Taylor Edgecomb: Toxic Tea Party (Southern Hospitality S1E3)

When Mia's dad asks her questions about work and Mikel is back to hosting the VIP it's not long before the audience has some questions of their own. Will Joe's back heal safely? Why would you want to work where you hang out? Was Mikel really in trouble? It's the episode that plans a party and keeps the mercury.

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Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs a podcast about Hollywood, Charleston, everything in between. I'm Rob Schulte. And today I welcome friend of the and 

host Pumped Up Tea. It's 

Taylor Edgecomb. Taylor, welcome to the show. 

Taylor: Hi, 

thank you so much for having me.

Rob: Oh, thank you for having me on your show. I had a blast. 

Taylor: Oh my God. That was so, [00:03:00] so much fun. We had a really great time with that. 

Rob: Yeah. 

I've gotten, some people have slid into the DMs, said they checked y'all out and had a, had a, blast listening to us. So that's great. And I also recently found out you, uh, are also a Pitbull lover.

so I have Elvis. In the room behind Uh 

viewers of the podcast on 

Taylor: patreon can now see 

Rob: the three of So 

Taylor: I love him 

so much 

Rob: He's great Pitbull 

Taylor: parents. 

No You know 

just how sweet 

and how lovable they Truly are mine is currently cowering in the closet because we had a nasty thunderstorm roll by 

Rob: Yeah, I uh in the desert we get few and far so it's even a bigger deal When we get like our three days of rain a year and i'm Just a peek behind the curtain for the listeners.

We're recording this A little bit in [00:04:00] advance. So, uh, 4th of 

July is next I'm sure we're both preparing for that as 

Taylor: My boyfriend already ordered her, her little anti anxiety vest for all 

the fireworks. 

Rob: Yep. Oh, we've got 

our Trazodone on the, Yeah, which his doggy meds just to make sure he can get zonked out.

Uh, anyway, let's get into it before we talk about Southern just want to get a little Bravo temp check from you. Where, where's your head at regarding where the Bravo universe What are you hoping for, for the you know, going into the second half of 

2024, what we may see in or what 

you would hope to see, 

Taylor: I would say right now, my Bravo temp 

is probably very lukewarm

the Vanderpump

and the Valley ended.

You know, I feel like we, the Bravo world, aside from, I guess, summer house, you know, it kind of just [00:05:00] went dead for a while. You know, all we're hearing about now is Lala's water retention and Jackson, Brittany, potentially getting back together. And you know, it's bad when we have to report on T about Jackson, Brittany, because there's just nothing else for us to talk about.

Rob: I mean, we did get the one, uh, shared text message of Jack's talking about toes, we, we know he loves. But, uh, yeah, that is scraping the bottom of the foot barrel on 

that one. 

Taylor: Mm hmm. 

Yep. And so right now my focus has been on just putting my hours in for summer house So right now I'm on the end. I'm at the finale episode of season 3 now Which is another Vanderpump crossover 

and I'm loving it.

Rob: I Forgot that you are You're, you're still learning, living and loving summer Hey, you made it to season three where it takes its shift 

although I will say, think those first 

two seasons are, worth. 

Oh, rewatch for anyone who are, [00:06:00] already watched everything.

I think there's some unique stuff happening in those first two seasons that we'll never get again on that show. 

Taylor: was wild. That's how they pull you in. Like I felt invested by like the third episode and I'm like, wow, how have I not jumped into this show 

sooner? And then. The Work Assisters 

were gone.

Stephen was gone. I'm like, where did everybody go? 

Rob: Paige? Who's Paige? Oh, 

Taylor: so 


Rob: Yeah. I, was so happy and I know page can be polarizing for some 

fan we should talk about Southern hospitality 

season one, episode 


Originally aired December 12th, 2022. Wow. Uh, this episode's titled Toxic Tea Party, and this is what bravotv. com has to say for its episode 


Mia faces pressure from her dad about her career choices. 

Taylor: and love [00:07:00] 

Rob: A back injury leaves Joe on the floor, making room for Mikkel to earn back his spot as 

VIP host.

TJ continues to fuel the fire with Mikkel, causing a blowup at Grace Lilly's Alice in Wonderland birthday party. Nothing can bring Grace down, however, 

when she's given another chance to prove herself. At Republic. 


you and I are both 

Southern Hospitality noobs, so we're going into this fresh, I don't know a lot of drama about the show, I don't know who ends up with who, what ends up, if anyone gets fired, I know nothing, and I'm trying to go in as blind as the only piece I know is that a friend of mine went to see Maddi and James Kennedy DJ 

and it looked like Maddi was drinking.

 know, from a distance, the drink can be anything, right? So who knows? 

Taylor: It'd be like [00:08:00] a Shirley Temple or something. 

Rob: Very well could be. Although 

I've seen Maddi on Instagram pose with, 

you just never know. I'm just going to wait and see if it plays out on the show Are you.

Enjoying Southern three episodes. 

Taylor: I am. It feels like, like from the first five minutes, I'm like, this feels like a very tame 


Rob: I am so glad you put it that way because there are so many people that were it feels like vintage Vanderpump. I think we're, you know, this is the show you want, if you want some of that I'm enjoying 


But it doesn't feel 

like vintage Vanderpump. 

It feels like tame Vanderpump. That's for 

Taylor: Cause Vanderpump, right. They came like right out of the floodgates with the drama, with Sheena's affair. Everybody's fighting with each other 


And it's like, you have a little sprinkle of that here, but so far I, I really don't have any major issues with [00:09:00] any of the characters here.

Um, I have my thoughts 

about them, but it It's definitely not nearly as 


Rob: yeah, so let's, let's like walk through what happens in this episode. We 

start at 

G Lily's house, Grace Lily, and Mikkel comes over to help her set up flowers for her 


apparently in Grace Lily's. World 

24 is a 

quote milestone 


And so her 

parents are paying for a huge Alison Wonderland 

Now, I never thought when I turned 24, that it was a milestone by any chance. Maybe it's like you can rent a car or something. And that's why it's a milestone. 

Taylor: I remember 

being the milestone, right?

Like I was like, when have I ever felt that excited about 24? 


mean. When I turned 34, I was even just like, no, nothing like, it's gotta be those half points or this quarter of a century. but [00:10:00] I think as we know from Grace Lilly, if she can make it a thing to celebrate, 

Taylor: she's going to 

Rob: And for this party, she's inviting TJ.

Because she wants to be the bigger 

Taylor: TJ strikes me right. First impressions. You know, we obviously don't know anything about these people. I've never heard of most of these people a 


in my life. I only just learned love his name literally the other day.



and I. TJ is kind of coming across to me as a little bit of like a mean, mean girl, giving you a lot of mean girl vibes, very judgy about everything that Grace does. And Um, I can't help 

but agree with Grace in 

the fact, in the sense that like, it could just be like issues that he could be having with himself internally.

but nobody cares 

about work that 


Rob: I keep 

having this discussion. 

Why does TJ give so much of a shit? About job. Why 

do any of them [00:11:00] care that much about I mean, of course being on television, 

you know, now your job is a, is a different thing, really like licking the boot of like this business owner.

I'm sure you get decent tips, but like, you're not getting a retirement from bartending at Republic. 

Taylor: Like, I 

Rob: in, in the world of being a better person, Grace Lilly is also inviting. Everyone to her birthday party and by everyone. It's not everyone. It's our main cast because she also would like to get in their good graces 


she's going to start picking up shifts at Republic again.

Right now, she's 

very strategic. She's, she's a bourbon 

and bubbles bourbon and bubbles girly. And she wants to get back in that Um, We do get a little bit more information on Mia this I'm, a little 

lukewarm on Mia as a character [00:12:00] we didn't 

get too much from her in episode one and two.

And then 

now they're like, it feels a little bit 

shoehorned into this episode. She gets, Like lunch with her dad, Filippo, uh, at a place called 

Handcraft. And the dad 

wants to know why she works for Republic when she has a great job as a financial 

analyst. And I also want to know 

Taylor: a fair question.

Rob: just theorizing 

that Mia 

did have this job before they decided 

to do a TV show? 

Was Mia like cast because she was like maybe doing acting on the side or, or, you know, some sort of reality work 

Taylor: on the side. 

tough, right? I mean, like, I feel like some of these people have enough of a rapport with her so that maybe was, but it's like, It still doesn't really answer the question of like, 

if you have such great 

day job, why are you 



I get it if you 

want to have 

a social life, but like, you can [00:13:00] have a social life without having to put hours into go there for 

Rob: Yeah, that's my thing. She, cause she even says that she's like, I want to have a social life. And I was there four days a week anyway, might as well get paid, which sure.

But, like, you wouldn't have 

to be there four days a week 

for a shift for, like, eight to ten hours. You could just, you 

know, bump up and down King Street 

and have a good time. But, if you're a VIP concierge at, uh, Republic, the benefits might be pretty good in terms 

of, uh, 

I work by just standing outside and then come home with like a 2, 000 tip or something.

I don't know. 

Taylor: Maybe. 

Rob: I can't imagine it's 

that good, but Mia likes it. So no, no shade, no shade 

on Dad's also like pressuring her 

about her dating life. And we know that she's dating an OnlyFans model now. So I don't know how much she wants to [00:14:00] reveal to dad. 

Taylor: Dad would be so proud.


I told my dad I was dating an OnlyFans model.

I feel like he would have just been 


I want to know nothing more. Yeah, 

Rob: please leave it at that. 

Oh, he cooked you dinner. That's all I need to 

Taylor: Great. 

Rob: Uh, we move over to Mikel's house where Leva calls him to pick up his first VIP hosting shift 

ever since the drama. 

And it's because Joe, Joe Bradley, we've heard this name.

Apparently he dated Danielle from summer house and then broke up with her to have a fling with Countess Luann. Uh, I I'm telling you, I'm telling you. 

Taylor: What a tangled web. What Joe is 

Rob: in it. Joe is in it. not in it on this 


Cause. He threw his back out trying to impress women at the gym, which is seems like a very Joe Bradley 

Taylor: did 

you ever watch like White Lotus?[00:15:00] 


He gives me Albie 

vibes. Yes, yes. That's what I'm Um, 

he seems so pure, so innocent, poor Joe Bradley's just like thirsting after Maddi 


know, he 

seems like a decent enough guy. 

Rob: Joe 

Bradley, something happened to him in middle 

Taylor: because 

Rob: he, like that's in his first.

Interview. He's like, 

I hit puberty late. They 

made fun of me. I was this little 

kid and I was like, all right, Joe, you got it. 

Now it's time 


you are now 

a hunk. 

You are a hunk working at Republic. Be the hunk we know you can be. You don't need 

to chase after Maddi. 

If Maddi wants Trevor, that's, that tells you everything you need to know, Joe Bradley.

Taylor: You should never be thirsting 

after a girl who decides to date a bike cab driver. 

Rob: Who [00:16:00] cheated on them, you know? 

Right, he's a bike cab 



When she's a Republic 

VIP concierge and Joe is surrounded by beautiful people all the time. And I get that there's storylines and this sort of thing, but Joe, 

I would 

just let it go, man.

Like, you don't got to worry about this 

at all. 

Um, anyway, TJ Mia and Bradley, not Joe uh, are less than enthusiastic about.

Taylor: know,

Rob: Mikel coming 


after doing one barback 

Uh, Mia doesn't think Mikel 

maximizes profit, which we see in a quick little montage video of him just saying, Hey, come to Republic.



she also doesn't really understand why anyone has a soft spot 

for Mikel, 

which is something I don't understand either. How are you feeling about 

Taylor: Mikel seems like 

a little [00:17:00] shitster. He had to, he needed to hold up the sign, uh, bitch made. Like 

Rob: he's the sort of person who's like, No, I didn't know that. I didn't just believe me. And it's like, no one fucking believes you they're human beings who 

are at least somewhat intelligent.

Like you're not going to convince them you weren't being a dumb ass. and that's where this happens. Bradley takes a bachelor party over and they do this sort of thing that a lot of clubs get like a sign made and it walks through and it's either saying congratulations, but you can get it 

to say whatever you want.

And this guy wants the sign to say bitch made for the bachelor. And Mikel's like, Oh, I'm going to carry the 


which is also something the VIP hosts 

don't do. 

It's usually one of the servers and he holds it and he walks and he just shows it to TJ. And Maddi, even Maddi, he's like one link 

to like 

keeping his job.

He's like, Hey, it's pretty [00:18:00] obvious what you're doing. Hand it over. We've got to show it to the group. And he's like, no, it's my first day back. It's my, I, I forgot. I forgot how it works. Like, this is not 

a complicated thing. 

You are just being petty and it's painful because 

it's not even funny. 

Taylor: Yeah. It's, it's outrageously obvious and everybody can see.


through it. And if, if it was like one 

thing where he, 

he could have owned it 


just been 

like, yeah, you know what, 

I felt like being a little petty in that moment, but no, he felt the need to make an entire act out 

of it. And now it's 

just like, dude, this is why people are not 

liking you so 

Rob: This is one of those things that I can only like people 

who are addicted to the drama. Right? 

Like they 


They can't imagine a world where they don't do 

something performative. 

And then when they 

get called on it, they're like, Oh, 

but no, it's like, no, you've got this main character syndrome. You've got whatever it is.

And that's fine. Cause everyone [00:19:00] does to an extent, 

but like 

when you get called on your shit, that's what you're doing. When you see who the people are, right? 

Taylor: Absolutely. 

It's like, we're seeing the worst of him, like right 

out the gate. And it's 

like, he does have some redeeming qualities, you know, with, he has a really good friendship with Maddi.

And I know like, we're still kind of like up 

in the air with 

how we feel about Maddi. I have my thoughts on her for later, but. You know, I, 


has the capability of being It's just annoying having to watch him like self sabotage. 

Rob: That's it on the nose. we get a quick little thing with Lucia's house 

where we meet her son, Lucas, Lucia, Lucas, and Davon.

That's the husband or the father 

of Lucas. Uh, apparently Lucia 

and Davon have had an on again, off again, hookup. But they're now together because Davon is like, I guess, proven to be a great 

father. it's [00:20:00] really shoehorned in. 

I know we're trying to like learn the cast, but like this has nothing to do.

With anything going on in the A or B storyline, and I hope that she becomes a bigger character, and they're not just trying to be like, Look at all the people! Because, like, the other thing is, like, Emmy and Will, it's like, They like to have sex, and that's their, like, little 30 second storyline each At least this one has substance and, like, family, and the other one's just like, We're just young 

people who do it all the time.

Taylor: I don't even understand the, I honestly forget who they are every time. There, there's no substance to their characters whatsoever. 

Rob: And Emmy, I had to look it up and like scrub through the episode again because she got one 

title card. 

Whereas like Maddi gets a title card every single time she's on screen.

I was just like, wait, what's her name again? And then of course I'm looking it up on Instagram and I'm 


Do I have the person correct? Because a lot of these people look different on Instagram. 

Taylor: Yeah. 

Rob: well let's throw to [00:21:00] a quick break and then we'll be back with the rest 

of this All 


Taylor: Taylor, 

Rob: TaylorMaddiie, Lucia, and Emmy head to the beach. This is where I 

got every once 

in a while. Um, 

Taylor: yeah, that's pretty fair. Honestly, like I said, 

forgot that 

Emmy was even there. 

Rob: Yep. She's 

Taylor: just a little blip 

on my It's 

Rob: just the radar dot. Will, I also have problems save that. We'll table it for now. Um,

Taylor: find out DJ, 

Rob: which is news. and, and she thinks this is really unique to her because she comes from a home, uh, with a family that loves 


I've never heard that 

Taylor: before.

Rob: Yeah. I'm, I'm pretty sure everyone who's ever existed has enjoyed a song. I, I just love the like. Mythology. And, and this [00:22:00] isn't to talk too much shit on Maddi, but like the mythology making of your own life, like I'm a DJ music was played in my house. Maybe you just want to be a DJ. That's fine too.

 but Maddi reminds us that she doesn't drink or do drugs, uh, but loves to be the life of the party. She's the bitch that runs the bitch as we learned in 

episode one. 

then the ladies kind of talk about their relationships. 


does throw a little bit of shade at Will, But anyway, the bigger thing is that Maddi. Isn't happy at how submissive she acts around Trevor. If there wasn't a million other red flags, maybe this is the major 

Taylor: Once. And I feel like we've all been in like relationships where we care a lot 

more about the other person than 

we do ourselves.

And that immediately struck a chord with me. Cause I was like, Oh no, girl, 

red flag, red flag. Like my first thought [00:23:00] immediately was like. How is this impact 

her sobriety 


he inevitably will fuck up? And we obviously haven't seen anything yet, but we know 

he will fuck up. 

Rob: He, he wears.

The backwards 

hat sign of fucking this relationship up. 

Taylor: drives a bike cab, for Christ's sake! 

Rob: Sleeveless! Sleeveless 

for a million! Hell on! He goes to the work events. 

Don't go to 

the work events, man. Never bring 

Taylor: the partner to the work Oh my god, that's weird. Especially if he made such 

a bad impression with 

apparently the whole 52 person team.

Rob: Got cigarettes 

burnt on him by people. Like, don't go to the fun park. anyway, Joe Bradley, Will, and Mikkel show up to the beach shortly 

after. The gang call out Mikkel and his 

TJ Signs scandal. And everyone's just a little bit [00:24:00] worried that there might be some drama at 

Willy's birthday party. It may not be all wavy baby.



Rob: Oh, sorry. G Lily. G Lily. I 

Taylor: think 

Rob: it's G Willy. Yeah, it fits because of the wavy G Willy. 

but Emi, remember her? 

And G Lily go to get their lashes tinted. 

So I've never had it done. I don't know if you've had it done, but is this literally just Coloring your lashes darker.

Taylor: you can get 

your eyelashes tinted. It's basically just dyeing the hairs 

Rob: interesting no shade.

I just, uh, it was interesting seeing, I guess, you know, Vanderpump, 

they go to like 

shape sculpt and cryo stuff. This is another one of those 

things. Uh, 

Emmy reminds us that Grace thinks of herself as a star and then 

everything is wavy Uh, 

Grace doesn't understand why people hate on 




Grace is right 

to [00:25:00] think this, honestly, like I can see why people are doing But I think grace is really Doing herself service like a good thing by being like, I don't know why anyone's hating on me I'm, not 


trash on any of them. 

I'm, just really confident. 

Taylor: Yeah, I agree. I mean grace reminds me a lot of like my much self like I love the 


love, the, 

the carelessness and the love for life and having fun.

She seems like a really positive vibe to have around.


And I think that sometimes it can rub people the wrong way when you're like, like, I feel like sometimes there is such thing as too much. Um, and I think sometimes with grace, maybe it can be too much. Um, it also does sound like maybe her, how she carries herself at work is not great.

Cause she's like. She doesn't work 

that many shifts, 

but yet she's always somehow not showing up or calling out or [00:26:00] whatever. And 

then she expects the world to be to 

her. So I can see both sides of the coin. Um, and these 

Rob: people do love 

their They 

Taylor: love their jobs 

so much, 

Rob: but if you don't love your job as much as Someone else does, then you are, you are an anchor weighing the Republic ship down.

Taylor: Yeah, exactly. 

So it's like, 

there's, there's the rule of like, intent 

versus impact. Like, I 

think Grace overall means well. I think sometimes though, like, come off in way. Like when she was having that argument with TJ. And they were, she was basically just saying like, Oh, you're so jealous of me.

And you're just mad because I shine. Like you, like, I feel like if I got into an argument 

with somebody like that, I wouldn't take them seriously if 

they were 

telling me some shit, like they shine. You know? 

Rob: Yeah. Dang. That would 


To work with a Grace Lilly, I got, 

I got, I'm very supportive on the outside, but I'm, I'm [00:27:00] with you.

I don't know if I 


if I'd be as fun loving about 

it or cavalier, if I 


Taylor: have to work next to 

Right. Um, 

Rob: let's see here. Oh, she gets the phone call from 

Leah Ehler as if we're supposed to know who that is, 

who gives her a 

shift at Republic cause something opened up. It just happens to be.

On her birthday. Surprise, surprise. How, how, how did that ever happen? Um, but I love that we get the cut of her being like, I'm fully prepared to work 

on my birthday. 

As if this Leah girl, you know, normal world probably doesn't even know it's Grace Lilly's birthday, but does for the show. Um, and then it cuts to her being like, well, I didn't want to work on my birthday, but I guess I will because the universe is giving gift of Republic.

Taylor: hmm. Oh, what a shame to work on 

your birthday. Oh, 

Rob: no. And on a milestone birthday at that, 24, you know? 

Taylor: [00:28:00] Not on the 

24th birthday. 

Rob: There was so much that I needed 

to do 

before I turned 24 at midnight. 

We do see Mia's date with OnlyFans Owen. Who cooks her 


and we somehow have to find out that Mia was her high school prom queen?

Okay, great. weird to bring 

up, this far away from high school. 

Taylor: Especially when you were only in a class of people. 

Rob: No kidding! 

Taylor: Like, how many options really were there? 

Rob: Yeah, 

I won, I won court warming king in my high school, which was the middle one where they always found that not popular person for something.

mean, I was popular. I just wasn't like I 

wasn't the, 

Taylor: I

Rob: was not quarterback. Let's put it that way. 

Taylor: You were the wallflower. 

Rob: Yeah, I was the, uh, I was kid who liked Limp Bizkit, 

that they wanted to make core warming.[00:29:00] 

Anyway, they both bond over being hopeless romantics, which was 

one of the most painfully cringy watch. 

Like, you're 

a hopeless romantic? I too 

am a hopeless romantic. I love romance. 

Taylor: Oh, yeah, yeah. I'll be honest that 

the one thing I will say, I did enjoy watching them together because I'm like sappy like that.

So I 

Rob: get it. I get why it's good. It was just 

Taylor: like, Oh my God, it must be meant to be. Yeah, 

Rob: yeah, it's silly. But it is nice to see like something somewhat normal on 

the show. Yes, 

Taylor: that's for 

Rob: So 

it's birthday time. 

It's Alice in Wonderland themed 

Taylor: birthday time,

Rob: where

G Lily's face is on all of 

the napkins, 

which was 

classy, apparently, or fancy. She calls it 

Taylor: Absurd. I 

Rob: wish her face was also on like the cake, if we were to see that, but we know none of these [00:30:00] small, pieces of treats. Um, TJ is nice and polite to Grace, 

I would Considering the butthole chat gives her a gift and then 

we cut to Mikkel over He's being well, maybe Mikkel, but like.

Taylor: if

Rob: there's no problems, then it doesn't matter.

It could be fake till the cows come but there's these 

rumors about 

Mikkel potentially 

giving wristbands out to people or telling them they're on the list, which Mikel's like, why would I do that? I work off commission. And I still think Mikkel probably 

would do that for his 

friends who wouldn't pay otherwise.

I've worked 

the door 

Taylor: at places. 

Rob: But I do think that with TJ bringing all this up, Will does make a good point. 

One of the only 

things I enjoyed 


To TJ's is be careful making workplace issues 

Taylor: personal. 

Yeah, the two of them are one in the same. Yeah. They both are the [00:31:00] only ones that are just like fighting about work things outside of 


Rob: Yeah. And it is wasting 

too much time 

for their mental space. You could be having fun. Instead, you are like 

Taylor: thinking about Mikel 

Rob: And Leva shows up, which is incredibly unique because apparently Leva stays out of the lives of all of her staff unless it's filmed for the show. And, 


she gives a little cheers and then dips out quickly, but not before giving Grace Lilly the photoshoot 

Taylor: from 

Rob: Fashion 


Taylor: Jay

Rob: Michael, are you familiar with Jay? Michael? Cause I am not, but he 

seems to 

know what he's doing. 

Taylor: No, I mean, listen, he seems like a, a pretty successful photographer. I guess if he's working under Lisa Vanderpump, I mean, Lava, um, I would just feel incredibly awkward if I'm at [00:32:00] somebody's birthday party and then they just have to take like half an 

hour away just a photo shoot. 

Rob: Well, not only that, but like your boss coming to your birthday like, Oh, she knows I'm working tonight as I have my third glass of 


but apparently the ulterior motive here 


Get all the photos out now so you're not taking selfies and photos at Republic 

Taylor: tonight. 


I didn't even correlate those 

two things. That's actually hilarious. And watch, you probably still will 

have selfies 

from that night. 

Rob: This is a two be continued episode, which are always some 

of the 

best, but we'll get there and I'm sure Grace will photos in the next episode.

uh, the gang sit down for champagne and play a, a Mad Hatter game where Maddy puts on this big Mad 

Hatter hat. And 

Joe Bradley makes sure to go. You actually look pretty hot in that Maddi. great. Thank you Joe letting us know. 

Taylor: shoot your shot, Joe.

Rob: [00:33:00] I've never heard of this quote, game, but apparently you write down a quote you've heard about someone.


who said it and everyone has to guess like who the 

quotes about 

and then who wrote down the sounds just like one of those classic games. Like, did you, do you watch a

Taylor: housewives

Rob: of salt lake?

Taylor: I, 

so I started watching salt 


I felt, I fell off after the first few 

Rob: Okay. So 


it on the list after summer house because it picks the hell up. I also fell off after the first few episodes and then. 

Pushed through 

like a year later. Anyway, they also do this on that show where they're like, yeah, this is a quote game, but it's really just a way to stir the pot with people who are And. The 

big quote that comes out is they don't deserve to work at Republic 

which everyone's like Oh TJ said that about Mikel and TJ's like yeah I said that but I didn't write [00:34:00] down the card and Joe Bradley's like yeah I've also said this but like we've reconnected since then and Mikel starts 

Getting very angry.



like, you know, this is kind of toxic. We shouldn't do this at a birthday party. And McKillop like then explodes. And he's like, y'all want to talk ship? You don't want to own it when I bring it to the table and starts just directing all of this stuff. projection, I guess would be a better term.

And he says to drop it when Maddi's like, Trying to calm him down, but he doesn't drop it at 


Taylor: This is giving like, and I hate to keep correlating this show to Vanderpump, but I guess because of how was around this point in time, it probably makes sense as to why that, why they so much, 


this is 

giving like a Tom Sandoval 

like temper tantrum.

Rob: That 


so on [00:35:00] the nose, 

Taylor: like , 

Rob: I don't want the drama, 

but I'm 

gonna make it about me no matter what. 

Taylor: and then he single-handedly ruined the birthday party. 

Rob: Yeah. Oh Lucia does say, you know, TJ stirring the pot, 

and Joe Bradley. 

It's like, Hey dude, good luck working tonight.

Remember we all go to work tonight and you get to be the VIP host, but you're screaming at all of us. And 


throws a drink in his face and storms And that is 

where we are hit with the 

to be continued. And I can't wait. I'm thrilled. I'm loving 

Taylor: it. 

Rob: You know, one thing I am loving about Southern hospitality, especially as I make my like outlines, 

it feels like.

There is so much 

less going on in these episodes than when I do a 

Taylor: Vanderpump 

maybe it's because it's still a new show. They don't know where to start, like manipulating things here and there. I mean, like obviously that game was somebody at Bravo [00:36:00] come up with that game and they really 

the need to use and reuse 

if they already did on Salt Lake as well.

it feels like a whole lot of nothing burger. And this is why I get so much anxiety whenever I start a new show, 

because I'm like, God, I got to push 

through all this nonsense 

just so I can get 

to know these characters and then the fun things start to happen. And I'm invested. 

Rob: Yeah. We're, 

we're almost 

there. We're almost there, but I do like to play a game at the end of each episode, I call it bourbon and bubbles. The bourbon would be the thing you think is, skews more negative. Bubbles, the thing that you think skews more positive. And, uh, that can be abstract. It doesn't have to be this person or this thing.

It can be whatever you liked most and least about the episode. And I can go first 

Taylor: Sure.

Rob: Um, I think my bourbon is just Mikkel trying to lie his way out of being petty. you're not going to convince 

Taylor: It's [00:37:00] not, 

Rob: ain't going to work, 

And then my, uh, bubble. G Lily's confidence to have that grand 24 milestone birthday 

Taylor: So I'll say my bourbon. 

Is Honestly, I will go back and this is probably just because this is the younger version of um, just 

getting very like about it, but I My bourbon is probably the attachment that Maddi has with her ex trevor Um, i'm I do I do hope that you something that she will come back from when he inevitably fucks up I know that there was still plenty more show to go.

I'm sure 


Um, so 

hope that this doesn't fully negatively impact her sobriety, and I hope that she can continue, uh, just being the light that she seems like she is with her co workers, because she does have their buy in, and 

she is very well 

received by them at this point so far.

Two points. [00:38:00] So my bubbles, I also actually have to hop on the, the G Lily train. She, she's young. 

And I think 

it's that young energy that we just miss that we had, you know, at one point 

she's, she is a light, you know, I 

think she's one of the more, um, Key. I think she really is probably one of the bigger main characters of this entire show so far.

And that's 

why so much of 

Rob: She sparkles. 

It's the G G Lily's world. We're just living in it, you know? 

Taylor: Oh, yeah. We gotta, we gotta wipe our face with her face on a napkin. 

Rob: It's it's the way it should be, but, um, 

thank you 

for joining me today. Would you like to let people know where they can find you and listen to your podcast?

Taylor: Absolutely. Thanks again, by the way, for having us, this was so fun. Um, follow us on our Instagram and Tik TOK. We are PumpedUpTea. We are also on YouTube. We have Patreon as well. [00:39:00] We are currently actually doing our weekly Love Island USA recaps because we just had to follow Arianna Maddox everywhere that she goes and we're obsessed.

It is so fun and so interesting. So if you like talking Love Island or anything in the Bravo sphere, 

you know that we 

do plan on 

eventually going in the summer house direction as well. 


Sarah wants to be taught 

doing more like a housewives talk as well. So definitely come on by. 

We love that. We love hanging out with you 

Rob: And we have that new season of. Real Housewives of New York coming out soon. So 

Taylor: absolutely. She will be all over it. 

Rob: Yeah. Well, listeners, if you like what you heard here, go listen to 

Pumped Up Tea. And if you would like to support what I'm doing, patreon. com slash 

Vanderpump Robs, ad free bonus and video episodes for the very, very inexpensive price.

And guess 

[00:40:00] what? 

You can pause your membership at any time. So you want to try it for a month? Go try it for a month. That's all 

it takes and everyone else. 

We'll see you next time here on 

Vanderpump Robs


Angel III: The Final Chapter (1988)


David Yontef: Proto VPR