's what I'm getting out of this. [00:26:00] Uh, Mia and Joe then sit down to chat because Joe is upset after talking with Trevor. Joe explains what happens and Mia was like, wait, what a second. You had feelings for Maddi while you're making out with me at baseball games and such. Are you settling for me? What's going on here?

We were on the kiss cam brother. And 

Sweet Baby JoJo: I forgot about the kiss cam. 

Rob: Yeah. And, uh, Mia calls him lame. Great. This was a great use of blame. Uh, and leaves because she feels stupid for not knowing the deal. Like she was out of a, uh, Tribal council vote on survivor or something. apparently Joe is telling Maddi and Mia different things.

Uh uh uh Joe, you can't do that. This Joe, this Joe on this call knows you can't do that. Of course. Which Rob knows too. I hope so. Well, we've all been, we've all been youths. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: For sure. 

Rob: Maddi and Mia meet up to discuss the issues, to [00:27:00] compare stories, and it comes out that Mia and Joe made out in the car after Joe confessed his love for Maddi on the boat.

So Joe's really trying to have his cake and eat it too, while also feel bad for me, but also I'm getting a little pudding on the side. Uh, this is also after Joe's been warned at least twice from Luffa that you're not allowed to kiss the staff. She gave him a promotion. I do love as all this drama is going around.

We cut to Trevor who just leans into Emmy and is like, This dumbass. Because Joe is now caught and drunk and he is not getting out of it. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: No. 

Rob: It's interesting though that TJ, like Joe said, sounded like TJ and Bradley. And, uh, On the side is like, well, Maddi is using this as an opportunity to flip the script because [00:28:00] the narrative has been, isn't it fucked up that Maddi got back with Trevor who cheated on her?

And then Bradley, who obviously hates Maddi as well. It's like, yeah, she's just trying to make you the enemy, Joe. When both things I think can be true 

Sweet Baby JoJo: easily. 

whole world that this Yeah. Fucking revolves around is so bizarre to 

Rob: So everyone thinks Maddi's trying to get the script off of her and I don't know, both things can be correct, but Leva pulls Joe aside and says, you know, if you, anything like this ever happens again, I will fire you. Joe's like, Oh yeah. Okay. Okay. And then we get a, we get a predator ending Joe. We get like the freeze frame of people and it does the, three months later.

And, uh, Joe doesn't end up with Maddi or Mia. Maddi and Trevor move in together and Mia ended up being on the shit end of the Shep stick while Shep was dating someone on Southern charm. He tried [00:29:00] to make out with Mia and, uh, it ended his relationship. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Which is a shame. It is a shame. Shep is, Shep is my favorite.

I love Shep. 

Rob: Shep is hilarious. He's he's, he's a mess. He's such a mess. He's a little 

Sweet Baby JoJo: shit. 

Rob: He's a work in progress though, Joe. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: He's one of those guys that you accidentally become best friends with, and then you go and you're like, what have I done? Why am I at this? Why am I at a place like the establishment in this show?

You know? Yes. Why am why am I splitting this $2,000 bottle of champagne? 

Rob: You may be asking how I got here. Yeah, that's Shep. Well, Joe, I like to end my episodes with a segment called Bourbon and Bubbles. The, the thing that skews more bad and the thing that skews more good. I offer you the chance to go first, if you'd like.

the bourbon is the good? The bourbon is the bad, because it's bitter. The bad. It's bad, it's bitter, it tastes, it tastes so good. It's so sweet. [00:30:00] It's the bubble. The bubble is light and airy and choppy. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: I can't, I can't, your Kansas palate cannot appreciate a fine boy then.

Rob: It did for many years, trust me. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: To me, the bourbon is, uh, uh, most of the show. Okay. It's, uh, uh, a lot of very uninteresting people that I'm glad for them that this is the extent of the drama that they're experiencing, you know, and that, I don't know. They're not dealing it in with it in some of the more insane ways that we've seen in other reality shows.


Rob: true Um, it is a little bit more true to life 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Which it is it's like well, I guess we still have to like Associate with each other because neither of us are quitting this job because the tips are just so good, bro And the TV making 250 a night. 

Rob: Yeah And let's not forget how much they're getting paid to just be on a TV show.

Sweet Baby JoJo: Oh, I guess I never realized that they were actually [00:31:00] getting paid 

Rob: for 

Sweet Baby JoJo: something like this, that's small fries. 

Rob: Oh, I'm sure it's not a lot, but it's something. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yeah, I'm in the wrong business. Uh, and then the, the bubbles is, you know, a nice little cameo from our friends from Southern Charm. 

Rob: I love that. Well, my, uh, my bourbon is gonna be Leva, she, like, like I get it on paper.

They're like, the idea is like, well, she's going to be like the Lisa Vanderpump figure, but like, she really thinks her shit don't stink in a way that like, it doesn't, she's got some very successful businesses, but like, she doesn't have to be a part of this show. Right? Like in the way that she is like shoehorned in and it may not even be her fault.

It could be production, but like, I don't like the scene she's in because it's so forced. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: She's not, she's not very interesting. And honestly, she should take a, uh, she should take a page out of the book of, uh, the, you know, Mormon, truly, truly wealthy people, [00:32:00] uh, and just never be seen, be seen just be faceless rich person.

Rob: Yes. That would be great. Almost like Patricia. Yeah. Absolutely. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yes, but I think Patricia just kind of got a little, a little bored in her, her, uh, twilight years. 

Rob: I agree. Well, my bubble is, uh, similar to my previous bubbles throughout this whole season. And that is. Grace Lilly staying out of the drama, this whole finale, she, she was introduced to the show that she was going to be the drama because people didn't like her and she made her way through this whole season to the point where by the last episode she throws a successful event, she's having fun, she's just taking selfies and she is not even near her.

What people are fighting about and I love that 

Sweet Baby JoJo: It's brilliant. Avoid drama people. 

Rob: Yeah. Save the drama for, um, your parents. Now, Joe, why don't you tell people where they can [00:33:00] find you and listen to your show piloting error? 

Sweet Baby JoJo: you can find piloting now, wherever you get podcasts. Uh, we just released an episode with, uh, Emily Rose from who the F knows, who the fuck knows with Emily Rose.


Rob: previous guest on this podcast. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Yeah, that's how we met. She was a guest with, uh, Stu and I on an episode of your show. 

Rob: Yeah, that's behind the paywall because it was one of those horny episodes we were talking about. Oh, 

Sweet Baby JoJo: God, that was the horniest 

Rob: one. Yeah, Femme Fatales with Sheena Shea. 

Sweet Baby JoJo: Um, uh, but we did an episode on the, uh, it's always sunny people's, uh, pilot, boldly going nowhere, which I highly recommend listening to the episode.

It's a great episode. Uh, and it's one of the very few. Instances where I must highly recommend watching the pilot. 

Rob: That is incredible. [00:34:00] Well, I'm so happy that we were able to do this show. We're closing out on this season of Southern hospitality, but that doesn't mean that we're closing out on the podcast folks, because I'm going to have a couple of fun little bonus episodes.

And then we're going to start right back in with Southern Hospitality season two. So in the meantime, if you like this show, show your support by going to patreon. com slash Vanderpump Rob's where you help keep the lights on. At this podcast and get bonus and add free episodes. You might be saying like, but I can listen to this episode for free.

That's true. But if you get on Patreon, there's one feed that gives you everything without those stupid little ads. And every time there's a bonus episode, it all works the same. You're going to love it. Joe. Thanks again, buddy. Thanks Rob. We'll see you in everyone next time on Vanderpump Robs. Bye. [00:35:00]


Craig Dietrich: Crunch Time (90210 S4E16)


Jenny Blaze: Screams and Queens (Vanderpump Rules S6E10)