Molly McAleer: Off to the Races (Southern Hospitality S1E4)

When Grace Lilly's photo-shoot-Alice-in-Wonderland birthday party goes off the rails it's not long before everyone has to go to work. Can Will control is wild drunken antics? Has Joe Bradley had enough of the grind? Will Grace win over Leva? It's the episode that shows up drunk to Republic in order to keep its job.

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Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs, a podcast about Hollywood, Charleston, and everything in between. I'm Rob Schulte. And today my pal is back to shake things up a bit from Trend Lightly and Mother May I Sleep With podcast. It's Molly McAleer.

Hey, Molly. Hi, 

Molly: Rob. So happy to be [00:01:00] back. 

Rob: Back in so many ways. Now we're recording this in advance by almost a month, but you are, you're, you're West coast living. But you got a taste of that East coast not too long ago. 

Molly: I did. I was just home for like a whole week. Oh, the cops are coming to get me for having too much fun when I was home.

No, but, um, yeah, it was just home in Massachusetts for a week, which I still consider home. Do you consider Kansas home still? 

Rob: Absolutely not. But I can understand that you had a stronger connection with my, my, the town I grew up in had no. Had nothing it was not a like I grew up in a suburb of Kansas city and then I moved to Lawrence to go to college And it was just like lawrence has some history and I feel a little bit more connected with 

Molly: lawrence, massachusetts lawrence, 

Rob: kansas Oh, 

Molly: oh, sorry, 

Rob: john brown all of that sort of stuff.

Okay But you know, I don't think I really felt [00:02:00] established Or like welcomed or committed anywhere until I was on the East coast. And so I almost feel more of a, more of a connection with New York than I do when I lived in Kansas. 

Molly: That's very real. That's very real. I mean, it's a different type of human being.

And like, I was so excited to go home because I was able to bring My lovely, my lovely boyfriend, Eric, and he'd never been to Boston before. And I'd sort of warned him, you know, it's not New York. Like it's, I have a, obviously a very special relationship with it. And that I feel like I grew up in the best place in the country.

And I feel very spoiled by how awesome my childhood was, but. It might be boring. And then once we were there, I was like, Oh yeah, like this might, this is like probably boring to you. Like he was like, let's go. Cause we were [00:03:00] doing like Disneyland level steps. You know, when you are like clock in like 30, 40, 000 a day, like we were really trying.

And then we got into the, we're both competitive. So we both got into the, like, let's try and beat our last score type of thing. And. He was like, let's go like let's go find like another bar. Let's go find another place We can hang out and I was like, there is no there is nowhere like it's a sleepy city Ultimately, I was like the only place we can go is A college town.

And I'm like, I know you're not going to like that answer because how embarrassing is it to be 40 something and go out to a college town. But we spent our last night in Harvard square and it was one of our favorite nights, shout out Harvard square. Um, but yeah, thank you. And you, we were laughing before you started this because you, I guess you do have a pretty packed schedule.

So, but I, you texted me on just for a frame of reference, July 1st, we're now recording this on [00:04:00] July 10th. You texted me on July 1st, like, Hey, are you still into like doing this? And I was like, Oh, I'm having too much fun in Boston and posting it too loudly on social media because Robs probably like is Molly on a fucking bender and I'm just like, you kind of like I'm having a I'm having a standard Massachusetts summer band bender, but I realized it might have looked Like, I don't know, your guest might, you might need to have needed a replacement 

Rob: when you first started.

No, no, no. I mean, I get where you're coming from because I'll, I'll think about things that way too, but it's all really about like, I'm prepping for my own vacation, right? I'm going to be Where are you 

Molly: going? 

Rob: I'm going back to New York for a couple of weeks in August and so I'm trying to front load a lot of these episodes so that I can, you know, Live easy and to 

Molly: be doing real world back to New York right now.

Rob: We really should but I don't think [00:05:00] I could relive that the Miz Yeah, 

Molly: everything Lori calm. Did you not read everything Lori calm? 

Rob: I remember it by name, but no I did not All I remember is that first Episode of the original real world new york where julie gets on the motorcycle with the guys she meets 

Molly: Oh unbelievable 

Rob: Drives off and the credits roll.

Molly: Yeah, I mean god bless. Um, i'm excited for you though And by the way, yes in case anyone did if we use this clip for social media, I do sometimes drink out of Solo cups at home, like Kim Zolciak, Biermann, like, please do not crucify me for this. I will rinse them out and reuse them. 

Rob: Is Kim Zolciak the one who had that song that was like.

Uh, click them keys and follow me, the Google Google 

Molly: me, but she's also don't be tardy for that part. That's her. And then I think Google me was a separate single. She's the one who is married to the X NFL star who is that [00:06:00] Kroy 

Rob: Berman, 

Molly: Kroy beer. Yeah. Biermann. 

Rob: Biermann. 

Molly: And, um, no, it's okay. My 

Rob: Kroy. Uh, 

Molly: Kroy is, uh, his parents really jumped out with that one because now I feel like Kroy would be like a totally Mormon fine name, but like back in the day to come out with Kroy, like what isn't C R O Y.

Isn't that like a, cause he's K R O Y, but isn't Kroy C R O Y like a old Southern name speaking of the show? It feels like 

Rob: it. I've, it feels like it's like, it's like half a name. Like that's the nickname. Like it would be. Kroy lander, but he goes by Kroy or something, 

Molly: right? Or yes, exactly. It's like, yes, that's exactly right.

Yeah. Wow. Well, Rob, I want to say thank you really quick because you did just introduce me to quite a show with Southern Hospitality. 

Rob: I thank you for that segue. that's how people know we are professional podcasters [00:07:00] because we just finished each other's, uh, segues and. I'm telling you Southern Hospitality has been a journey and I'm only on episode four and I've said this before on the series It was suggested to me because people say it's vintage Vanderpump I disagree with that at this moment, but I am falling for a lot of these characters and I'm telling you Charleston is not without its issues, but the town looks beautiful And I'm, and I'm liking seeing a different side of Charleston besides, you know, I've seen Southern Charm and things like that, but you know, anything that's not WeHo is a welcomed, uh, atmosphere on this podcast.

Molly: Well, like Southern Charm, I feel really deals in like, I don't know, would you say the hoi poloi? Like, I feel like it's like sort of the. Even when we get into Shep being like a dirty coke monster like he's doing it his [00:08:00] own like dive bar is still kind of a decent bar this like kind of club this type of nightlife when I went to Charleston I didn't go anywhere near anything like this and this is a real that's the way that this stands out 

Rob: yeah 

Molly: from vpr which is that sir was like Yeah.

Like, I guess that's a place like place that you would go if you were like seeing a concert at like the troubadour or something and like, you were just like, I can't get seated anywhere else. Like, this is kind of where I parked the car. Like, it's not a crazy walk from the troubadour. I don't have to go get a steak or something super expensive.

Sarah's very overpriced. But with like, this is the nightlife that I think. Vanderpump and Sir has always sort of pitched themselves to be when in fact they're really just like maybe a more boozy Olive Garden. 

Rob: 100 percent and [00:09:00] I think that Vanderpump Rules tried to sell us on the idea of Sir and landed on the cast.

Whereas this show is like, no, this Elvis is dreaming in the background. Um, this is a already successful like bottle service club. And you're getting the staff that wants to work at a place like this. 

Molly: Well, it also reminded me of like, if, You were to watch the hills, right? And if you could see a nightlife show from the POV of, and this is a big, this is a big statement, but from the POV of the employees of, um, LADOO.

Rob: Hmm. 

Molly: Where it feels like this is a really, I mean, I don't know the background because I didn't see the first couple episodes, but it feels like this is owned, it's not like a Bolthouse production, but it feels like this is a pretty, Seriously owned, pretty seriously established bottle service business that's down there.

Do they have multiple restaurants underneath this [00:10:00] group? 

Rob: Yes. So Leva and her husband Lamar own Republic, uh, a sports bar, I think called first place, some other luxury eatery, and then bourbon and bubbles, which is also featured on this show. 

Molly: Okay. So like, that's exactly what I was getting. And I didn't know Leva and Lamar were married.

And that's so interesting. One thing I like about this show is that it's really diverse in the sense that like, we're getting the full picture of what I think Charleston really is in some ways. Like, and I was very impressed when Lamar took Macal into the fridge later on. Like I was very like, okay, Lamar.

Like I was like, that is intimidating. Um, I have like people that I have a soft spot for already on this show. I watched, um, the last episode just to like get caught up for this one. I have soft spots for people already on this show who I sense might be [00:11:00] unpopular, but I really, I really enjoyed a few of them.

Rob: Well, I can't wait to get into that because I feel like I might have, my favorite person on the show might be, I know nothing about what even the fandom Says to this show, right? I haven't been following any of that. So I have a soft spot for someone that I think other people probably don't like either, but let's, let's get into it.

And we're going to talk about season one, episode four. It's called off to the races. It aired on December 19th, 2022. It's a Christmas baby. And the description from BravoTV. com is when Grace Lilly's birthday party takes a turn, Mikkel questions if he can continue to work at Republic. Grace's enthusiasm gets her back into Leva's Good Graces, but Will's wild night rubs his co workers the wrong way.

Maddi invites everyone to a NASCAR race in her hometown of Charlotte, where Trevor meets her parents for the very first time since their breakup [00:12:00] Wow a lot going on But also these shows Are not as jam packed as I think other Bravo shows are there's a lot of like fluff in some of these 

Molly: There is a lot of fluff to the point that I I will say that like I felt unpleasantly confused um At certain points where I was like, oh Is this the same person or what's his name?

Like Will, Tim, 

Rob: Tim, there's Will, TJ, Joe Bradley, you know, Joe Bradley at least has dark brown hair. So, okay. 

Molly: Like, and that helps, right? But that's all, that's like TV casting, you know what I mean? It's like, we kind of have too many guys with the same blonde hair on TV or the show's not going to work. 

Rob: Let's hear we pick up immediately In the aftermath of the wonderland party where we left off mickael has stormed off and gracefully just wants to be wavy, baby She just I love 

Molly: gracefully.

Rob: That's I love gracefully I 

Molly: love [00:13:00] gracefully because she has that real sheena ass attitude that I just really need in a reality tv star where it's like It comes off self centered but like she's kind of the really the only one that gets it and I'm like this is you get it like this is not something to be taken too seriously.

You're having a fake birthday that is so over the top like just enjoy the day. I thought she was, I love Grace Lee. Love her. 

Rob: I was watching the first episode and I was like, they want me to dislike Grace Lilly, but I like Grace Lilly because she's the sort of character I need on my television screen, as opposed to Maddi, who I think they're trying to get us to like, but she like, and here's the perfect example, chases after Mikkel because he needs to work tonight because if he doesn't, she can't DJ and the stakes are that we're supposed to be worried About Maddi's DJ set.

Molly: No, I love Maddi too. This is [00:14:00] where I'm going to disagree with you. I'm, I'm graceful. I'll just tell you my alliances right now. I'm gracefully, I'm Maddi and I'm Mikel. Like that's my, those are my alliances. And I realized that that might be maybe even contradictory and all over the place, but I, I loved Maddi's authenticity and, but Rob, like we can't be misogynistic because I was thinking the whole time.

James Kennedy would shut this house the fuck down over a DJ set and this man was a bus boy. Like, so 

Rob: if she's 

Molly: like, I'm going to get promoted from like bottle service manager to actually getting to pursue my creative passion. I have to give her that 

Rob: you're, you're very right now. Here's my thing it seems very produced and I get it, all of these shows are, but what I'm saying is they're trying to lead us down a path where I'm supposed to not be wavy baby and care about Maddi's DJ set.

And I don't, but do I, do [00:15:00] I stand a sober queen? Yes, I do. 

Molly: I loved her sobriety and like her moments of, I didn't know that she was sober until like, she started to talk about like the work or whatever with my girl, gray silly. 

Rob: And 

Molly: I was like, Oh, okay. Like I appreciate that she can be in this environment and even, you know, she's sort of a, um, I don't know if Paris Hilton's like this, but in my mind Paris Hilton's like this, where she's like, I can go into a club and like work sober.

Like eight hours late at night and not get fucked up and like, just go to bed. And if I get fucked up per usual in her club at home, you know, so I, I really, I, I kind of liked, I kind of liked Maddi, but I don't think we care any more about this than we do. Like, let's say pucker and pout 

Rob: fair, I was just lamenting what pucker and pout could have been on another episode.

And I just. I would have loved a successful pucker and pout, I think more than a sandwich shop, [00:16:00] but I just 

Molly: don't know how you let a beauty blog at that point in America flounder. Um, that's my personal opinion, but with Stassi, same thing you could say about like, when she's like, I have to write this article for Pandora, like in season one.

And you'd go on to say like, Who cares about what Stassi writes, but then she's a two time New York Times bestseller. So almost 

Rob: three, almost three. 

Molly: We could be laughing in the face of potentially the next, um, I don't know, a Paul Oakenfold. She could be, that's the only DJ I could think of. 

Rob: Paul Oakenfold.

She could be throwing cakes like Steve Aoki. 

Molly: Yes, the steve, that's probably a better analogy. No, 

Rob: paul oakenfold, uh, fat boy slim 

Molly: and we're limiting

her to

you know You have to manage the shift and I just don't I want to just be mindful of that 

Rob: Of course at republic leva shows up to check on grace [00:17:00] lily's first day back and is pleasantly surprised with grace's energy Love it.

Wavy baby. Mikkel does show up for his shift. So Maddi is able to DJ. We can all breathe a sigh of relief here because Mikkel's like, you know what? I almost didn't get my job back after promoting another club on Instagram once. 

Molly: What do we think of that? Because like, I understand why that could be drama.

I mean, like we saw, I don't know if you're aware of drama getting on YouTube, but it came down to a gummy vitamin endorsement and like six people lost their careers. Okay. So like, I understand that sometimes things can get lost in the mix on these endorsements or these whatever. But, um, I thought that I want to know, like, do you think that that was.

Rated or overrated or underrated or overrated? Like, where do you feel about the sort of scrutiny on Macal promoting another venue? 

Rob: I think there's probably some sort [00:18:00] of agreement made between Leva Lamar and the employee, if they're going to be at that status, like a VIP concierge manager or whatever, where I get it.

Like, if that's the rules, that's the rules. And if you are. Explicitly told like, you're not allowed to do X, Y, and Z then. Yeah. You've broken a rule. We don't get that information, but we can, read between the lines. What I don't like is the kind of implicit and tacit, like bootlicking of people who are not level and Lamar, like, TJ did this in episodes.

You hadn't watched though, like really giving grace Lilly shit about her Instagram account and taking photos and then giving Mikel shit because he doesn't respect the service industry. And I'm kind of like, no, I almost feel like Mikel. Does respect the service industry because it's what's paying him and TJ, you just respect this establishment.

Molly: You're okay. You're so right. Cause I was going to [00:19:00] say one of the other big differences. I'm when you started to talk about, you know, um, the fairness in Macau, like. Like, and any, and Vanderpump season one, you could post anything to, I don't even know if Instagram existed yet. You could post anything to Instagram, not until season two, I 

Rob: think 

Molly: Lisa Vanderpump would have never noticed that you like posted some other restaurants thing.

Right. But like, I think that probably some of this cast already had an existing following and you're so right about the bootlegging and the whole thing. It's so, um, It was uncomfortable. It was very palpable. Well, at the tea party, like who, what was the original thing that was brought out? You, everyone had to, this is a terrible game.

You had to write a secret down about someone else. 

Rob: Yeah, I love game. I love the idea that like this fun game, uh, 

Molly: it 

Rob: was giving a Salt Lake City housewives, right? Like, Hey, we're going to play a game. [00:20:00] Who do you wish isn't here on this vacation? 

Molly: I know. Yeah. There's like evil games like that. Like there's a game.

Have you heard of this game where you whisper in someone's ear? 

Rob: Telephone 

Molly: secret about someone else in the room and then it's the person's job to point to the person in the room and decide who that applies to. So it'd be like this person like, um, had smelly armpits at Coachella and then they'll just point to the person, Tom Sandoval.

And then the person has to, then Tom Sandoval would have to take it upon himself and say, is it me having smelly armpits at Coachella? Or no, no. Like the person could ask for the truth or like you have to take a shot or something. And I'm like, that is so like, that is a, that's not a game, that's psychological warfare.

Rob: And it was just, this person doesn't deserve to work at Republic. That was the quote. [00:21:00] 

Molly: And like, of course Macau rightfully was like, okay, like if that's my cross to bear in life, but like, fuck you. Yeah. 

Rob: And I love the TJ's like, yeah, I said it, but I didn't, I don't know. Someone else wrote it down. It's not like, 

Molly: I love, yeah, I said it as he's 

Rob: like staring off into the sunset.

Well, the next Saturday, Lucia and Mia head for brunch. See, Mia is now over her only fans, boyfriend, because he's been too clingy. Uh, but she has yet to tell him. And I. Don't think it was in the other episode you watched, but this guy's like real deal OnlyFans. Like, he admits to fucking a cake in one of the episodes.

Molly: I did not understand. What that was about, because I saw that in the previous episode, he was like, I do like shirtless zooms where I cook. Cause he's like a chef and I was going to like tweet it out. But I [00:22:00] decided I, I better just like try and rewatch this episode a second time. But I, I was gonna ask, like, is the popular opinion that that guy's straight?

Because I don't think, do you know what I mean? 

Rob: I know exactly what you mean. I don't know what the popular opinion is, but I am leaning towards the exact same things you're inferring because he seems to be a plant. And then I also feel like Mia has picked up on him not necessarily being as into her as he could be.

Molly: I think he's like a plant sexual. Do you know what I mean? Like, I think he could be like a plant sexual. Is that what Schwartz is? Plant sexual. Like, I just think he's been plant, yeah, Schwartz is definitely a plant sexual as well as an insect sexual. But like, I, I was like, okay, I think that this guy like probably is into it all.

And then this girl seems to be very For lack of a better word, like dick driven and like she just seems to be like, she needs like [00:23:00] a, like a straight, a class. She needs like a Travis Kelsey, but not a Jason. 

Rob: You don't think she needs a Jason? I 

Molly: think she could use a Jason as well, but I think she just wants a little bit of eye candy.

That's going to like have a traditional heterosexual rail with her and she was not prepared for her. Look at me. Yeah. So raunchy on this podcast. Hey. But. 

Rob: She needs some, try hard palms. That's what she 

Molly: needs. Eric's Eric just started doing, he doesn't listen to the pod. So he started doing these palms.

And I was like, Eric, this is literally what we named the episode after with these fucking palms that dudes do. Cause they have nowhere to go with their hands. And he was saying, yeah, it is really hard. Like even as a director, when someone in a, when a guy walks into a scene, they have nothing to do with their hands.

And I, I, so I shouted you out in my private life [00:24:00] where I was like, Rob called this, like, there's nothing a straight man can do with his hands at all. 

Rob: We need to give them more like adult fidget spinners, like just something like, give me that little pin trick, you know, just, 

Molly: Oh, you're so right. 

Rob: There's a market for this.

Molly: It's also always with guys too. It's like in the legs, I think, like you have to do, you do more leg acting than you do hand acting. 

Rob: Yeah. It's a 

Molly: pockets reads as beta. 

Rob: Well, it's true, but that's, this is where we need to change society. They need to understand that, you know, we do, we bring back pocket watches.

They can just be pretending to look at their little pocket watch, 

Molly: shine their pinky ring on their shirt, 

Rob: flip a coin for all I care. Put a toothpick in your mouth. You know? Yeah. 

Molly: And I think one hand in the back pocket is good. Like I, I would almost say that I prefer that stance for me. Honestly, I do love a this because I'll do [00:25:00] that even in my sleep, just my hand bent behind my, my elbow bent behind my head.

I love that. 

Rob: I need to be confident in, in being able to strike poses. I think is really when you own your space. Uh, speaking about owning space, uh, over at a space that Leva owns called Republic. it's daytime and Emmy brings her mom and sisters for champagne. Now, Emmy's mom, Sean D. Is, uh, following suit of every mom that's ever been on a show like this and she wants to be a Bravo star.

And I think that is shining through here. 

Molly: It's giving Dana, it's giving Venus Schroeder or something. Yeah, I was, um, I was intrigued by her. She seemed like a football mom type personality. Yeah. Like an elegant football mom, maybe? Like, I don't know. I, I was, um, I was interested in this. [00:26:00] Why do you think they want to do that?

Rob: I think they've reached that point where they're like, I've succeeded in everything I was, um, that society told me I needed to do, and I was successful in it. I am affluent, husband, I'm, Kids house, everything's checked off the list and now I need some me time. And that means being famous in some sort of way.

And God damn it. If my daughter does it before me, I will not be a success. This is what's going on in Shanti's head. I think. 

Molly: Elective fame's so interesting. I mean, you could say all fame is somewhat elective, right? But like if to be, Um, so satisfied and all because like fame is also something that's hungry, right?

So when you feed the hunger with maybe money or a certain level of I think money I think mostly money when you feed that like it's supposed to go away but it Um, it's so interesting how [00:27:00] all these women find their way to bravo 

Rob: It It is a natural course for a certain personality type, the personality type who's gotten faxed a love note in the eighties, which how do you, did you like that love?

Like it's, it's uncomfortable for me when a kid is like, mom, retell the tale of how you and dad fell in love. Like this is not something, and maybe it's because the broken home I came from, but like, that's not something I'm ever interested in, but it is something a certain type of child is interested in.

And not even for themselves. They think that other people are going to be as excited about this story. So tell it, tell it for the world on the show. 

Molly: Well, I always love it when my best friend's parents tell me about how they met, because I think it's like so cool and romantic. Like they were at a dance club in Brooklyn and he was like, you know, had his way with all the girls, but.

And she was so beautiful, [00:28:00] but he couldn't keep his eye off her all night long and was like, finally, like he was like, will you please dance with me? And she agreed he could have had any girl in the place, but he like walked up to her who was like sort of this maybe like borderline unapproachable babe and was like, please take a chance on me.

So I love to hear a story like that. A faxing of a love note is. So vintage that it's cool, maybe like it's like, Oh, and then the operator connected your father and I from Germany when we like got on the phone and we agree. I agreed that I'd be his bride when he came back. Like it feels almost like that, you know?

Rob: Yeah. Yeah. I love an analog love story. Like 

Molly: that. Exactly. Exactly. And like, uh, true G's I think, uh, Like I know only like Dolly Parton only faxes. She doesn't have any sort of other communication and I [00:29:00] respect people who didn't even move on to a BlackBerry. 

Rob: I don't want to think of a world where Dolly Parton would be BM at all.

Molly: I miss it. Don't you? The little red, you know? 

Rob: Oh yeah. Well, uh, don't miss us as we take a quick break and we'll be back with more. All right. We're back. It's me, Rob Schulte and my good friend salad here to talk more about.

Southern hospitality. Molly, the real ones know why you're named salad. so G Lily, that's what we call Grace, uh, drops by Maddi's place. They've recently reactivated their friendship, which is great. You love to see it. They were, they were on the outs. 

Molly: I loved this scene. I thought this was such a good, and this is what I think people mean by like the Vanderpump arian ness.

So that is that, but that, well, we, [00:30:00] Vanderpump arian, um, 

Rob: that's what we're going to go with from here on out 

Molly: Vanderpump in, I don't know, but it was very, it was very, I thought very sweet. And I thought this was a very real, it felt very real to me. 

Rob: Yeah. Well, especially all the dairy free talk is with someone who's, who's getting into the idea of not.

Having dairy because she, she's dairy free. Grace Lee is dairy free except for cheese and desserts, which is kind of like me. I think I'm cream, heavy cream, 

Molly: which is like the most aggressive dairy, by the way, like I can't be like, I'm dairy free except for cream, but. I loved this because like, I understand what she, I understand how she feels.

Like I had to do an elimination diet not that long ago. And like, I think I did figure it well, it's definitely gluten, but then I was like, it's probably also the dairy. And I was just like, but I. I can't, 

Rob: I got to have that ice cream. I got it. You want 

Molly: to [00:31:00] flirt? I I'm, I'm, I'm with her on the cheese or I like a little, like, charcuterie, 

Rob: you know, my, if I'm not eating cheese with my charcuterie plate, I'm just having cured meats, which is great, but is not a meal.

Molly: No, and cured meats are not, I, I always lie to myself. They're not good for the body. Like I've just, I've told myself so many times. I'm like, what? Like you can give a little salami to a cat. Like, of course I can have a little salami, but like not a log, bitch. Like. 

Rob: You can't just take a hunk off with your molar.

You gotta, you gotta chop that stuff up. It's gotta be tiny little bits. Yeah. Maddi, this is where Maddi lets G Lily know that they, that she's planned a NASCAR experience for the staff, which has been provided by her like financial father of some sort. He works in. 

Molly: He's a private financer, which means he does.

Finance and privacy was what she said. That's Emmy's 

Rob: [00:32:00] dad, but Maddi's dad is just like the head of Chase Bank or something in Charlotte, Charleston or whatever. 

Molly: Is this an evolution show? 

Rob: Ooh, I don't know. I'll look it up real quick. Because 

Molly: I was thinking when they were all taking RV to NASCAR, I thought, Hmm, this seems oddly reminiscent of Ariana's, I believe, 32nd birthday or something where they all went to NASCAR in an RV.

Rob: Mm hmm. Uh, it looks like this is actually Haymaker East. 


Molly: like Haymaker's big. 

Rob: Yeah, I do too. And of course this is the East Coast version. 

Molly: Yeah. 

Rob: Yeah, Haymaker content. what, what happens when we look under projects? Oh, it's going to be off 

Molly: the, it's going to be off the chain.

Yeah. I feel like I've seen haymaker at the end of a lot of, this is how I feel though. What doing the lifetime podcast is like when I see like Marvista or something, I'm like, Oh, you're famous [00:33:00] now. Like, or like the real, like when I see it's a real one, which I always call like the new line of lifetime movies, I'm like, Oh, you've hit the big time.

You for a real one. 

Rob: Well, they also produced a show that I must watch called Neighbors with Benefits, which just sounds phenomenal. 

Molly: Have you watched Polyamory Married and Dating? 

Rob: No. 

Molly: Rob, if you want to do that for a Patreon, I literally have my life to give you. Like you have no idea how many people I've walked through.

So it's a soft core porn. Sure. But it is, so it's like, cause it's a Showtime show. So it's like, You like watch these impossible people and then you watch them have just got like the most disgusting sex you could ever imagine. Like I think Pornhub would be like, Oh, we're good. Like, no, no, no, no, not even for the amateur section, my friends.

So it's, it's a really fascinating show. And so if you ever want to do that for a patron, [00:34:00] I I've done it exhaustively on mine. Like it's literally a Probably 20 hour experience to go listen to Polly with me and my friend, Nicole. But if you want to do that for yours, I'll be so happy to do it. 

Rob: Probably needs to happen.

Um, but listeners, let me know how much you want it to happen because it's going to happen regardless, but it'll happen sooner if I hear from you. 

Molly: I can't not talk about it. 

Rob: I do have to tell you, I plan on covering, um, so right now, uh, you know, Kyle Rupert, he's been on Mother May Asleep with Podcasts.

Molly: I love Kyle. 

Rob: He and I are covering It might have just ended by the time this episode comes out, but we're covering all of the Angel films on Patreon, which is I didn't 

Molly: know Kyle was in your rotation. I love Kyle. 

Rob: This is the first time we've ever podcasted together, but he's been a fan of shows I've done for quite some time, and then He recently heard me on well, recently last year heard me on your show and was like, [00:35:00] I didn't know you knew Molly.

Molly: I love Kyle's a, um, like such a, like, um, he's not a cryptid to me. He's a real person, but like, he's such a, like a devious little creature. And like, I'm so glad that you guys are in this. Same like world because, um, Kyle's the best. Hi, Kyle. 

Rob: I couldn't think of anyone better to cover like four movies that might be the sleaziest films I've ever watched.

And if you haven't seen the Angel series, Molly. fire up Tubi and put them on. 

Molly: I can't even imagine what that's about. 

Rob: Well, it is about, um, the first one is, uh, an orphan has been left in LA and she's, uh, you know, high school student by day and a sex worker by night. 

Molly: Okay. No. Oh my God. Of course. That's how I feel about Kyle's.

I'm like, Oh, I'm watching some sick shit, like let's bring Kyle in 

Rob: the second [00:36:00] one, she's now in college but has to go back to Hollywood to avenge the death of the cop that saved her in the first one. And then the third one, she's an adult who found out she has a sister who might be getting into some nefarious stuff as well.

Molly: Oh my goodness. Well, oh my God. I'm so glad you guys found, I'm so glad that you guys read or discovered each other, rediscovered each other. Um, love you Kyle. If you're listening, um, then I'm, I'm dad. Like, of course you are, of course you're doing this. And this sounds like major copaganda and like also what QAnon is based on.

Rob: Absolutely. Um, but damn, if they like, we keep saying it as we record the episodes. Doesn't work on paper, but is a great watch once you actually put on the movie like it's a very pearl clutchy like Seems gross, but it's riveting because they're like murder mystery movies too. So very [00:37:00] lifetime, you know, like bring 

Molly: that shit to me to like what's going on that you brought that to Rob first, but Anyway, we, you have my number, we'll text.


Rob: we'll, we'll have it, we'll get it done. Well, 

Molly: I know. Do you like that? I'm just like inviting myself on your Patreon.

Anyway, Makes my 

Rob: life easier. I'll tell you that. 

Molly: We're with Grace Silly and Maddi. Oh yeah. 

Rob: Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Maddi's she's going to go to NASCAR and bring the staff plus Trevor, which is another work party that Trevor is being invited to. But we also learned that Maddi is banned from Airbnb. 

Molly: Yeah.

Rob: I mean, that's pretty easy to do, though. If you throw a party at an Airbnb, you're getting on the shit list. 

Molly: I think we've reached a boiling point with Airbnb, and I was a very early adapter to Airbnb. I like loved it back in the day. I stayed at an Airbnb for months when I was on a hiatus from Two Broke Girls in Austin, and like, I just [00:38:00] wound up, this woman, Jennifer, was like, So fantastic.

And she's still on my phone to this day. And I said, when you put the unit on sale, let me know. And I just bought my house. And so, but like, it was a, it was a studio unit in Austin that was selling for like 600, 000, um, seven, uh, 17th and new aces. 

Rob: So I 

Molly: was like, fuck, but like, she really, um, she really was great.

And so I've always loved Airbnb, but then. It gets into a treacherous territory. And I think like one of the, well, the last time I stayed in Airbnb, someone broke into my Airbnb when I was sleeping. 

Rob: Oh, terrifying. 

Molly: Um, which was so bad, but then Airbnb wound up suing the building that I was in for like 350, 000 or 350 million.

Like something to that extent. Neido was the name of the building. They had a deal with them in Nashville and in Miami. Um, I got my 800 back, but then they got to sue them for 350 million. [00:39:00] I like kind of hit up Airbnb and I was like, uh, I'll be your star witness. Like, what do you want? I'll take like 500, 000. Do you know what I mean? Like that's generous 

Rob: like that. 

Molly: Yeah. But then, then, um, there was another time when I was in Chicago and like, I had to like email to turn the heat up. And then when I left, like we had, you know, like once we got into like linen stripping and once we got into like the 600 a night, like clean fee, but like also like.

They yell at you for leaving a dish and it's like, bitch, what am I paying? Like, if you like, I'm sorry, I get my apartment. My, when I got my home cleaned in LA, like whatever, I'll pay like 125, 200 to just have it cleaned. It's a regular gig. I can't even imagine what you could get a person down to if they're cleaning your house, like on a semi weekly basis.

Rob: And I 

Molly: have to, and I have to wash, and this is my thing, I have to wash dishes. Give me 

Rob: a [00:40:00] break. 

Molly: It's cheaper to go to a hotel almost any time. 

Rob: And, and you know what? And a hotel is gonna most likely upgrade you if you are nicer than the person that was in line before you. And you don't ever get anything like that with an Airbnb.

So, I guess we're team Maddi here that's like, fuck Airbnb. right before the gang head to Charlotte though, Mikel and Joe Bradley. They squash their beef. They don't want it to be awkward in the RV. if it is going to be awkward, they don't want it to be because of them.

And it is awkward because Maddi and Trevor have sex in the back. this is news because everyone wasn't sure if Maddi and Trevor were officially back together. 

Molly: They're boyfriend girlfriend. Right. Um, which I love, I love her being like, we're boyfriend, girlfriend, because like, it is so like, you know what I mean?

Like it's like, these people are 24, which I think is really important to like locate at certain points because especially my girl, Grace Lilly, I mean like love her so much, but like, she is, [00:41:00] she is giving like 32. So it's like, Oh, are you like, not in a mean way? She looks mature. 

Rob: Yes. She doesn't look 24. 24.

Molly: She's like an LA, you know, like it's the translation where it's on Vanderpump. They just stay well, yeah. You know? So anyway, like. I, with, with them, I have to remember, okay, they're really young, but like, it, I guess maybe it is exciting to say like, we're boyfriend girlfriend or whatever, but I wanted to ask you this as a person who has done the work, you're sober.

I wanted to ask you, what do you think about Cause this is so, so crazy to me. Cause you've also were in a relationship when you like got sober, but like the idea of having like dead sober sex and an RV when everyone is awake, like in the middle of the day, I was like, Oh, she's getting a thrill from that 

Rob: She says that they catch it on camera. Uh, Trevor's probably tipsy [00:42:00] to some point. I think that, yeah, she's finding her kicks where she can get them, but also she's 23, 24. there's a lot of things that are just like a light switch. This is fucking hot. Let's fucking go.

And I think it's easier to, uh, do the deed when you have like zero responsibilities at all. And they're just like, we got three hours to ride in this car. And we get this room to ourselves. 

Molly: And it's an important dominance to establish. Like we will fuck like, and make you guys so uncomfortable and we don't care.

And they're literally like. Hey, babe, like just so you know, before you guys get started, like the door doesn't shut all the way and they're like, yeah, fuck it. That's fine. Like, yeah, 

Rob: we know that's your job to shut the door, 

Molly: which is like, okay, like that's the part of it where it's like, I understand like, well, okay, I'm not going to lie and see that.

I didn't grow up in a college culture where it's like. Sometimes you hooked up one, [00:43:00] like the roommate was in the room No. Cause can you imagine Gen Z level? You'd be making sex tapes. Like if you, if your roommate was like getting a handjob under the covers while you were sleeping, like you're gonna be. Kicked out of college. You're going to be a registered sex offender. You're going to be like fully a sex offender where it's like, at the time there was at least like a, you know, we all had the decency to not tell on each other and just like roll the other way, you know?

Rob: God. I wish it wasn't so real. But yes, I know exactly what you mean. And that's what I love to see. The tradition carries on into Southern hospitality of rolling, rolling the other shoulder. But when they do finally arrive and everyone has reached whatever climaxes they're going to reach in this RV. The gang gets to meet winning NASCAR racer, Ross Chastain.

Now I had to Google Ross Chastain because I know nothing about NASCAR. And I have a feeling [00:44:00] most of these people don't know who Ross Chastain is, but Grace Lily knows that he is famous and she thinks he is cute. 

Molly: So is he like real famous or is this like, um, Kelsey ballerini on Southern charm where it's like, she's going to turn out to be this like country princess, but like was yet to be discovered or fully realized.

Or do you think he's like the top of the heap for NASCAR? 

Rob: I think he's pretty high up there. Um, from what I can tell, he seems to be a known entity in the NASCAR world. So he is someone he's a, he's a, he's a car to be racing with. And when. Grace, Lily hands him her card. I was like, damn, she is prepared.

None of these people have cards, but Grace, Lily's got a card. 

Molly: You gracefully rules like anyone who watches this show and isn't all about gracefully, [00:45:00] like what's going on? Like, I have to know because like I'm so scared that the other shoe is going to drop for her with like in social favor on season two.

But I don't know how you could not watch the show. And not, like, and not take it super seriously. 

Rob: Yeah. Yeah. And 

Molly: be like, Grace Lilly isn't the best character on this whole thing. 

Rob: I don't think anyone who doesn't think Grace Lilly in this is like, this is no offense to anyone who's watched this show and is now coming back.

But I, but like you are not watching this show critically or any Bravo show critically. If you cannot understand that Grace Lilly is the shining star that sparkles and is making this show what it is. Cause it ain't Joe Bradley. Mikkel's good. Maddi's good. But no one on this show is Grace Lilly. 

Molly: No one's Grace Lilly.

And like, do you, I, have you watched Real Housewives of Beverly Hills? 

Rob: Not much, not enough. 

Molly: So like, if [00:46:00] you do the first season, let me know because Camille Grammer had a famous like Us Weekly, um, magazine cover that was like the most hated housewife in America. And like, it was kind of funny because you were like, what if?

You didn't know what real housewives were. And you just thought like you were literally putting this woman on the front page of the us weekly. But, um, she was Kelsey Grammer's wife. And I was like, she's so delightfully odd that like, when I like watch back and I'm like, this person was the most hated out of all of these dementors is crazy.

Rob: That's wild. Because I've only seen. Camille Grammar when she's come back when I've watched a handful of episodes or like her like cameos that happened to be on like Frasier right where she has like three lines and she seems harmless, but 

Molly: Very wealthy and felt very empowered [00:47:00] when she was with Kelsey, but like she was right.

Like you're married to the bankable star on this show and like a lot of these bitches are fools, frankly, like, you know, I mean, we're talking about like the Richard sisters and, uh, Vanderpump and Oh my God, like Taylor Armstrong and like Camille was really with like the She was just with the right, ultimately, at the end of the day, the right opinion and, um She was 

Rob: with a dude who could flip his Dodge Viper, drunk as hell, coked out, and not do any jail time.

She's with the star. 

Molly: Yeah, and she helped him get sober, too. She talks about that on the show. Oh, good. 

Rob: And now he owns his own beer company. So, well, when he was a guest on Rob Lowe's podcast, he talked about, uh, his good old fashioned American beer that he was promoting. 

Molly: are you a Rob Lowe fan?

Rob: I produced his podcast for a couple of years. 

Molly: Oh, okay. I [00:48:00] have to be honest. I have nothing against him, but he always has scared me. And I don't know why. Like when I was like even a little kid, I think that's where it comes from is when I was a kid. Watching Tommy 

Rob: boy too much. 

Molly: Something like, I just, well, I just like thought, I don't know.

I was like, that man's like handsome and like, uh, weird. Like I think that that's what I thought when I was a kid, 

I've heard nothing but the nicest things, but I understand it's a discrimination that comes from a four year old's brain.

Rob: So speaking of four year olds, uh, Trevor is wearing his backwards trucker hat, like a four year old and gets the third degree from Maddi's parents as I say, third degree, he gets like one and a half degrees. Cause Maddi's dad is not very intimidating. And then Joe Bradley also gets his moment, but at the end.

End of this episode, the gang hang by the fire. Like it's an episode of Laguna beach and discuss the gaps they'd like to close. And I hate these moments because it makes me think back to the [00:49:00] times where you have like those moments with high school friends that you think are like, we're going to remember these days forever, but you're really just like, I wouldn't have bought those Nike's if I knew that it was.

It's going to break my allowance that week. And we learned that Mikkel wants to, wants to stop being afraid of being alone. TJ wants the same thing. So they connect, their beef is squashed, maybe. and Maddi wants to set better boundaries between being friends and being a manager, which, fair. And then Grace Lilly says she knows people don't believe it, but she's too hard on herself and she wants to overcome that.

I think Grace is the only like. I mean, Mikkels is real. Maddi's is a little bit still work related. 

Molly: But also, like, what does Mikkels and TJ's thing have to do with each other? Like, they don't, they don't have to like each other. Like, if you want to be accepted in this world, it's probably not going to be by some, like, cunt you work with.

No offense. It's true. And also, like, 

Rob: [00:50:00] stop. Bootlegging like Leva is never going to make you a co owner. Like that's just not going to happen. And I said this on another episode, if you try to start your own business. In Charleston, Leva would squash you. Leva and Lamar would squash that business so fast.

Molly: Yeah. They'd snuff you out. I mean, I, I wonder if like, that's him forward thinking, or if he, cause I agree it's bootlicky, but like at the same time, maybe he's forward thinking and he's trying to think, what is my 5 percent of Elisa Vanderpump owned restaurant a la Tom and Tom. Yeah. What's my Miquel 

Rob: Miquel?

Molly: It was my Macal Macal. Exactly. wait, can I tell you something that I've noticed about this show? Yes. I think that they, I feel like they're trying to pitch episode names throughout. Oh, have you noticed that when it was like, we're going down the rabbit hole, we're [00:51:00] going down the rabbit hole. And then like in the previous episode where it was like, bitch made bitch.

And I was like, I feel like they. Have an intelligent se They've gained intelligence. Like, I feel like they have an intelligent sense of, like, how the show is going to be marketed. And I, I have this, like, weird feeling about that. So even in a campfire scene like this, I can see them sprinkling some sort of bullshit expressions because they know this is going to be an anchor for an episode.

They're smart enough to know that now. 

Rob: And then the episode gets titled off to the races 

Molly: after the race says, I know, 

Rob: but I think there is a lot of, at least in this first season, a lot of, well, we know what's worked on other shows like this, how do we capitalize on that? And it's not working like the show is working as a show, but you can tell the things that are being forced are not working in a way that.

You could, I would think a producer is really [00:52:00] hoping would 

Molly: like, so give an example of that. 

Rob: Um, in the first episode, Mikkel gets introduced by like being brought to a team meeting, um, after, but we find out through everyone else that he has been put on suspension for the club promotion. Right. So there's this kind of Sheena y moment of like, well, what's he doing here?

What is, and, and it just doesn't land because immediately Leva takes him to. And it's like, well, you're on suspension. And it's like, You thought that was going to hit harder than it actually was. And then you, like, you took everything that could have had stakes away from it. 

Molly: I don't know if I would feel more or less confident moving forward on this show.

If I was Macau based on that, because like, in some ways it's like huge that they're going to anchor. But we see how cruel time has been to Sheena Shea. Yes. Where she really was the originator of the show, but like, I like that he is this [00:53:00] spark plug within the cast where it's like, love him or hate him, everyone has a relationship with Mackell.

Rob: Yeah. Molly, I like to end my episodes with a little game called bourbon and bubbles. Uh, it is, uh, your bourbon would be like what you think is the bad, the negative didn't land and the bubble would be the thing that skews more positive. I can go first or second, whatever you would like.

Molly: You go first. 

Rob: Okay. Well, my bourbon and I, I really. Tiptoed on this one because I wasn't sure if it was actually a bubble because I I have so much fun talking about it But I think ultimately it's a bad thing and that's Emmys mom Sean D Just the whole idea of the moms wanting to like invade their kids like fame space And and so I'm putting that in my bourbon is Sean D 

Molly: It's the ugly Whitney implication where it's like you have this thing where it's like Whitney on [00:54:00] Southern term isn't interesting unless he has Patricia because otherwise he's just like a horny old gross man.

And it was like, I would say even the same with like, when we meet the parents later, it felt like, oh, we're going to have this come to Jesus moment, but it's like no different than when Jax had to apologize to Dana and whatever his name was, Stassi's dad. Um, I would say my bourbon was the exact same repeat moment as Vanderpump where Maddi has to go to Leva and say, I've already invited everyone and she's like, so let me guess you've invited everyone and now I have to like the same thing Lisa does before every trip where she's like and I don't even have peter, you know sort of Thing so I I thought that was just a little repetitive and lame.

Rob: Well, and also lisa at least had the Had the wherewithal to say like, well, no, not everyone can [00:55:00] go. Jen Bush has to stay back and work. 

Molly: Jen. But, oh my God, poor John Bush. Yeah. I think about her. 

Rob: I do too. Um, I tried to get her from my project. She will not respond to my emails. I feel like 

Molly: she's a wall. It's because of the weirdness.

But yes, very much, 

Rob: very much. my bubble would be gracefully having a. Business card and just saying, Ross Chastain will take care of you. 

Molly: Yeah. My mine is, um, the gray, silly. Maddi sort of yin and yang that was that conversation and just the way they worked that out. I don't even know if they're like organic friends, but they had the thing to make it work for this scene.

And maybe I'll give a little, um, toast to Maddi's DJ performance, which I'm, I am happy. I have to just be a little, I have to do the, the, um, girl power moment of like, you get it. Um, Future Paris Hilton or [00:56:00] I get 

Rob: it. Yeah. I think that, yeah, let's go. We're retroactively taking away whatever we said before.

Steve Aoki, Diplo, fat boys, Paris Hilton. That's what it 

Molly: is. Yeah. 

Rob: Um, well, this has been great. Molly, would you like to let people know where they can find you and your podcasts? 

Molly: Yes. Um, I have a podcast called trend lately, which is a podcast about trending topics, things that were trending last week, but also things that.

My coast. And I thought we're trending that are fun and great. We also talk about like movies, whatever else. Um, and then I have a podcast called mother may sleep a podcast, which is a long form podcast that if you're a fan of Rob or Kyle Rupert, they've both been on. And, um, there, it's a long form, like deep sort of introspective look into a lifetime original movie or an episode of law and order SVU.

Rob: And I was also on trend lightly folks. So 

Molly: you were on, Oh my God, [00:57:00] by the way, Rob, I literally was so disturbed when I listened back to our episode. Cause I would not let you have a fucking inch with that post Malone. I wouldn't, I was like, I literally, it's your 

Rob: show, it's your show, 

Molly: but that's not okay.

Cause I'm literally like, I'm so blinded by my, Eric told me I was in a parasocial relationship. And he was like, I was like, you're right. Because when Rob came on, I refused to believe that there was a world in which. Post Malone is a corporate shell and he 

Rob: is, I'm telling you, 

Molly: did you see the new music video?

Rob: Not yet. Not yet. I'm going to 

Molly: send it to you. It's a Bud Light commercial. It's great. 

Rob: I'm telling you. 

Molly: I know that 

Rob: would be the life though. Right? Like Bud Light. Just pay me. I'll die. You know, I'm sober, but I'll make the commercials. 

Molly: Come on. Especially it's the controversy, you know, like it's, it feeds into the psyop of it all.

So exactly. Yeah. But I 

Rob: will give. Post Malone credit. He, I've never seen him do try hard palms. 

Molly: No, he's great. I mean, I mean it when I say he's a good boy, but [00:58:00] I was so, I listened back and I was like, why are you so bitch whipped by this whole thing? Where I was just like, no, Rob, you don't understand. Like post Malone would never do something like this unless Morgan Wallen was his best friend and like, so sorry.

I'm like, really? I was like, you've lost it, but. It's 

Rob: a very important, like, I think that episode of trend lightly paired with the time that that Post Malone Morgan Wallen, I had some help song came out, it's, it's a cultural moment because our episode is going to be what's taught in school, so I'm like, how.

People viewed media at the time. 

Molly: I think so. I think so. And by the way, I don't look at my numbers because I don't like to get in my head, but I could probably go on there and find out that we have 46, 000 downloads, like out of nowhere on that one episode, because people want to hear the cultural commentary of one story.

Stubborn woman and a [00:59:00] man who has a mind to open and wide about what could be going on with, uh, post Mullen's career. So I appreciate you always. 

Rob: Well, thank you for having me and listeners. If you'd like to hear other episodes of Vanderpump Robs bonus episodes, see some video and get them ad free, go to patreon.

com slash Vanderpump Robs. And you get that six, six satisfaction of knowing you're helping me. Keep this podcast alive, Molly. Thank you again for joining me and we will see everyone next time on Vanderpump robs, 


Angel 4: Undercover (1994)


Angel III: The Final Chapter (1988)