Brady Wolsiffer: Pride and Peanut Butter (Southern Hospitality S1E7)

When it's Pride weekend in Charleston, it's time for Joe to wear a wig and Bourbon n Bubbles to have a classy event. Will TJ and Mikel be friends forever? Did Grace Lilly make production film her strutting the catwalk? Has Brady invented the best truck accessory? It's the episode that celebrates love while your boss asks too many questions.

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Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs a podcast about Hollywood, Charleston and everything in between. On today's episode, I welcome a very special and [00:02:00] some may say dangerous guest. Uh, 

One half of the sensational Instagram account Vanderpod recaps.

It's Brady Wilsifer. Hey Brady. 

Brady: Hello, Rob. I'm, I'm so glad to, uh, 

make you fear me with, with my danger. No, it's just like, you don't, you don't hold back, you don't hold back. And I think that's actually what we need in the Bravo space. Is it? Do we need more not holding back? I think we need more, uh, level headedness, maybe some coping mechanisms outside of, um, reality TV.

But yeah, I think, um, I think using the therapy sessions that are filmed for Vanderpump Rules as your own personal therapy session may not cut it in this world. I tried screaming like Tom did on that episode of therapy and, you know. I hired a podcast producer to get me to meditate and scream and it didn't work.

we're recapping that. Next [00:03:00] that's Patreon only. 

Rob: Paywall for sure. Yeah. Nobody, maybe they do want that.

Who knows? Five star review. Everyone. Do you want an episode of Birdie and I screaming at each other? 

what you've been up to, is there anything new in this, in this, uh, reality TV world that you're getting 

All worked up about, 

Brady: right now with Vanderpod recaps, we're recapping every single person from Love Island doing every single interview.

Um, they're giving us. Not that much. I'm a little disappointed. 

what else? Oh my god. I've been obsessed I'm, just telling you what i'm watching now. Um, i've been obsessed with the boyfriend on netflix I don't know this you've you were telling me about this, but I I don't know it Oh, I there are nine gay japanese men living in this house And I don't know if the goal is to find love.

I don't know what the goal is and 

I don't think they accomplished anything. There was like two couples maybe at [00:04:00] the end, but it is the most beautiful story. You're watching queer men learn how to like express themselves and a whole lot of stuff we don't see Mikel and TJ doing on this episode.

Actually, that's not true. They fully do a little bit. I think a little bit is the. The key there, that reminds me, did you ever watch Terrace House on Netflix? Okay. So The Boyfriend is a kind of a spinoff of Terrace House. Okay, great. Um, I feel like that needs to be Patreon content at some point. Like I know we made a joke about screaming, but like, it feels like these are the sort of things where we grab people with the Vanderpump in the public feed, and then they stay for The Boyfriend in Terrace House in the premium feed.

It's a there i've watched a little bit of terrace house It's just a beautiful reality show where you just watch people live and you can tell that they're not being traumatized Yeah, and there's something nice about that. Yeah. Yeah, I like that. Lala kent could [00:05:00] never 

okay, what if we put the girlies from Vanderpump, the only people I care about anymore, what if we put them in a terrace house situation where it was just like, calm, and then we just got to see them like, vibe and talk for ten episodes.

Rob: that's the something about her show people think would be a success, but it's not, it's not like it wouldn't be Bravo and that's fine. It doesn't, not everything has to be Bravo. Guess what? Bravo ain't life. Drama ain't life, but here we are covering a Bravo show. But before we actually talk about this Bravo show.

You're a big brother person, right? You are a fan of big brother. 

Brady: Absolutely. I think I started with, um, uh, and Andy season, season 14, maybe.

Okay. Um, who I love Andy. He's iconic, 

but yes, I've watched Big Brother for a while. I'm obsessed with that show. It is so good. Well, this is my first year diving in and, 

Rob: I'm very interested in it. I went back and watched cause I've watched amazing race and [00:06:00] survivor.

And I first met Rachel Riley on amazing race and the traders, I guess. But sorry. Well, so I had to go back and watch her first season of big brother as in preparation for season two. 2024 is big brother, 

an amazing individual. I that's the only word I can, I can put out there and 

this season, there might be someone that rivals.

Rachel Riley, this woman from Utah named Angela, who people are theorizing is a plant to be a villain because she's been on like Dr. Phil and some other shows, but she's a realtor in Utah. 

Brady: Um, Mary Cosby is from there.

Everyone's a villain. Well, that's the thing. Someone dug up that this Angela woman is friends with. Uh, Wild Rose, Whitney, Whitney from Salt Lake City Housewives. So it's all coming together. What is the, do we know the extent of their friendship? No, but they were eating [00:07:00] together at what looked like an Applebee's and I think only friends go to Applebee's.

I was about to say in Utah, eating at Applebee's is like anal. Like that's a big deal. That is a big deal. Yeah. They must be besties. They're besties. So we're going to have to keep an eye on on Big Brother and Salt Lake City because if Angela makes the move from Big Brother to a housewife of Salt Lake City, 

I would be obsessed. It's also like, I'm glad they're casting villains, because usually on Big Brother they have a terrible time. They, Big Brother's biggest downfall is it's casting. It's extremely stale and they like keep casting the same like hot people who cannot play the game So it's not as entertaining as it could be but I heard that this season the casting actually got better Um, and I wonder if casting Angela was their like secret weapon.

Rob: There's also one other woman who's been on dr. Phil named brooklyn 

So I wonder if they tried to cast a villain and a good [00:08:00] person or something a hero and a villain Why was she, why was Angela on Dr. Phil? Do we know? Angela was on Dr. Phil. I believe it was like, my daughter won't talk to me anymore.

And it's like, Oh, you fucking 14 year old. I get it. 

And then the other woman was like, we've found your stalker. And so very Dr. Phil episodes. 

Before we get into today's episode, is there anything you're seeing in the fandom though, that you just want, I want to give you the space.

You don't have to say anything at all, but like, I like to allow space for my guests to be like, you know what, this is something we need to keep our eye on Bravo heads. 

Brady: to be like completely honest, I am extremely fandoms at the current moment. Good for you. Um, But it's because no one is okay. It seems like, it seems like everyone who's a fan of these shows, um, is just absolutely bursting at the seams to like tell Lala, [00:09:00] she's an unfit mother.

I've seen a lot of insane Lala comments recently and it, it makes me not want to participate in like online conversations, which I'm not really an online conversation person anyway. The only time you'll catch me giving my opinions is unfortunately recorded forever on a podcast with my name attached.

Um, so, but like, I, I just don't understand why. I love, did you ever listen to Bitch Sesh with Casey and Danielle? Yes. Their motto was like no tagging like we're talking shit here, and you're listening, and it's fun, right? Yeah, like we're not we don't need to at Whitney Rose that we know she's a she's a lesbian Who's dating Angelo because we saw her at Applebee's together 

which is probably a tweet that has been twat by this time You know most like oh, I just I I think the only thing I just wish the fandom was a little more like fun and exciting instead of [00:10:00] just really toxic.

It's kind of been rough. Well, there's a lot of, uh, disingenuous morality out there that I think there's a lot of people who are very genuine too. Like, don't get me wrong, but I think the loud voices who want to make sure we know they are good people, uh, are, are rising to the top and it makes it not very fun 

Rob: you know, it's like a mystery novel. 

find out what you, how you want it to end. And then you're like, Oh, well, I'll just trace this back to find everything. 

Brady: Exactly. Man. Well, let's talk about another story. It's, uh, Southern Hospitality Season 1, Episode 7, which aired on January 16th, 2023, not too long ago.

Rob: Uh, title pride and peanut butter, a really clever, I, I kind of like that one. the Bravo TV. com description goes like this. Leva needs the Republic team to work together for pride weekend, but tensions run high in the aftermath of an [00:11:00] explosive fight. Will decides whether to fulfill Emmy's hopes and go to law school or pursue his own dream of running a restaurant.

I don't remember that in the episode. Mikel and TJ put their differences aside to host an event. When Maddie drops an accusation against Bradley, he fires back. it's a gloomy as shit morning and everyone is waking up hungover and resentful of the previous night's argument.

Uh, but later that day, you know, cause we don't get a lot. We get those, those like weird intros to these shows where it's just like, let's see these people laying in bed and let's see these people laying in bed and it's like, all right, five minutes of the episode is gone without anything actually happening.

But that evening, everyone heads to the well oiled Republic machine. Maddie makes sure to let us know that, everyone working there needs to leave the ego at the door. Sure, Maddie. 

Brady: That was insane. I was like, girl, this beginning part of the episode is kind of [00:12:00] rough for her.

She has this whole conversation and then like does everything she said not to do. 

Rob: They love to add that element to comedy to these things. Joe and Maddie discuss the argument from the night before at the Griffon. Uh, Joe feels shitty and thinks that the common denominator is Trevor. Not exactly sure how that works, but 

Brady: well, so Trevor's fucking Maddie and Joe Bradley wants to be fucking Maddie So Trevor is the problem.

I think it's like straight guy math. Aren't you good at that? Come on? 

Rob: Yeah, I should be but I've been in a relationship for so long. I forget what it's like to Maddie lets Joe know that it was his chance to tell the truth You And that they are in the business of de escalating, even in their friendship, which is ridiculous.

It's a ridiculous thing to say. 

Brady: I'm glad you said that because when I was watching this episode, and she was like, we are in the business of de escalating, I was like, Maddie, all you do is [00:13:00] escalate. And then I was like, like thinking about the way she was like screaming at that restaurant. I'm like, where is the de escalation now?

I'm okay with her screaming by the way Like I love that she did that and I love everything I i'll talk shit about maddie, but at the end of the day i'm so happy. She's doing what she's doing on my television Yes, because I love it. But like you're insane girl and You It's telling Joe Bradley that it's like de escalation is their job as managers.

I, the way these people are obsessed with management, guess what? I've done retail management. It's not exciting. You want to kill yourself. So like, don't get excited to manage other people, especially 70 little Maddie's and 70 little Joe Bradley's. That's a nightmare. 

Rob: The thing about this show is that they really want us to know that these people care about Republic but Leva doesn't care about you, Leva will kick you to the [00:14:00] curb at any point in time and it will not matter. And she will find the next person with a bunch of influencers to work at her bar or, or even 10, 000 followers and work at her bar. And maybe there'll be another season of the show. And this comes in a little bit later as well, Cause we don't get this on vintage Vanderpump. Stassi doesn't give a shit about sure as a business. You know? Stop seeing with lighting on fire. She doesn't fucking care. Jax doesn't give a fuck about profit margins. What are you talking about? 

Brady: Could you imagine watching Jax on the, like, management path and, like, watching him meet with Lisa and say, Well, Lisa, our ROI this quarter has been this.

Rob: the other side of Republic, Will, Emmy, and Maddie discuss that Bradley is messy and bringing up Emmy's past relationship with Trevor. This is messy and And I know that Bradley gets even messier in season [00:15:00] 2, I haven't watched it yet, but I hear this is what happens.

Brady: I'm sorry, Bradley gets messier? 

Rob: Yeah, apparently. Interesting. 

Brady: I 

Rob: don't, I guess I kind of understand the logic, because I've been in my early 20s drunk trying to like, Grab anything that like serves my argument for the best. but it's not like she cheated on her boyfriend, like in a previous relationship she had sex and they're kind of like, okay, Bradley, this just makes you, you look bad.

Brady: That is really kind of weird. Now that I am thinking about that, it's like, It wasn't like a scandal. It was just a sex act. I also like Dick and peanut butter. I couldn't think of like two, like worse flavors together. I mean, 

Rob: what they're leaving out is that they were drunk and she was probably just like, Ooh, I'm going to do this thing.

And then, okay. Right. Like, yeah, it's stupid. They all know it's stupid. And Bradley, this isn't the [00:16:00] own that Bradley thinks it is. 

Brady: Yeah, also like Maddie keeps saying she's in the business of de escalation and I'm, I'm confused because it's like you just said that to Joe Bradley, walked inside to your co workers or subordinates, I'm assuming, starts like threatening Bradley, who is another co worker, But she's absolutely in the business of de escalation.

Rob: So she's the bitch that runs the bitch, and so they need to learn after her, but whatever. Also, Regan, nowhere to be seen working in this episode, so I guess she's only working one episode for the fight? 

Brady: So I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna immediately hate it and my rich daddy is gonna take me away again I'm gonna get the fuck away from here.

Rob: But luckily we had this birthday party and I know God bless I know exactly what happened producers found out [00:17:00] that there's this one central person. That's not on the cast Who caused a lot of drama? They're like, okay, let's film your birthday party, but guess what? No one knows who the fuck she is. So now let's film a new scene where we introduce this person so that we can edit it in a way to make it not seem as hodgepodge as it is.

Brady: That actually makes a lot more sense. 

Rob: Yeah, 

Brady: because I was really confused about why all of a sudden reagan's starting back because and they were all Nasty to her the entire time so they must have known like oh, i'm not really going to be like A part of this girl's life again or something. Yeah, 

Rob: definitely.

Except for like Mia, who's drunk and is like, let's take a break together in the beer cooler. Um, anyway, TJ reminds us that being gay in Charleston is difficult because a lot of men live in secrecy. A gay man living in secrecy in Charleston, South Carolina? I'd never. You [00:18:00] wouldn't say. 

Brady: Yeah. Um, I think he's a little off base.

I think dating as a gay person is miserable anywhere. And I think that there are a lot of DL men literally everywhere. I guess I'm in Indiana, which may be a little, a little less like gay. So I, maybe I just relate to that. Cause that's the case here too, pretty much. But I think that's basically everywhere.

Rob: I would think that like. You know, like not everywhere is WeHo, right? Like, and the fact is, is that like, TJ knows his surroundings, right? Like what I know is my town, but it is funny to like, hear on a Bravo show, this person being like, you wouldn't, you wouldn't suspect it, but this Southern town isn't as tolerant as you think it might be.

Brady: Surprise, surprise. Well, you know, I am happy that at least, especially this episode, like I'm happy we're at least getting. Like, gay stories that I don't think we've heard before. Um, and [00:19:00] that was one thing this whole episode, because at first I was so pissed, because this TJ dating, uh, scene is like 45 seconds.

Rob: Yeah. 

Brady: And it ended and I was mad. I was like, Oh, I'm sorry. We gave the gays 45 seconds in the pride episode. I literally, my notes are like, this is bullshit. I hate it. Like, this is so rude. 

Rob: And then they turn around a bit once you see the second half of the episode, I assume. 

Brady: Yeah. Then they give us more gay.

Rob: Although, I do have a few. We'll get there. We'll get there. But I think, uh. Yeah. As a, as a straight man, I can see the glaring Bravo edit on this thing in, in a big way, especially with like Vanderpump, like the whole thing is that like, it's the Bravo network. It's very queer friendly, but. They don't tell a ton of stories.

So how friendly is it? 

Brady: You know, it's like we can have your hairdressers. We can have real houses in Atlanta. We can have really gay people there doing [00:20:00] hair and being friend of, but like, we can have Jeff Lewis, but he's not just gay. He's also a really good designer. It's like, I almost can't just be rich and gay and be on a show.

I have to like have a third thing. And that's hard. If you're already rich and gay,

Rob: What do you think about this story, though, with Cameron's new or TJ's new boyfriend, Cameron, I think, well, the red flag justified is the red flag justified. 

Brady: I don't think the red flag is justified because. I could see it being a huge red flag, the like seven years with a woman thing, but to be like public and like out enough to film a TV show where you're being like actively gay, I think, I think that makes it less of a red flag because it's like, oh, maybe he, he literally could just be a bisexual human.

Um, so that's the one thing they don't touch 

Rob: on also that I thought was interesting, like the option that he might be bi, right? 

Brady: And no one will [00:21:00] because. If we can't tell a gay story, how are people gonna understand bisexuality? erasure is real, and I think it's just hard for people to like, understand stories where people can like men and women.

Rob: to go back to like the editing, like, I'm not making an excuse for any sort of erasure, but like, I do feel like potentially the, the scene of TJ walking to get picked up by his boyfriend in his car may not have been very long. Like it may have been like, all right, I'm picking you up from work and this is what we get.

Was he driving a truck? I think so. That's hot. Honestly, I'm into that. Go TJ! Did he have truck nuts, though? That's the question. Her truck notes still a thing. Can I actually, should I, okay. I, my day job is working with like an auto parts company. Okay. Um, and I've been pitching this thing to my boss for a long time now called a [00:22:00] Trissy.

Brady: Um, And I think you might know where this is going, but we already sell these things that like pop into truck hitches. And I was like, what if we got one that was kind of fleshlighting and we put a pocket pussy in it and then they could clip the pocket pussy. Like you could get it out, you know, take care of business and pop it back in your truck and.

I, it's called a Trissy, and I don't want anyone to steal that because I need the money from it, so no one's allowed to steal it. 

Rob: this is a safe space for all ideas, and I think that there's already videos out there of people really loving their cars. You might just be providing a service to them that they need.

Brady: do you think when I finally develop it and I'm doing my like social media ads, you think that one of the target groups could be like the freaky people who want to fuck their cars? Yes, of course. You think that's a sub genre on Facebook I can pick to market to? [00:23:00] Yes, and do you think, which, which shark do you think would be into this idea on Shark Tank?

Rob: Mr. Wonderful, Barbara, Damon. I wanna say, no, you know what I'm gonna say? They're gonna pass on it, just like they did my friend Scrub Daddy. They did. And then I'm gonna go on to be bigger than they could have even imagined. My Trissies, my Trissie will be across the globe. I'll be a global brand with my Trissie.

Where the hell have we gone on this episode? But I love it. Um, let's bring it back. Gave me the perfect segue to be honest. So I was like, I guess I have to say it now. I had to remind people about truck nuts. Uh, so Leva Leva arrives to Republic to shoot the shit with Joe Bradley. And he's excited. He's excited for his real promotion.

I never thought I was going to grow this, this quickly at any job. And I, I'm not making fun of. The way Joe talks, I just think Joe is so [00:24:00] matter of fact, with such a distinct voice that like he almost sounds rehearsed. And I, I'm sure he is, but it's just so funny to hear him talking with Leva and she reminds him that there's no more eating of face on baseball kiss cams now that he's management of Republic DMG.

Brady: like, I don't like watching Leva interact with them because it makes me uncomfortable, and I think it's because I've been through, I've actually lived the life where I was that person who's like, I want to become a manager, I want to work my way up, I want to, and I did it, I did all the things, I got to all the levels, and guess what?

The top is not that fun. It's not that great. Um, and so like, it kind of makes me sad to watch them all like get so into this like management track and all these things when I know, like, I think I remembered this because. When Mikel got his chance to be a VIP host, right? Mm-Hmm. . It wasn't [00:25:00] because Mikel earned that.

No, it was because there was a call out, which, but also you need to believe, but also he used to be one before the show, so that's true. There's not that, but yes, he didn't have to earn his way back up. The whole idea was that you're starting at the bottom and you're going to work back up to this and no, there's one episode and then as soon as they had a position to fill, a spot to fill.

Which, that also might be storyline, but it really, I think all these people think Leva has their best interest in mind, and Leva's just trying to keep her business open so she can go like, sit, and like, in her second or third house, and drink a Moscow Mule. Like And hang out with the crew from Southern Charm?

Rob: Which still doesn't, like Leva and Shep are not friends. I don't care what you want to try and tell me. What do you think they talk about? Probably hunting, I think. No. No! [00:26:00] I thought that was a serious answer. I'm not Southern Charm, like, educated very much. I'm waiting to finish this season then I'm going to watch the most recent season because I think the new season starts shortly as of the time of this recording.

So, I just feel like it went pretty well. Southern Hospitality Season 1, then a season of Southern Charm, and then Southern Hospitality Season 2. I gotta get my, I have to keep my story straight, you know? We see Brad and his new girlfriend Kayla, not Kala, Kayla, and they go out for, uh, Margs. Uh, he met her at Republic and they connected during his time there. New business body by Brad and, Brad just continues to be messy. He's talking about the peanut butter story to his girlfriend and how he got into a fight.

They're giggling about it. And then Joe shows up for some reason. Producers said, Hey, 

Brady: this scene is [00:27:00] really boring because Bradley's actually terrible at this. He's only hot and Kayla. No one knows who I've never had. Have we met Kayla before? 

Rob: Not at all. We just needed to know that Brad's got a new love interest.

So we have to see her to make. 

Brady: We have, yeah, we got to give a face to the name, but I was like, and then, yeah, Joe Bradley showed up in the middle out of nowhere. It was like, what is going on here? 

Rob: They deconstruct the fight, but somehow all. The blame goes on Maddie, which justified to an extent, but not, I guess, not all of the blame.

I mean, Brad was there fighting too. And Maddie wasn't as justified as Maddie thought she was. when you contradict yourself too much in an argument, you can't then point the blame on like a Bradley, even if.

Bradley was equal at this. Maddie was just bad at arguing that night. 

Brady: like, why did the peanut butter even get brought up? Bread Bradley. I know he [00:28:00] was trying to deflect, but it just seemed inconsequential. 

Rob: Yeah, 

Brady: especially considering Trevor had actually cheated on her.

Like, why didn't we just talk about that more? 

Rob: Yeah. Why does it have to be that? Cause to my mind, it's not that Trevor cheated on Maddie with Emmy. Trevor just cheated on Maddie. And that is the perfect thing. To talk about, like, it's so sweet. We 

Brady: found, if we found out that it was Trevor cheated on Maddie with Emmy.

Yes. The show would win an Emmy because that is some drama. That would be good. I hope that happens. I hope these life ruining things happen to these people. 

Rob: Yep. 

Brady: Why are we giving Bradley scenes at all when like we've only seen, Have we even seen Grace Lilly yet? 

Rob: No, 

Brady: and this is, What is going on?

She's the purpose 

Rob: for the show. And I think we did see [00:29:00] one scene where she's like, Tanning. And didn't she said she got banned from their neighborhood pool. Yeah, because the moms didn't like her. But let me tell you, that booty is bakin 

Brady: She had her MEOW out at that public pool. You know it. You know this mom came by and she's like, my husband is literally like gonna leave me if you don't cover up right now.

Like this is unacceptable. 

Rob: Oh my god. 

Brady: Are we going to talk about how Body by Brad, in this scene, with Kayla, he admits to accepting sex as a form of payment?

Was that 

Rob: what 

Brady: he was implying? 

Rob: He's not as clever as he thinks he is. That's what he's saying is. they met at Republic, then she started being a client and then they wanted to have sex. And so he's like, I cannot, I don't sleep with my clients. So we'll just work out together. And then he does say, he's like, and she decided to pay me new [00:30:00] full name.

And it's like, that's not, that's not, you don't say Brad. That's not clever, man. 

Brady: I mean, listen, Brad, actually, I hate you so much. You're so boring, but if I can work out with you and then you can fuck me and it's free, call me, I'll get on a plane to Charleston tomorrow. Cause I know he's.

You know, when a guy can't talk, you know, it's good 

Rob: yeah, we better just let people use their imaginations anyway. this next scene that I want to talk about might be. The scene that made me dislike Leva the most, if it wasn't her contacting her employees while they're on vacation or telling them, yeah, 

Brady: telling 

Rob: them that like it's really important to upkeep the business without like offering to pay them more, like anything like that.

It's her guiding. [00:31:00] The coming out stories of TJ and McKell. Like, did you notice she like put guardrails up to be like, and then, and then this, and then, and then that's good. Right. Right. Because at Republic, TJ and McKell meet with Lovett to discuss the pride event they want to show at. They, they want to throw at bourbon and bubbles the Monday after the weekend, martini Mondays.

Now Republic is going to have its own event that we'll talk about in a moment, but this is a more, uh, More classy event on Martini Mondays. Um, we learned that coming up at the Republic of Man. Mikkel is convinced Brad and Joe to dress in drag. Okay, we'll get there.

Then they start talking about their own personal journeys, TJ and Mikkel, and they're talking about why pride is important. Cool. But here's what Leva says. She's like, yeah, I just equate pride to no fear. And I just, that feels odd for Leva to say, I don't [00:32:00] know. Leva's that girl who you're like, Have you ever seen the clip of Derrick Barry going where the interviewer, it's a drag queens and Derrick Barry's there and she goes, tell us what happened at Stonewall and Derrick Barry goes, we fought for our rights and people were killed.

Brady: And another drag queen Willem immediately goes, nobody was killed. Nobody was killed. And that feels like Leva. It feels like Leva, before she filmed this scene, went to her iPad and went, Gay? What gay? It was like, like, It felt so disingenuous. 

Rob: Yes. 

Brady: I think, they also mentioned it's the first annual Pride event at Bourbon and Bubbles.


Rob: in 2023. So, I guess 2022 was when it was filmed. 

Brady: Okay, that's unacceptable. Like, I would rather them have not centered the story around pride than centered around, like, this false pride that they're, like, doing now. 

Rob: Yeah, 

Brady: my [00:33:00] problem with it is like if these things weren't happening before you were filming a television show in your businesses, then it should just keep not happening because I almost judge you more for like doing it now than just not doing it at all. 

Rob: feels disingenuous.

but I will say to give them any sort of credit, potentially this is the first year there's ever been a King Street Pride. Weekend, I could totally see, I don't know, but I'm saying if that were to be the case, that would be the reason, but it doesn't sound like it sounds like Republic just didn't do anything before this.

Brady: Yeah, I I really didn't like that And but I did I know you mentioned they talked about their coming out stories Yeah, and I I honestly, like, I was watching this and I was like, wow, I don't think I've ever, like, felt so, like, connected to a story on a show like this.

About, like, Queerness or whatever because we [00:34:00] don't get that chance on Bravo a lot but like tj's story like really resonated with me where it's like Because I do this like I don't really talk about gay shit with my parents like especially my dad Very similar to like mckell where it's like we don't really we don't like He doesn't ask me if i'm dating girls, but like he's also not like asking me about men Like so I just like I was really happy to hear those stories Please And like hear them talk about it.

And I think Leva kind of spoiled it a little bit, like, like I'm so glad you feel less real in a way. It felt like level was like, okay, now tell me about your gay, gay, sad for my show. Tell me about your gay side. 

Rob: Yeah. I, I'm, I'm so glad that you said that because my note was that. I feel like this scene is good for audiences like across the board, but especially to like hear common stories, right?

Like, Oh, that's like me. I feel like I can relate, but also like to people who don't [00:35:00] relate. They're like, Oh, this is a human experience that I would never know about without seeing it here. Right? Because. That's just how people learn is through other people's experiences. And Leva, this whole conversation is like, and that was good for you.

Right. And like, and that made you feel strong. Right. And that makes you feel powerful. Right. And it's like, shut the fuck up. 

Brady: Also, they're not talking about feeling strong or powerful. They're literally talking about feeling accepted, feeling whole, feeling seen. Those are very different things from like power.

Right. I also did, did you notice during the scene, Mikkel said that he's gay and not bi? 

Rob: Yes, because 

Brady: that's different than before. Like it is. And I, I, that made me so happy. Cause I was like, obviously again, I'm erasing bi people, bi people exist, but I don't know if I saw that fantasy for Mikkel. I don't think I saw that, but I was like [00:36:00] hearing it change.

I was like, Oh, that's like, that's so cool to like, kind of see him make this progression to feeling more comfortable to saying. You know, what he truly is 

Rob: definitely, uh, well, we need to take a quick break and we'll be right back to talk more about. This fantastic episode of Southern Hospitality. Brady before we're back from break. And before we actually talk more about this episode, I just want to give you the opportunity to talk shit on anything. We haven't talked shit about so far, just letting you know that like, you don't have to come up with anything right now, but throughout the rest of this episode, I want you to know that we can stop talking about Southern hospitality in order to talk shit and be [00:37:00] cheese eaters.

If need be. 

Brady: Oh, you mean about anything, not just my opinions on Southern hospitality? Well, you immediately said that. And I do, I am a listener of your pod, Rob. Oh, great. And you, you really, truly love Grace Lilly in a way that I think is unacceptable.

It's, I, Okay, I am triggered deep, deep down by Grace Lilly. I used to have a roommate, unnamed, um, who was exactly like Grace Lilly in the way that, I'll tell you what I love about Grace Lilly, she's confident, she's sexy, she's free, she is Um, her mind seems open. She seems liberated. And the one thing is I think all of that is just a little fake.

Like I don't, I think it's stuff she tells herself and I think she's on a path to [00:38:00] that, but I don't think she's quite there because the insecurity. Absolutely spewing out of this girl. When were they on the boat? What episode was that? I 

Rob: think that was last episode of the one before the one before. Yeah, 

Brady: I was so triggered because I used to have a roommate who would react about men this exact same way.

And I'm like, I can't stand this girl. And I don't know how you can. Love her the way you do with her glaring flaws. 

Rob: I am someone who appreciates the imperfections of life. And what I can really appreciate is the fact that grace Lily is one of the best people to ever grace our screens on the Bravo channel.

is she perfect? No, but around this cast, She ain't faking anything, whereas everyone else is [00:39:00] desperately trying to do that thing where they are self producing and like, this is who I am. This is what I do. I'm standing up for what I believe in grace. Lily is doing all of that. But then also.

When she fucks up and is like a total, uh, jerk and like sexist to an extent. And then, or, or self hating let's put it that way, total jerk and like self hating. Uh, she will then recognize that later and be like, I'm just trying to work on myself. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have called her that.

And it's like, no one else would ever, no one else in the show would ever say like, I shouldn't have said that. 

Brady: that's such a fair point because she does own it immediately, but I just see the potential for her to be that really full, fully realized, like, kumbaya person, and I want that for her, but I also kind of, now that you mentioned that, she is so perfect because she is Like, she is so, like, confident, but then so insecure at the same time. And I think that is [00:40:00] true. That is, like, what makes her such a good character. 

Rob: We got the glimpse a couple episodes ago, too, where she, like, got arrested. She did. At like 17 or 18, right? And, and she got sent away and that she was 

Brady: also an episode of Dr.


Rob: Oh, I'm hunting that down. If so, but, that's the thing where it's like, tell me more of that. I need to know. Like, cause she said, she's had like four spiritual awakenings. And if that started at like 15, when she's joyriding in a stolen car and she's like, what, 23 now, like that's almost a spiritual awakening every year and a half.


Brady: That's a lot. And you should probably space out your mushroom usage more. 

Rob: Yeah. I mean, I went to college and lived for many, many years after that in Kansas. And of course there's a college town has a like [00:41:00] crystal shop that sells incense, moccasins, and then like bongs upstairs. Right. 

Brady: Absolutely. 

Rob: And you know, that Grace Lilly it's at an, in a different life would be the one Hawking though, like, okay.

Buddha statues and incense downstairs. while feeling enlightened when the stoner dudes are selling the bongs and pipes upstairs. It's like this faux spirituality that she'll learn. She'll learn 

Brady: if I walked into a smoke shop and Grace Lilly was standing there, I would honestly probably just scream.

I would probably be so, I would be so happy. I do love, I do vape and I hate Going into vape shops to buy vapes because I don't know if you know this, but I am gay. Um, and they don't really feel like the safest spaces. 

Rob: So 

Brady: whenever there's a girly working, I like legit, I'm like, thank God. Like we can talk about flavors.

Like we can like get into the tea. But if I walked in and it was Grace Lilly, I would be so [00:42:00] happy. 

Rob: That would be so nice. Grace, are you listening? You responded to me on on the Vanderpump, a Vanderpod recaps, Instagram account. I hope you're listening to this episode. 

Brady: I saw that. I was, I was gagged a little bit.

Rob: That comment, that comment was wavy, baby. I'll tell you that. 

Brady: Wavy, wavy, wavy. Also, yeah, Grace Lilly, if you're somehow listening to this, now that I remembered that you actually do pay attention to stuff, I love you and I hope that you're not as insecure as I'm suggesting you are. I 

Rob: guarantee she does not listen.

Uh, but we'll talk about it when we get 

Brady: it. Your Patreon pops up. New member, G. Lilly. 

Rob: She subscribes for like 500 a month or something. 

Brady: Be like, I'm gonna bless this man with the power of the sun. The sun 

Rob: and that booty. We learn that Lucia and Davon are going through a bit of a rough patch.

Feels a little shoehorned in and Honestly, I mean, [00:43:00] there's a lot of fluff in a lot of these episodes, but like, if we thought TJ's story with his boyfriend was like a blip, they're doing the same thing with us with Lucia's story and I don't like that either. at least later in this episode, we get more context when she's driving with Bradley, they're doing that little bit of a fake out that they like they did with TJ.

It's like, here's a little bit of something, but let's go back and focus on the Maddie fight. 

Brady: Which please let's do that. The Maddie fight is great. I I am so disconnected to Lucia every time she pops up on my screen I'm like, who is she? What is she doing? She's not she's not dramatic. She's not really Causing anything.

She was good. She was dirt good during the g lily meltdown. She was a good player then but since i'm really tired of Devon is that her boy her? Yeah boyfriend's name. He that okay the way she delivers Pickups and stuff like [00:44:00] narration is so it's giving teen mom. Did you ever watch teen mom where it's like going through the picture book and they're like, my boyfriend, Rob just punched my baby in the face.

So I'm taking him to court. Not a real thing. So, oh, also Rob, sorry. Oh, no. Should I do another one? No, no, 

Rob: no, no, no, but I see what you're saying. I don't think her story is. I Being utilized because there is a world where this could be Bravo juiciness, right? Like, yeah, she says a few months back, she dated someone else and then Dave on, went through her phone and found out.

But the thing is that like. If they're only casually together now and really trying to start things off and she wasn't with him then, why, he has no obligation, she has no obligation to tell him what relationships she was in when they weren't together. So, give me the tea, like, what's the, why is he, is he just jealous?

And then like, is that [00:45:00] a healthy relationship to be in? Like, what's going on here? Like later we find out when she's talking to Bradley that they're taking time off and he's moved out. Davon's moved out of Lucia's place because he's hurt and like there's gotta be either more to the story or Davon is extremely insecure.

Brady: that her storyline does not make sense to me. Because, how are we, next episode is the finale. Yeah. I don't, I don't know what is gonna happen with their story, but I also don't even care. Which I think is the worst part about it. Yeah. I really don't. And, what, when he was doing that meditation, and like, Being like, um, I hate you.

I feel like he was like bullying her like mid meditation. It was weird. I don't like their vibes. Well, and he did do this thing when we saw them at the house too, where he's like, you see, you're, you're running late and you're, and you're causing [00:46:00] stress. And like, who asked to bear the brunt of that stress me.

Rob: And it's almost like, Dude, I get that like, it's annoying if someone's constantly running late or it's like delaying you because they didn't plan accordingly or whatever, but like they're stressed too. you're not bearing the brunt of the stress of some of it. Like she's obviously rushing and he's just being very condescending in the scene that we got.

So like I'm saying, you're right. But we don't care as an audience. But we could, if this wasn't a shoot in storyline. 

Brady: If it felt real in any kind of way. But it doesn't, it feels like she was just like, Hey, will you film this TV show? I got this gig. Like, I need a boyfriend in this show. I need a story. I'm not yelling at Maddie.

I'm not yelling about, uh, dicks and peanut butter. I'm not yelling about law school. So I need a story. Will you like be a terrible partner? 

Rob: And she, she could have perfectly been like the older sister [00:47:00]Yeah. She could have been more of that, but like, she's a little bit of that and she's got a little bit of her own story with her boyfriend and kid.

And she's got a little bit of being friends with Bradley, but not one thing that Bravo needs you to be on their shows. Is she here 

Brady: in season two? 

Rob: I don't know. I haven't seen it 

Brady: yet. 

Rob: All I know is in season two, someone does something with milk and apparently I think it's only fans related my kale from a couple episodes ago told me that like he watched.

Well, that's the thing. In Mike's episode, Mike watched a season two, episode five instead of season one, episode five. So I had, yeah, 

Brady: did you just record the podcast anyways? Yeah, we just recorded it. Yeah. I just told him 

Rob: what I saw. 

Brady: I love that. I love that so much. 

Rob: Yeah. Uh, 

Brady: anyway. Oh, so he saw the act. 

Rob: Yes, he knows about the milk and he said I should get [00:48:00] ready for it.

But Mike also agreed to come back for that actual episode. So, he owes it to 

Brady: me. There you go. Wait, do I get to be on the next Gay Pride episode? 

Rob: I see what you're getting at here. And I just, you just slotted in. I just said, hey, come on. And then I saw the episode was the Gay Pride episode.

When I 

Brady: started episode seven, I said, Rob, you must know one gay person if you're getting my, if you're getting my ass on this podcast. Ha! I love throwing out allegations. Sorry, . 

Rob: you know who else throws out something, Brad, when he is, this is later in the episode, but just to tie it to the Lucia thing, he's trying to bond with her and he's tells her that Maddie texted Kayla, uh, that she needed to protect her heart.

Which is insane and we'll get there because we get a small scene of Emi and Will discussing sleeping in with blackout curtains and until noon and Will's like, this doesn't align with my [00:49:00] five year plan. It's like, Will, you are 21 years old, man. What is your five year plan? Well, wake up, get some cereal, live for the next 4.

Brady: 5 years. Go be a lawyer like my daddy. And then Emmy's like, yeah, you get your law degree and open up a law firm. We won't have blackout curtains. Okay. But I also see Emmy saying that she likes to sleep through half of the day and have blackout curtains. It's giving depression. Yeah, you know, I got some, uh, Ikea has some lit blackout curtains.

They're so good. You wouldn't think a lit blackout curtain would work. Sorry, sorry. They had skivvity toilet blackout curtains. I'm just trying to use lingo. Okay.

And they, when those curtains came down, you knew depressed Brady was in because the way that is just also if you're not feeling depressed and you close your blackout curtains, you're going to be depressed now, [00:50:00] like buckle up, bitch, get the, get the Lexapro out of the closet. Get it in those veins because you need to open those curtains.

Rob: And you can quote Brady on that, everyone. Open those curtains. Open those curtains. You know, if you like this episode, uh, please leave us a five star review with the phrase, open those curtains. I hate that. 

Well, Mikkel meets with his dad at Mario's, where his dad only orders mozzarella sticks.

Did you catch that? I did. 

Brady: I said, Oh, is he on Olympic? Like that? He's, he's skimmy. Okay, dad. 

Rob: I love it in the very dad way. Cause I think we could all, especially you're a Midwestern boy. I was a Midwestern boy. How's the whole career thing going? It's like, Oh, condescending. Like, cause I quit the church, like 

Brady: the whole career thing.[00:51:00]

What was he working at the church? I think 

Rob: he was also working at the church. Now. I don't know if that means he was volunteering at the church, but like. Whatever he was doing at the church, he stopped doing so that he could work at Republic and be this VIP concierge, yeah, me too. But Mikhail tells us that he's fearful of coming out to his dad because he doesn't want to lose him.

He'd rather hide than be alone. and it's tough. And this is like, we talked about before, you know, this is like, it's good to see anyone having that thought process is not alone, but man, I am conflicted with how the dad talks to him here. 

Brady: yes, because at the end of McKell, they're like singing together.

And I'm like, wait, I thought, because to me, I've been, I've been kind of going through this, like, I've been thinking about this on my own, actually, outside of this show, but it feels like the dad is just willing to give him tolerance, and I don't know if that's what I want from my dad. I [00:52:00] don't think I even want, I wouldn't want that.

I'd want acceptance. Or almost or nothing, you know, there is 

Rob: so much like that you can blame on like, well, a different generation or anything like that. But if you, I, I would think that if you loved your child. You would be able to have the hard conversations. Now for him, for this dad who potentially thinks being gay is wrong, we don't actually know, which, just, that's what the signs are here and the added layer here is like, well, maybe the dad doesn't want to have this conversation on national tv. Right. So he's giving the answers to make his son feel good without having to have the tough conversation. 'cause he wants that to be a personal conversation. I'm not here to get this dad out of any.

Tough conversations. But, he does dad speak. And I think we've all had that. Dad's we went gay, straight by whatever. Like sometimes dads can not have the conversations [00:53:00] if they're not in control of the conversation. And you know what?

I'll get real on the conversation on, on the podcast. My dad, He's dead. Uh, he's been dead for quite some time now, looking down on us from above. I'm sure. But, uh, when he was sick. There was one point where I tried to have like I didn't say this because like no one who's dying is like, this may be the last conversation we're having and like bringing, no, we all know that part of it, but like, you want to say like, Hey, I want you to know, I love you.

We didn't, we've had problems. And I told my, I can laugh at this now, but like. I was in the car with my dad. We were going to pick up barbecue. He couldn't drive anymore. So I was driving us and I said, dad, I just want you to know that you are a good dad and I love you. And he turned up the radio

Brady: now. 

Rob: It's silent here. [00:54:00] Everyone. Cause Brady's laughing so loud. It's cutting out the microphone. 

Brady: What? What was on the radio? 

Rob: I wish I could remember, but I was so flabbergasted by, like, such a dad move. Like, I was like, alright. 

Brady: Cause honestly, you had to work up courage to be like, you know, I'm gonna, let me just, like, put myself out there and express myself to this man.

Like, let me just say it. Like, I wanna say it. I know he'll feel good hearing it. Blah, blah, blah. 

Rob: Ugh.

Then my, then during COVID, my step mom sold the house and I found out over Zillow. So, 

Brady: honestly, things weren't right. Step moms, step moms, you can edit that out, but step moms, I got one too. She can fuck off. I'm just kidding. I love, I kind of like my step mom. Yeah. 

Rob: I mean, I liked her too. I just thought that was a really weird.

Cause then I called her and I was like, Hey, I see on Zillow that are the house I grew up in sold. It. [00:55:00] Is everything okay? She took three days and then sent me a long text message. Not a phone call. I love, here's my funny thing about like boomer parents is that I love the, like raising us to confront our issues and to talk to people and to be vocal.

And then they discovered Facebook and they had to like, they regressed and like all the things that we learned from like 14 to 25, they had to learn from like 50 to 70. And so, like, they totally regressed into not being able to have a real conversation with you. 

Brady: that is really true, because I think, yeah, you know what, I might, I might just tell my dad I'm gay over Facebook.

Rob: Right. it'll be, uh, easier for him to respond, I'm sure. 

Brady: Yeah, it's, it's really easy to type F*****, it's probably harder to say it to your son. 

Rob: Brady, [00:56:00] well, we should, we should finish off this episode. A few days later, it's Pride in Charleston and Grace Lilly has an incredible outfit. 

Brady: gay fish are killed with that outfit.

She takes it, she goes in the ocean, and she swims in just a bunch of gay lobsters, like, Yeah, queen! 

Rob: It is like a crocheted rainbow dress that she has to wear, uh, duct tape over her nipples. And, uh, Bikini Bottom, Joe and Brad are getting into drag, 

Brady: Boo. It felt homophobic. It was gross. I did not like that at all. 

Rob: It was not good. Um. No. And then Joe. Boo. Went by Josephina, and Brad went as Rose. So 

Brady: Brad kind of looked a little hot in drag, I'm not gonna lie. He was serving something. Joe looked really, really 

Rob: Joe looked like a sleep paralysis monster. 

Brady: The pink wig was so [00:57:00] scary, and then when he tried to surf cunt, and he tried to like, flip it, and just his whole brown sideburn came out, I was like, aw, Joe, you tried so hard.

Rob: So hard. Uh, while setting up the decorations though, Will mysteriously loses his shirt. Uh, yet there's no fruit salad to be seen. 

Brady: Sorry, I like that one. 

Rob: We, you know, there's a lot of people, like, we meet Mikkel's new boyfriend that he calls 30 times, uh, a bunch of other stuff. Maddie lets everyone know that this was the team bonding experience to get over the Griffon.

Yet, Once again, Reagan, nowhere to be seen. Uh, Trevor and Maddie go shoe shopping before Martini Monday. And apparently Maddie caught Brad. This is why the text was sent. She caught Brad getting his dick sucked in an alley after the Pride event by a woman who wasn't Kayla. And so Maddie justifies that she was okay texting Kayla, protect your heart.[00:58:00]

This is, that's so messy. That's like, you didn't have to say a fucking thing. 

Brady: Also, if you did maybe just say like, Hey girl, just saw Bradley getting his dick sucked in the alleyway. I don't know what part about Maddie justifying protect your heart versus just telling Kayla the truth. The argument feels less bad to just be like, he was getting his dick sucked 

Rob: I think that protect your heart is worse. I agree because that leaves it up to interpretation, which is what Brad calls her out at, bourbon and bubbles about it. He says like. that's mean girl shit to be ambiguous. Right. And he doesn't, yeah, I think we find out later that like they hadn't DTR or something, but like, regardless, if Maddie thought that Bradley was cheating on you, either go to Brad and say like, Hey, I saw you getting your dick sucked.

Like you tell her or I tell her. Or you just tell her, you know, right. But, [00:59:00] uh, but that's how the episode ends. What happens just before that is that the martini Monday pride event at bourbon and bubbles, TJ and McKell. Just let us know that they wanted to make their event more upscale and not just rainbow flags and naked people Which I feel is a dig at Republic.

Brady: It was but like don't you care about Republic's image? And yeah, don't you want to protect the brand? So like now you're talking shit. It doesn't make sense. Um Also martini Monday seemed kind of fucking lame. I'm not gonna lie. Yeah So like maybe get the naked people here. Yeah, sorry Well, like Jordan Morris said in the first episode of this season, he was like, bourbon and bubbles seems like the place that you go when you have a work conference at the expo center down the block, right?

Rob: Like, where's the place I can get a martini, right? Right. where can we go? That's upscale and nice where, where I won't see Joe and Bradley dressed as women, honestly, I would go to [01:00:00] martini Monday over the Saturday one, because I don't, I, I could go on about the, the drag, but I didn't like it.

Yeah. Well, and it does seem a little forced and almost like we've used this term a lot disingenuous to have two people from Republic, like, isn't it crazy that Joe Bradley and Brad did drag rather than just like having drag performers come to Republic? 

Brady: Maybe the beautiful dolls in Charleston could have come out to Republic and gotten a nice little paycheck and actually served cunt.

Instead, we got Bradley and Joe serving munt. Which is wow. Yeah. Wow. For that. Um, and it was bad. I don't, I just can't, it felt homophobic. That's all I'm going to say. 

Rob: I can see that. Um, but all I'm going to say is that this episode has been great, but we have one last segment, Brady, and that is. Segment I call Bourbon and Bubbles, where [01:01:00] you and I choose our bourbon, which is something that skews more negative, and our bubble, which is something that skews more positive.

As my guest, you have the choice, would you like to go first or second? 

Brady: I go first, Rob, because I always come first. 

Rob: That 

Brady: was my Grace Lilly response. That's like something Grace Lilly would have said. She's inhabiting my body. Moon goddess. Okay, uh, my bourbon, the thing that's a little bad, is, um, it is my, it is Bourbon and Bubbles one year, one first annual pride celebration.

At Republic and 

Rob: Bourbon and Bubbles. 

Brady: Okay, wait, it was Republic too? 

Rob: That was the one they were, I think so. 

Brady: Okay, well if it's both, honestly, fuck you Levibonapart. You're a, you're fake, and that's crazy. Two bars, first annual Pride events in 2022, you're bad. You're bad. If I come to Republic in June, you owe me a free table.[01:02:00]

And also Joe Bradley shirtless, and also Bradley shirtless, and maybe Will. You know what we never Actually, I'll make that my bubbles. But, wait, oh, it has to be from this episode, doesn't it? 

Rob: Eh, whatever. I'm not gonna, like, hold your feet to the fire. 

Brady: That's my bourbon, though. Fuck them for it being their first annual Pride celebration.

Rob: gotta say, I might, I might have misread it, but that's what I We know at least one of those places, it's their first annual. You know what? We don't need to fact check. Let's just 

Brady: go with it. Cancel that. 

Rob: Yes. 

Brady: And then what's your bubble? My bubble, that I didn't get to bring this up in all this episode, it's Will's giant penis.

Um, because the fact that Okay, first let me start with Will. He's a giant baby boy. He's a little baby boy, but big. He's so tall. And apparently, He's also packing, and I love that I get [01:03:00] to know that, and I love that multiple cast members confirmed it. And now all I need is for him to open the OnlyFans so he can pay for law school.

I'll give him my 10 a month if I can just see it, Will. Please. Also, if you hear this, just send me a pic of it or something. I gotta know. 

Rob: I'll do mine. My bourbon is Leva having to put her two cents in every conversation we see her. And, and it, it did.

Doesn't add anything. It actually makes the scenes worse a lot of the time. And I get it. I mean, she's very successful. Like, I don't think she needs to be in the scenes that she feels like she's guiding this conversation and we could have whole other scenes with lava. That I think would be more significant.

Like how she successfully runs these businesses, right? Like, yeah, it doesn't, it feels very forced. And then my bubble is Grace Lilly walking down the runway after Joe and Brad walked down the runway. I thought that was so funny because you just [01:04:00] know, you just know, it was like this whole thing. Thing love is like Joe and Brad.

We're going to have you walk down this catwalk. You're going to show off, you know, it's done. They've wrapped up the event and gracefully he's like, wait, hang on. And then she walks down. 

Brady: Did you actually notice, I did kind of notice a difference in the setup of the room when Grace Lilly did her walk than when they did theirs.

Yep. I did notice that and I was like, please tell me she made them film this because I think so. I, when she walked in the door for the Pride Party, she's like, Oh, the double doors for Grace Lilly. I was like, you better, like the world is your oyster, babe. I do love her. I hate her, but I love her. And that's the best kind of reality character.

Rob: 100%. 100%. And, uh, that's why we're team Tom Sandoval here at Phantom. No, just kidding. 

Brady: Like it's 

Rob: almost too gross to even be funny. But podcasting with, by screaming soon.


Brady: join Rob and [01:05:00] Brady's therapy, screaming Patreon exclusive podcast. 

Rob: Yes. You'll find it soon on patreon. com slash Vanderpump Rob's, but Brady, why don't you let people know where they can find you and the work you do? 

Brady: Okay, so you all can find me at Vanderpod Recaps, where I work with my bestie, Lindsey.

We're making, um, content that recaps your favorite reality and Bravo podcasts. Um, and keep your eyes peeled for a new project from me and Lindsey coming soon! 

Rob: Yeah, I think at the, I think that the time of this episode. You still won't be able to say what it is, but in just a couple of weeks, I think you will be after this.

So yeah, stay tuned to Vanderpod recaps on Instagram folks. Um, they've gotten this announcement. It's very exciting. And yeah, everyone, thanks for listening to this episode. You can get it, uh, ad free. You can see some video of this [01:06:00] episode. You can, you can really support. My endeavor by going to patreon. com slash Vanderpump Rob's and Brady, thanks again for doing this.

You'll have to come back for season two. 

Brady: Oh my gosh. I will be so excited, uh, to share all my new opinions on everyone because my opinions will probably be completely different. 

Rob: Yep. That's what happened. Come 

Brady: back at grace of the least. Yeah. 

Rob: And listeners, uh, next week is the season finale of season one of Southern hospitality.

Then I've got a little special treat for you, and then we're going to dive into season two. So for all of us here at Vanderpump Robs, thanks for listening. I never sign off that way. All right. Goodbye. [01:07:00]


Jenny Blaze: Screams and Queens (Vanderpump Rules S6E10)


Kate Shapiro: Sex, Lies and Audiotape (Vanderpump Rules S6E5)