Truly Goated: Episode 3 — The Goat (S1 E5+6)

When Da'Vonne and Jill strengthen their alliance, it's not long before someone tries to get popped! Is Daniel Tosh going to lose his mind hosting this show? How closely related is cooking to spelling? Will Reza find true happiness? It's the episode that walks into hair and makeup before having a goat meltdown.

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 Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs Colon truly goated. I'm Rob Schulte and alongside me today while Our good pal, Emily Rose is recovering. He's Lindsey Lyme of Vanderpod recaps.

Hello, Lindsey.

Lyndsay: Hello, how are you doing?

Rob: Good. I have to tell you, I feel a little guilty. I mean, I love having you on the pod at all times, but I'm just like, Emily, she's suffering. She's healing, but goat must go on, you know?

Lyndsay: Yes, I think she's starting to feel much better. I think she said day three. Which I've heard this with surgeries, day three is always the worst. I think she's, so, I think she's over that, but I think each day she's feeling a lot better, so. Can't wait for her to be

back. And I always want to be like, cause I was telling her, I was like, I don't know if Lindsay and I are going to record until we record because we've got a few things we're juggling. Right. So I don't want to [00:02:00] say like, yes, I'm going to record. And I also don't want to be like, let me give you all of these maybes and caveats while it's the last thing you should be concerning yourself while healing.


Rob: be back in next episode to continue on this journey. But I'm so glad you were able to binge watch as much of the goat as possible to talk about it with me today. Have you, have you gone blind or are you still able to watch television?

Lyndsay: This show is so silly. I started watching it with my husband, Cory, cause he, he loves, his favorite drag queen is Alyssa

Rob: Oh, wow.

Lyndsay: And so, yeah, so he was super, super excited. And And he, after the first episode, he just, he, he couldn't do it anymore. He just like was not into it. And I was like, I really want to like it, but I'm not enjoying it.

Rob: And I think, you know, we're going to cover episodes five and [00:03:00]six today, but I really was until like three and four that I think anything really started happening on this show,

Lyndsay: yes. Yes.

Rob: unfortunately, as we know, that's because Kristen Doughty, uh, was felt threatened and then got off. The screen

Lyndsay: Oh my gosh. When, so, Alyssa Edwards, Justin, when he looked at her and said, You don't love anybody. You love the bottle. I lost my shit. I was like, where did this come from?

Rob: out of nowhere too, because like for the most part, Kristen was on her best behavior

Lyndsay: She was.

Rob: show until she got voted out, which I mean, questionably still on her best behavior. Um, and it's like, well, what Emily said was, you know, what was going on behind the scenes because when she was getting voted off, it was like, all right, what level of [00:04:00] hurricane are we going to get from Kristen now?


Lyndsay: Yes,

Rob: feels like maybe there was more drama with Kristen than we saw?

Lyndsay: I think there was. I think Kristen had, a lot of things were edited because yeah, the way they described her, Hurricane Kristen, and it just in true Kristen fashion though to see her give this big speech about men and how, you know, women power. And then the one woman, I think her name's CJ, for her to be like, but fuck you, you're awful.

You're the worst. And it's like, what? What is this?

Rob: Yeah, as I said in our last episode, I was, I loved the Kristen speech and then she goes inside and she's like, but I'm not done yet. And another

Lyndsay: And she, and it literally what she said, she had already said it. She just wanted to say more.

Rob: And when you could just say less, Kristen,

Lyndsay: Yes. Say [00:05:00] less.

Rob: well, we get a whole lot going into today. So let's, let's, well, actually before I just want to, you know, some big things happen in the Bravo space. And of course this will be dated by about a month by the time this episode comes out, but we do, I feel like you and I need to at least.

Discuss a little bit of like the vibe check in the Bravo space, because at the time of this recording last night Kyle Chan and Victoria Lee Robinson Did a live podcast with Up and Atom about Tom Sandoval, which I don't know about you. Actually, I know we feel the same way about this, but it was astonishingly bad, like it was that did not need to be live at all and would have probably been a whole lot better if it wasn't live.

Lyndsay: Yeah, it, with it being live, I think Adam lost full control over the interview. [00:06:00] I think Kyle is a talker and when you ask a question, he will tell a story and then he doesn't answer the question. So a lot of the questions were really, really good answers. And then, look, I'm all for. Messy drama, but it was uncomfortable to watch.

We're starting to get into a space where, look, we talk a lot about when it comes to Vanderpump rules, there is this unspoken. thing of alcohol use and drug use to a very big level. But the way that Billy Lee and now Victoria and Kyle are talking about it, it's just uncomfortable. And like, I think we're really starting to get into like, The nitty grittiness of addiction, which, um, it's not something just to [00:07:00] throw out there.

If you are concerned about a friend, this is not the way to go about it in any ways. And also Kyle and Victoria were bringing up some extreme accusations that have allegedly been made about Kyle, but Kyle's the one that brought them up. Like Billy Lee didn't bring them up. So you're saying. You're kind of threatening but not threatening to sue her because you said you're not going to sue her, but just bringing it up, but you brought them up.

So how does that work?

Rob: I will tell you this back in my day when I used to do drugs It looked a lot like this interview Like and I have to

Lyndsay: That's what I've seen other people

Rob: you know, and and it just I you know, whatever some people can do drugs Recreationally and be totally fine. I wasn't one of them, but I think that there is a Healthy space for [00:08:00] people to do that sort of thing, but I don't know how long it takes you Adam's team to edit a podcast episode, but it takes me a couple hours, right?

And there's nothing special in this StreamYard session they did. It's two people on one mic and then a host on another mic. That episode could have been prerecorded video and audio edited for clarity, and then put up as like a live YouTube video where people left comments. And also just like made more sense.

Now I could see people being like, well, then we wouldn't get the real, true, authentic thing, but I feel like there's some sort of like, we've got to do it now. We've got to do it live. We've got to get the word out. We've got to make sure. And everything's important because if it's not live, it's not authentic.

They don't know. It's like, no one cares that much. What Victoria said on Instagram is that [00:09:00] she was going to go on a podcast. And explain her side and none of us expected that to be live at

Lyndsay: No, no, and it shouldn't have been and that's what I was frustrated because at one part Adam, he just, he played a really long clip of Billy's podcast and I thought that was so unnecessary because you could have just really had the questions ready of Billy said this, what is your response? And it just.

They kept getting so off track, and then, like, Vittoria was telling this huge story about Billy said this, and it was recorded. Well, no, it wasn't recor well, I thought it was recorded. Well, no, it wasn't recorded. But then we did this, and I was just like and then you had and then Billy Lee was in the chat. So she was live in the chat responding while this is going on and so you have [00:10:00]that element and then Kyle Chan, like he was he was really he brought up Billie Lee being trans a lot and it was Uncomfortable. I don't know Where he was going with it or what he was trying to say and he kept saying she's a really pretty girl You He said that multiple times, and so it just, watching it, I was like, Ugh, like, even if you're not meaning for this to come across a way, Because this is live, and you're literally talking out of your ass right now, It's bad.

It was so bad.

Rob: and I think what there needs to be a Bravo overhaul in general on why we call women girls. Like,

Lyndsay: Yes! Yeah.

Rob: on. It, it's

I'm going to be nostalgic of this moment. I think once this episode actually drops and we can be like, Oh, that remember when we were [00:11:00] so silly to think that it was only this, that, and the other thing.

Um, but at that point we'll be watching Tom Sandoval on Traders. I'm sure. Oh wait, I guess it's probably gonna be a little bit further out than that, but, um, yeah, if anyone has, is, has not heard any of this drama, the weirdest part about this is that this live interview happened while Tom was in Scotland, so he couldn't, Speak on this at all.

Lyndsay: look, I'm not usually a Sandoval defender and I don't, but it is a little weird that he is in a place where, you know what I mean, like he can't say

Rob: yet his Instagram story still shared the live.

Lyndsay: wonder if either his, maybe his PR person or

Rob: team is probably like, yeah, we're for

Lyndsay: I, I've also heard. mixed messages when it comes to traitors, because most reality shows when someone gets voted off, they're like sequestered somewhere because they [00:12:00] don't want people to know who is sent home.

But I remember last year, When Tamra, people are talking because she was posting and like, well, Tamra obviously went home. And so Traders is a little confusing to me. I don't know exactly how they do it, but from what he was posting it, cause he posted a Schwartz and Sandy's thing. And then that I'm guessing someone has access to his Instagram.

Rob: I feel like that has to be it, but we'll just, time will tell. It's very awkward. These

Lyndsay: If this resurrects His fucking podcast. I will be so pissed because since April 19th, we have felt peace and if this makes it come back, I'm, I'm over all of them then.

Rob: Both Tom and Rachel need to just hire me to do their shows. And

Lyndsay: I mean,

Rob: I would say no, I would request a lot of money, but, uh, [00:13:00] you know,

Lyndsay: as you

Rob: I make deals with the devil all the time, um,

Lyndsay: Yeah.

Rob: But yeah, hopefully it just doesn't come back at all. I would, I would do extensive training with Tom on like, on like how to actually talk, like I'm the last person to talk about likes and ums, but, uh, I still only do them a fraction of the amount of time that guy does.

Lyndsay: Well, and also, and I struggle. I'm, I'm a light girly, but if you, let's say that is something that I think as you do more podcasts, you recognize and you get better with, but with him, if you were to say that, but you actually had something interesting to talk about, I could look past that, but his podcast is just truly just, he, they hit record and they just say, whatever happens, happens.

Rob: it's so incredible. As of today, I just watched the episode that is not available in the United States anymore called Vanderpump rules. Season one. Uncensored behind the [00:14:00] scenes, which was actually like season four, episode zero, which is kind of like how season 11 had episode zero, you know, a decade of secrets and lies.

Lyndsay: Yeah.

Rob: So they did this like huge behind the scenes thing where like Jeremiah is interviewed, Alex Baskin is interviewed, Andy's interviewed, other producers are interviewed. And it is so interesting. To watch these people talking about season one and one of the, I forget her name now, and I think the clip exists like on YouTube, but she's talking about Tom Sandoval and she's in like one person's like, Tom Sandoval has a very dry sense of humor, like trying to be very polite.

And this other lady was like. Tom Sandoval has no sense of humor. He thinks he's really funny, but it's not. It's just copying stuff he's seen on TV or saying a joke from middle school, something along those lines. He's like, he's so not funny. You [00:15:00] would think he's German or something weird like that. And I was like, what, I don't exactly know what you mean,

Lyndsay: lost me there.

Rob: where you're coming from in the sense of like super serious stereotype.

Right. And, uh, and it's, it's great to, it's great to hear that because the more you do look back at Tom Sandoval, it is like, Oh, you're not, you're not. at all, and you can't host a podcast,

Lyndsay: Right.

Rob: should probably get into the goat because we could, we could get distracted. Uh, first we're going to talk about season one, episode five, two for the price of one.

The description is Dave Vaughn and Jill push to regain power in the house after a difficult elimination. With a cooking theme getting Jason excited to compete in the challenges. The biggest twist of the season leaves the reality stars scrambling to stay in the competition. So the theme of this episode, as it says, food competition shows, but it's less about cooking and more about panic and surprise, which is kind of the [00:16:00] theme to everything. Like we'll call it something, but we're going to do whatever the hell the game is and, you know, loosely tie it to this theme.

Lyndsay: Right.

Rob: so we learned at the beginning of this one, grocery store, Joe, we all love grocery store, Joe, except we don't in this show really. proves that he might just be nice enough, but kind of an asshole. Um, a little smug. Joe is at the bottom of the totem pole. So the women's alliance is trying to curry favor with him.

And I feel like this has been a running thing for a while. Like even back with Tasha, she was trying to like, be like, come on over to our side. Davon are running the household. I think it's pretty apparent at this point.

Lyndsay: Yeah. They really, I wasn't expecting Jill to have such a presence, you know what I mean, a strong presence with this and really, um, Having a big hold of the game right now.

Rob: think it's because Jill She's taking it just serious enough. [00:17:00] Like

Lyndsay: Yeah.

Rob: to people like they're human beings without like strategizing all the time. But I also recognize that it's a game. And I think Dave Vaughn is similar in that, that she's coming in here. We, we saw it in the talent show or the untalent show where like that was so smart, right?

Like just play the game, right? It doesn't make any sense to think that. These numbers are arbitrary, right? If we're here to win, play the game. But I think she just was, we had too many cooks in the kitchen at that point that you're like, Oh, some of these people are just going to find reasons to get mad when they lose.

AKA Reza. 

Lyndsay: I know. I find it so funny in reality shows when they get mad when people are playing the game and wanting to win and doing things for other people to lose. But then it's funny because as an audience, I'm like, That was so shitty that she did that. How dare she do that? But it's, well, yeah, she's trying to [00:18:00] freaking win.

So it, but it just, it's so funny how they all get so pissed at each other about that. But you're literally in a competition

Rob: And I love that. Like, uh, Justin is like, I'm here to make friends. I'm here to make connections. And it's like, No, you're not. I mean, like

Lyndsay: No, you're not. Justin. I, I know. We watched you on RuPaul girl. No, you were, you were not on there to make friends. Neither were you on this show. So,

Rob: were, you were there to make friends when you told Kristen, she's only loves the bottle. Is that correct? You know?

Lyndsay: literally. Yeah. Yeah. No.

Rob: well, Tosh comes in with a painting of himself and he lets the team know about their first challenge and the format change and that two people are going home on this episode. And thank God, cause we really needed to thin this down a little bit.

Lyndsay: Yeah.

Rob: So the first challenge, everyone must throw on a chef's hat and head to the kitchen because they're doing a spelling bee while [00:19:00] stirring risotto. Cooking challenge, spelling bee. Hmm. Couldn't, I'm not, you know what, I could, I could, I could really, I don't know, scratch that a little bit further, but we've seen it every episode, right?

Lyndsay: Was part of the, did they have to stir? Was that part of it? Or was that?

Rob: said, but it wasn't really enforced with some of the

Lyndsay: Right. Okay.

Rob: But Davon ends up winning by spelling ceviche. Good for you. I'm not a ceviche fan myself. Um, I'm not a, not a, uh, like, even when I drink, like, Bloody Mary's, I can't do tomato, like, thick tomato like that. Just

Lyndsay: I can't either.

Rob: great. I'm also, I also hate onions.

So ceviche is generally out in all ways, shapes, and forms. Um, Justin is encouraged, [00:20:00] uh, oh, he's encouraging the group to manifest winning and good energy. And you know what? It's a great thought. And I'm not here to rain on the manifestation parade, but I do think if you're into the secret, that it is a good time to note That you should remember every time your manifestations don't work, as well as when they do work.

So, let's not, like, just, just keep yourself a little grounded. I'm all about vision boards. You can have fun. Like, don't get me wrong, but you can't only count the wins in that scenario. Or you might have a skewed view. Uh, and I say that because as we find out later, uh, Justin's manifest manifestations didn't quite manifest.

Lyndsay: No, they did not. I knew as soon as Devon was the, the person that won, I was like, Aw, Justin's going home.

Rob: yeah, don't come for the queen. You're gonna get axed. [00:21:00] Uh, the group challenge is a slingshot sandwich fixings into a group of people that are like a grocery basket. And Davon chooses her team to be her team. Tech, Justin, Joe, and Paola. And the other team ends up being Wendell, Reza, CJ, Jason, and Jill. Devon's team ends up losing because tech can't get the slingshot to work. And people are like, like grocery store, Joe gets like mean, like angry. Like he's throwing it. He's throwing it. Did you think

Lyndsay: is that are they just no or do they just think this they have this mentality now because in that one episode I can't remember someone did throw it right Dave on yeah Because her whole plan was she wanted to get Justin out and then that backfired That was actually that actually I was like, okay the goat you got because that was interesting But this no, I don't I did not get the vibe that he was throwing it at

Rob: I love tech. I love tech on [00:22:00] real world Hawaii, if as much as I can remember of watching it and you know, sixth grade or whatever, but

Lyndsay: Literally. Yeah

Rob: he didn't see, he seemed to be legitimately like shit, you know, cause those slingshots aren't. Easy. I think it's because they saw Wendell like doing it perfectly,

Lyndsay: Right.

Rob: seeing someone not do it perfectly, it's like, well, they must be throwing it because their survivor star who had to do this, like every other episode he was on survivor, uh, can do it.

so tech is like, I gotta be politicking. And Wendell reminds him, don't politic too hard because then you won't, you know, it'll come off disingenuous. Um, Joe goes in pretty hard to talk with Wendell and Wendell's like, you have no game, man. I need to teach you that. Like, you can't just be like, are you voting for me?

You kind of like butter me up a little bit. And I liked that Wendell was like, you know, the name of the game is live to see another day. Like, do you watch Survivor? Cause that's pretty much [00:23:00] all you got to do on Survivor.

Lyndsay: You know, I have never watched Survivor. I feel like I would love it, but it was a show that I never got into. I did, um, like Survivor. I didn't watch Big Brother. I used to be, like, when Big Brother first started, that was my jam, and then I fell off of it. But Survivor was one I never got into.

Rob: tell you, if you have Paramount plus or even Hulu, there's a lot of seasons on Hulu. Um,

Lyndsay: Yeah.

Rob: you should either just watch the newest season that just ended. Cause then you could, cause let me tell you afterwards you think VPR dramas. Bad. The drama that came out of this current season was astronomical.

Lyndsay: the biggest thing I remember about Survivor, because the one guy, I think he was on House of Villains, he lied about his grandma, right? That was like

Rob: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was

Lyndsay: I always, yeah, I always, I didn't watch the season, but I remember in real time [00:24:00] people talking about that and it was huge during that

Rob: moves. You got to respect he's he, you know, he's an asshole, but that was a game winning move that was amazing.

Lyndsay: literally. Yeah.

Rob: but I will say if you want to like find a, like, you know, a few years ago season, that was really good. They did a themed season called David versus Goliath. And it was like a pro wrestler and like a NASA person.

And, you know, just like all of these like brains, bronze sort of season. And then how they would have to end up, like, it's just. Pretty astonishing, like who becomes friends with who and that sort of stuff. It was, it's, I think you'd really like it. And it's a good, like family watch too. Like it's not a, you know, you, you don't have to worry about too much on it.


Lyndsay: Okay, cool.

Rob: let's see here, but back to the goat, the biggest thing in pop culture history. Um, Powell and Jill bust into Jason's [00:25:00] confessional to beg Jason to help Powell stay. It's like, I, okay. Yeah, let's see it. I want to see all the breaking of the fourth wall because this show is a lot of fluff, as I've said, every single episode.


Lyndsay: Yes.

Rob: do that weird

Lyndsay: I thought House of Villains had a lot of fluff. This takes it to a whole different

Rob: Oh yeah.

Lyndsay: don't know. And it's the first season, so I'm trying to be kind to it. I, I don't know. I really, I feel like, No one is talking about this show, so I don't know if it's really gonna come back for a second

Rob: I hope we give them the revival. Like I, someone's been talking about lost a lot on Tik TOK lately, and it's been creeping into my algorithm. And so now I've started rewatching lost and I'm like,

Lyndsay: Ugh,

Rob: need this. I need this so

Lyndsay: so good.

Rob: it's all coming back to Netflix in July. So.

Lyndsay: Ooh.

Rob: Um, Tech and Justin are ended up the ones voted out and leave more graciously [00:26:00] than anyone else on this show so far and potentially we will ever see. I guess Lauren left pretty graciously too.

Lyndsay: She did, yeah. I like that CJ made a good point when she was like, Y'all are taking all the fun people. Cause I was like, I feel that! Again, I really enjoy, I really enjoy Justin. Kristen also, you know, was a hoot. It was like back to back episodes where I'm like, okay, I'm starting to feel a little sad. Where are we going?

Rob: I hope there's like some spin in episode eight that like Kristen gets to come back because of a golden ticket or something.

Lyndsay: Oh, there's probably some twist, right? Like they, or one person's able to come back

Rob: maybe someone gets like disqualified so someone else gets to come back. Like that would be cool. That would be

Lyndsay: that would be cool.

Rob: because these are the sort of shows where like Survivor, they pull the thing out of the bucket and at least there's the artifice that he's reading the name. This one is just Tosh.

[00:27:00] 0 saying the names and it's like, well, that could be anything. You could really screw it up. I mean, you think about it for more than two seconds and you could, they could go back to the house and count like, wait,

Lyndsay: Okay, did I completely miss something? Because this is a show sometimes I just have in the background, but when they're doing eliminations and he, Tosh, he opens the paper up and it's just a symbol. Is someone in his ear telling them like how many votes? What does

Rob: I think this is just one of those jokes where like each, each episode, and you know, we actually haven't really talked about it on the show, so I'm glad you brought it up. Sometimes there's just a squiggly, like smiley face. Sometimes there's a doodle of a dog. Like it's just a stupid thing to show that like Tosh is like opening up and going, Oh my gosh.

And it's just some stupid doodle, you know, it's a joke for us, but he probably is. I mean, realistically, there is either a list of names or someone's in his ear telling him who it is, [00:28:00] but like the joke is that there's just a stupid doodle that they can't see.

Lyndsay: Okay. I thought it was a joke, but then I was like, did I miss something? Does this symbol actually mean something? And I

Rob: Does he have to count the points on the edge?

Lyndsay: Exactly.

Rob: let's count on this next break and then we'll come back and finish off this episode. 





Rob: We're back and Lindsey. We got to talk about season one, episode six of the goat. The title is Bravo breakdown for some reason. Um, I guess Reza anyway. Uh,

Lyndsay: guess. I thought it was going to be related to like the challenges. I thought maybe they were going to be Bravo

Rob: but that was episode two, one, something like

Lyndsay: Yeah. So it was not,

Rob: but, uh, I guess it has to be due with [00:29:00] Reza and whatever. After a goat manor shattering twist, two cast members friendship is tested in a week of house reality themed challenges. The reality stars get heated as they fix their eyes on the 200, 000 prize.

The theme of this episode? House reality shows, like I just said. What a, what a, what a theme. But I mean, I guess it is a theme, you know. Real world, Jersey Shore. All that sort of stuff. House of Villains. Um, Real Housewives, even though that's a little bit different. Um, we find out that Wendell was the only person to vote for Joe.

In the previous episode. So that was Wendell. Um, and he says that he needs Wendell's like, I got to get the goat because he's now one of the biggest threats, but he's been a big threat the entire time, but now it's like

Lyndsay: Oh, yeah.

Rob: people. So it's him or Davon or Jill. Like, I think that's [00:30:00] what it is. Um,

Lyndsay: Yeah, they're the strongest for

Rob: this is definitely a fluff episode too, because they, they waste no time getting into the challenge.

And it's a word scramble. If you didn't like the spelling bee, maybe you'll like the word scramble in the next episode. but it does have that thing where like everyone has three balloons over their head. So anyone who gets the word scramble gets to choose a balloon to pop of one of their opponents.

And it's filled with goat meal, as they say, which sounds way more disgusting than oatmeal. And,

Lyndsay: Yeah, CJ. Yes.

Rob: Reza says, before going into this, he's like, he's got the goat in the bag biatch. He still loves to use the term biatch. And then is the immediately the first one out.

Lyndsay: Yep. I would have been so bad at this challenge. I was thinking that I, even the spelling, I'm not the best at that, but word scramble. I was at a baby shower recently and there was [00:31:00] one of those games where it was a skirt and I was like, I can't do this. I'm done.

Rob: was trying to play, uh, have you ever heard of the video game? It was on Nintendo DS called Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Well,

Lyndsay: That kind of sounds

Rob: it's a blast, but I can never play it with an audience ever again because it's just, it's just puzzles. So there's like word scrambles, but there's also like math puzzles.

It's like brain teasers. And I was like, when I have an audience, I can't think. I can't do any of these things, so I'm with you there. Uh, for some reason, the whole first half of this challenge, no one's aiming for Devon. Uh, so, she gets close to the end, but it ultimately ends up being Jill winning.

Lyndsay: I really thought she was going to win again, and I was like, I cannot handle this again.

Rob: not at all, but Jill wins, which is fun and the gang celebrate with a pool party afterwards and they share their favorite [00:32:00] moments thus far and then take a dip and then the duos split off to start strategizing.

Now here's the interesting thing, Davon and Jill, okay, first to leave, we kind of see that coming. They both agreed to be at the end together and they don't want to give Wendell a thing Because as Devon says, he's like peanut butter. He tries to be smooth, but you always find some chunks or something like that, which the word chunk is inherently disgusting, but, um, we're millennials.

We hate chunk and moist. 

Lyndsay: you're not wrong.

Rob: Reza is like complaining about that, but then immediately goes in sidebars with Jason because Reza is a do as I say, not as I do kind of guy. They want Devon go. No,

Lyndsay: you watch Shia LaBeouf? I haven't

Rob: me either.

Lyndsay: People keep telling me to watch it. I heard it's really, it gets real dark

Rob: our friend Emily is like, they [00:33:00] are mean on that show. And I was like,

Lyndsay: That's what I've heard. Which is funny cuz Reza seems It's like really, I don't know, like go like, I don't know, like he seems like he has like a, a nice attitude in some sense. I don't

Rob: like that's

Lyndsay: don't really necessarily get darkness from him, you

Rob: Yeah. He seems like. He's there to enjoy, but he easily gets his feelings hurt. And he's like a James Kennedy in that, like, once my feelings are hurt, I'll go for the throat sort of guy. Oh,

Lyndsay: I can get into this when we talk more about the end of it, but he does like he was on Kristen's podcast and there is some nasty history with him and Jill. So,

Rob: okay.

Lyndsay: now reflecting on that. Watching that episode it kind of made a little more sense to me, but yeah, they have some

Rob: Interesting. Yeah. I want to hear that. Um, Joe and Pau also Talked by the fire and CJ is left alone in [00:34:00] the pool and she makes like why this is like though We do this all the time. Can we just have a pool party? But my question is where's Wendell?

Lyndsay: Right.

Rob: Wendell, you could at least be talking to CJ or something, you know, The next challenge is more like survivor than anything else Jill chooses Jason Wendell and Davon and the other team ends up being Joe Pau CJ and Reza Everyone stands on a balance beam, they grab a rope that's connected to a tabletop that only stays level when the table is, or the rope is pulled taut.

And one by one they have to build a house out of blocks without toppling or falling off the beam. If you fall off the beam, You have to go back to the beginning and set your block up. Um, Joe has major trouble with this and it like adds so much time that they're just not winning because of Joe essentially.

And they had a chance though, cause the other teams blocks fell once. But,

Lyndsay: Yeah, like right at the end, yeah, it was [00:35:00] actually, it seemed like neck and neck and then, um, was it purple

Rob: yeah. Verbal underwhelming. Uh, and then, so afterwards, you know, that leaves. Not Jill's team on the chopping block. So Joe, Davon and Powell are talking and they think the move is to get Reza out.

Lyndsay: Mm

Rob: I mean, fair out of everyone on these two sides, like why not go for a Reza? Cause it's going to be Reza or Joe.

You know, that's, that's what it is. And, um, after all of that happens, then we see Reza go into hair and makeup, right? Oh, no, no, no, not yet. He does do that. But before that, we get Reza like talking mad shit on Jill. Like,

Lyndsay: Oh, yes.

Rob: cause he doesn't, she didn't choose him to be on her team. And that's so unfair. And it's like, [00:36:00] I don't know.

And Jill, Jill makes a good point later. But like.

Lyndsay: Yeah.

Rob: you're not the person, if she wants to win, she wants on her team. I don't

Lyndsay: Well, and I completely forgot about the whole, what was it, the first episode where it was Reza, Kristen, and Jill being like, let's have a Bravo Alliance. That, but that quickly was never about again. And then it was very much the girl power and the, you know what I mean? So like, it's interesting.

Rob: once the boys and girls split into their own alliance.

Lyndsay: Exactly. So it's interesting, but because Reza was on the chopping block, he wanted to then be like, to bring that up.

Rob: Uh, Devon and Wendell talk about Joe and Reza and Wendell's like, well, Reza's my boy. He's my, my teammate. I think we should go for Joe. And Devon does the very much what she said she was going to do, smile and nod and be like, you know, I think it's [00:37:00] Reza, but I will talk to you if that changes. And this is where Reza then comes into hair and makeup, which Jill says is a major no no, which I feel is.

Like I could see them busting in on a talking head before a hair and makeup because there is like you are on TV Like there's there's some sacredness to being like I got it. I want to look my best so if you're interrupting me looking my best for cameras like that's that's rude and Resonance says here like if I went home, it would be my worst nightmare and hopefully I don't cry Rez has cried three times already on this show.

Lyndsay: I know. Um, I, I don't, see, I don't know much about him to where I'm like, is this strategy? Do you actually feel this way? Cause I remember when I listened to Kristen's podcast, he very much Seems to miss being on

Rob: Uh

Lyndsay: [00:38:00] He very much so much wants to, either Shaz to have a reboot or something. He wants to be back in the Bravo world.

So, I'm just like, okay, does he? actually feel real sadness, or is this strategic? I don't, I can't pick up a vibe on him as far as what his goal is, because I also don't really see a huge competitive vibe for him, but it's supposed, but it's kind of just like, hmm, I want what I want. This is where me kind of do, I don't

Rob: There is just a very selfish and like, how can I, you know, manipulate the scenario to make it look best in my favor? Cause he is like, he brings up that Bravo Alliance and Jill's like, I'm not saying I'm voting for you, but I will point out that like, this is the first time since we talked about the Bravo Alliance that you've actually come to strategize with me.

Lyndsay: Yeah, we have not seen them

Rob: We haven't talked at all. And she says that flat out. And he's like, you know, he just says like, you know, it would be [00:39:00] if because of Jill, he went home and it's just, it's fallen on deaf ears and it's fallen on deaf audience as well.

Lyndsay: Yeah, again, I think it might make a little sense with what he talked about in the podcast, but it was, it was confusing.

Rob: Uh, during the elimination ceremony, Reza acts very childish, you know, scoffing when Jill says that she thought the teams were fair. And then he's like that, you think that was fair, Jill. And she's like, I love this though. Jill points out, she's like, fair can be looked at in other terms, like the terms of percentages,

Lyndsay: Yeah,

Rob: if you were on my team, and we lost, you would have a one in three chance of going home.

And right now, you have a one in four chance of going. I mean, she has a strong argument there. I mean, yes, he's going home, but. He's a very strong argument in that [00:40:00] point. so he gets voted out. He flips off Jill, throws his goat off the balcony. Just wild behavior for television, I'm sure. then when he's giving his exit interview, I love that Tosh is like standing behind him and like, surprised.

You need to put your goat in the fire, sir.

Lyndsay: you have to do this. This is what we do on the

Rob: contractually obligated to throw this goat in the fire, and I will give Reza this. He does say that he hopes the staff get a huge raise for having to deal with all these people. I was like, yeah,

Lyndsay: again, it, I don't, I want to know if, From what the show is showing, these people aren't batshit

Rob: no. But I love that, like, he certainly seems to think so. And

Lyndsay: Right!

Rob: between this and the Kristen scenario, like, maybe they are putting up with a whole bunch.

Lyndsay: Maybe, but we're definitely not seeing

Rob: Thank God Daniel Tosh is, you you know, easing the blow at some point.

Lyndsay: [00:41:00] I, I guess, I don't, I don't know. But, do you want, I can tell you what he said on the podcast, so, I have a, I have a pulled up, so these are the, The apple transcription so take that with a grain of salt because they're kind of wonky, but there looks like so there before when Shaw's a sunset was on air and This was when Jill was no longer on real housewives.

So Shaw's was on and Reza was single at the time and he was at a gay bar and I think he, I don't know if he, it was just him being around like a lot of men and hitting on them. Um, I mean as one would do and she's, um, I guess Jill during that time said wow, Bravo's really gone downhill since I left and made a reference like to him.

With [00:42:00] that and, um, like Shaw's and showing them at like a bar. So it sounds like it was really gross and negative. What, what Jill was saying, um, and Rosa said, you know, that really hurt his feelings because to be out and gay and also a middle, middle Easter. And I mean, that is, you know, a huge thing to be able to do, especially on national television.

So for her to be like, Oh, Bravo's gone downhill. That is a really gross thing to say. Right now, I believe. They then eventually made up so and then I'm guessing going on the goat and then This happening. Maybe it opened up some old wounds, but like again, I have to go to There was this Bravo quotes Bravo Alliance, but then you both went your separate ways So you can't then go back to that when that was no longer a thing So, I don't know I could see that I do have [00:43:00] More empathy with Reza when he told that story as far as what happened between the two of them But in this context of what we saw in the goat, I don't think Jill was actually being malicious With any of the way that you're I mean with actually it is just a competition show You both were doing your different things.

You were on the chopping block and it just it happened this

Rob: Yeah. That makes so much sense. And I cannot believe that. I don't know. Reza was out first on his season of the traitors and I think he was trying to

Lyndsay: Oh

Rob: of a comeback in this. But like, In a game show, the chips fall where they may, like, it's not just Jill here.

Lyndsay: no, it didn't feel it would it would have felt differently if Um, Reza told that story in Kristen's podcast, and then what if we saw something in the goat where it felt very targeted, right? If she was coming after him hard, but that's not what it

Rob: no. And [00:44:00] also like, yeah, that's gross. If that's what Jill was saying. And it was also implying, you know, uh, so I, I, I totally get that, but it is. I don't know. Very odd. Any other highlights from the podcast?

Lyndsay: Now, that is a good point. I forgot that when he was on Traders, he was literally the first one to get kicked out. So I think that's just like another. Element of him just really trying to get back on tv and it's just not quite happening for him So I think a lot of his frustrations come from that But it's just like dude, like I don't know.

I keep trying Keep maybe you'll go back to season two of the goat. They'll bring all stars

Rob: Pitch a new show that you star in to Peter Madrigal's reality network. And then just be in complete control. You know?

Lyndsay: Or keep acting like you're acting, you're gonna end up on House of

Rob: Yeah, that's true. Well, Lindsay, thank you for joining me, uh, being a pinch [00:45:00] podcaster while Emily's out, and, uh, I wanted to give you this opportunity to plug anything, maybe your Instagram account, or whenever you guest on any other shows, anything like that?

Lyndsay: Yeah, I, so my Instagram is vanderpodrecaps and then I think actually, let me look, next week I am going to be doing an episode with, um, Best Week Ever podcast, so I will be

Rob: So that will be already in people's feed

Lyndsay: I will be recording it on Wednesday, so it will probably come out either later next week or the following week.

Rob: So be on the lookout folks. We're not sure when it's going out, but probably by the time this episode goes out, Lindsay will have been on best week ever. And then you've probably heard her on Emily's podcast. She's co hosting the other episodes who TF knows of Emily Rose, lots of great takes from both parties of the aisle on that show, usually meeting in the [00:46:00] middle, uh, unheard of.

I know. Uh,

Lyndsay: crazy.

Rob: And, uh, and it's great. Anything else you want to plug or is that good?

Lyndsay: I think that's it.

Rob: Well, listeners, you know that you can support this podcast at patreon. com slash vanderpumprobs where you get Vanderpump Robs premium ad free episodes, video episodes, bonus episodes. It's all there. And the sweet six satisfaction of knowing that you supported this endeavor of Vanderpump Robs.

So. Patreon. com slash Vanderpump Robs, or just share this episode with your friends in your group chat, wherever that may be. And goodbye for now. We'll see you next time on Vanderpump Robs Truly Goated. 



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