Truly Goated: Episode 4 — The Goat (S1 E7+8)

When there's no more team challenges it's not long before goat heads will roll! How many chyrons fit into one episode? Which editor didn't catch the major tally glitch? What's up with Joe's head? It's the episode that has a final three deal with this episode, but a final two deal with Emily and Rob (what?)

Listen to Who TF Knows with Emily Rose.

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[00:00:00] Previously on The Goat. Let's eat ass. Oh. I mean, let's kick ass. My bad. There were winners. Congrats to our new goat, Jill. Yay! Purple team wins. Woo! There were losers. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Oh, fuck. There was some goat meal. Ah! Which I like with crispy bacon.

Reza, I'm sorry. You're exiled from Goat Manor. F you, Jill. Are you kidding? Let me know where she and I stand. And where we stand is Jill. Excuse me, Mr. Reza. You dropped your goat. You have to burn him. [00:01:00]

Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Rob's Colon Truly Goated. I'm Rob Schulte, and alongside me is post op Emily Rose from the podcast Who TF Knows with Emily Rose. Welcome back to the show.

Emily: Hey, Rob. Hey, everybody. Thank you for welcoming me back. Um, my video I think just stopped, but that's okay. That's not gonna stop me because surgery didn't stop me and neither will this fucking internet connection. How are you?

Rob: I'm doing great. I'm having a terrific year. Um, here's the thing, your podcast partner, Lindsey Lime, pinch hitted for you while you were in recovery last

Emily: Yes. God

Rob: And that was great. We all had a great time. Um, I felt [00:02:00] bad for Lindsey for having to like binge everything before it. But I also told her like, you don't have to do that.

You can just You can just watch the episodes that we're, we're covering, but no, she's a completionist and that's great. You love to

Emily: Yes, I told her she had to binge it actually, so

Rob: okay. Well, you know, Hey, why not? Uh, question. Are you feeling truly goaded these days?

Emily: you know, what's funny? I was gonna text you this but I thought I'd I thought I would tell everyone here's in full transparency Every time that I sit down and like I know that the time is coming that I'm about to have to watch a couple of These episodes. I'm kind of filled with I don't know if dread is, is too strong of a word, but I'm like, God, I, I don't know if I want to do this.

And then every time, every time that I put the show on, I'm like, God damn it, I love this show.

Rob: [00:03:00] It does earn its way into your heart. Once you're about 10

Emily: Yes.

Rob: Like,

Emily: Really, every time.

Rob: and I've been doing it while on the treadmill cause I feel like it's like junk food TV too. So I just got to ask you a quick question. What is your, uh, vibe check on Bravo right now. I guess we're in summer house mode as of this recording.

Emily: We're in summer house mode, I I, um, because of my, uh, being off the, field for a bit, I, I, I didn't, I don't know if I'm gonna really be able to record a Summer House episode, so this is my little Summer House minute when I come on Goated. And, uh, my unpopular opinions are as follows. Uh, one, I don't think that what happened with Wes and Sierra is all that deep.

Uh, I feel like, uh, Paige made it more serious than it had to be because that's what she does. Um, I feel like It's an odd thing for Paige to, like, reprimand someone, uh, for [00:04:00] wanting accolades or enjoying attention from reality television when she herself is on three separate Bravo shows, um, and has a career.

Well, cause Winterhouse, but technically that's, I guess it's, I think it's permanently done, but I don't think they've announced that. Maybe they have. Um, and so, yeah, uh, I think. I, I, what I hope doesn't happen is, I hope people don't, like, scare West away. I don't think that they will, but

Rob: Wes loves

Emily: think he loves it, and so I think he'll stay.

But I'm just kind of tired of listening to fans be mad about shit that doesn't matter. Like

Rob: Yeah, same. I will say where I differ

Emily: Okay.

Rob: is I love Paige. And I know a lot of people

Emily: I love, I love her and hate her too, so don't worry.

Rob: Okay, same. Okay, so we are on the same page there. I think you're right. I think that like, I just like Paige. [00:05:00] Saying that stuff. I'm right on the same page with you. It's like you are older sistering West in a way that doesn't make sense, which in a way older sisters don't make sense.


Emily: That's how most of the time.

Rob: Do as I say, not as I do sort of situation, but also like I did like that. Essentially her point was, yeah, we've all, we get it. Whatever you're trying to explain right now, we've been there, you know, the other thing that's interesting to me about, cause at this point, only two of the three reunions have have aired.

Did you see the extended

Emily: I think there's only two.

Rob: Oh, is there only two? I'm damn, I've been in Vanderpump

Emily: Yeah. Yeah. That was it. Mm hmm.

Rob: Well, good enough for me. Um, did you see the extended clip? We talked about this on trend lightly. Uh, this

Emily: Mm hmm.

Rob: But did you see the extended clip about Carl's sobriety that was

Emily: About the shrooms [00:06:00] and the microdosing, I

Rob: shrooms and the, and the smoking weed.

Well, we knew he smoked weed,

Emily: Yeah, I saw that. I, uh, well, I didn't realize that was part of the extended clip until like, like this morning when I was listening to some podcast and they said it was, so I thought that was the narrative that everybody else knew and I'm glad I didn't go on the internet acting a fool about it because, um, you know, I would have looked real dumb for people who hadn't, um, seen that.

But yeah, what, what, what's your take?

Rob: So I thought with Lindsay and Carl's like, it's, it's very apparent that Carl switched one addiction for another.

Emily: Mhm.

Rob: His whole deal of like being California sober or like saying that he micro dosed a mushroom at a music festival. Like you don't micro dose at a music festival.

So don't try and like cushion the blow

Emily: Literally.

Rob: Just say you stopped doing Coke and drinking alcohol. Like. You're, you're digging a hole for yourself when you say [00:07:00] like, I'm sober, because that means different things to different

Emily: It does. Yes.

Rob: and he's not going to like AA or any treatment facilities or seeing anyone about

Emily: Right.

Rob: So just say you don't. Do coke or drink alcohol that would have saved you so many arguments, but he's like in this mindset It's because he doesn't know right like that's what it feels like it feels like he doesn't know and and lindsey doesn't care and The thing is is that like I think andy cohen Is kind of a schmuck and like how he's trying to like put all the blame on lindsey in this sort of thing But I don't think like lindsey's doing it Guilt free here or, or like getting off Scott free.

She, she did not need to be with her. She didn't like Carl. She liked the idea of being with

Emily: Yes.

Rob: and Carl needed something to focus his [00:08:00] attention on. And he did like Lindsey. They both liked each

Emily: Right.

Rob: but they liked the idea of being a Bravo couple more than the reality of being a Bravo couple.

Emily: A hundred percent. And I went back and watched season four, which was the season that they, like, Fingergate happened.

Rob: Oh my God. I forgot

Emily: Yes, and I, that was my first time watching Summer House ever, was that season. I tuned in live, and then went back and watched all the episodes, and I have not watched that season since. So I didn't really pay all that much attention to Carl and Lindsay, because that only lasted the first, like, few episodes.

And it was horrifying back then, too. They were miserable. I want to say this, too. And, because I, I, I'm really, I don't feel like Lindsay's a I'm just a fantastic person and I feel the same way about Carl. So, whichever way you want to swing it, I can make an argument. I will say this. And I brought this up on my show, [00:09:00] Bitch Sesh, if you're familiar with their very popular podcast.

They did a live show, live from home, and they were reading like, kind of like, Dumois style, like, uh, listener submissions. And one of the things was that, and who knows if this is true, but someone wrote in and said that their friend is a PA for Summerhouse, and one of their, like, top three duties was to, like, clear the blow.

Off, from in front of the camera, um, when the cameras would come in the room. Um, and my thought was, well, how about this? If my boyfriend has been, has struggled with that before, and he was maybe in the room with a bunch of people that were doing blow, And then I know that he is also not fully 100 percent abstaining from all substances.

I would maybe feel like asking, I probably would ask that question too, [00:10:00] even if it's inappropriate. So like, I'm wondering, because that would make more sense to me. I thought, well what if he was in the room with people? If that's, if it's true that that's a frequent activity of these people, which I don't know, feel like it might be.

And he's like around it, then it makes more sense, but when it's coming out of completely the fuck nowhere, and you're just like, I don't know, it's just like, the, like the, when you conceptualize it, like, he would have to go out of his way to like call somebody to like get a dealer in there and like buy it and do it by himself, but that's not, it's kind of like they live in a party.

So it, it's not that crazy to be like were you doing, partaking in some of the stuff that you were likely around because I was around it too. I don't know. I, thank you! I was like, she probably, allegedly maybe did too. I don't know, that's, that's just giving her Any, that's just giving her one little slice of grace, cause she wasn't, she wasn't given that on the reunion, it would [00:11:00] seem.

So, I'm happy to offer that one little slice, even though I do think that it was completely inappropriate for her to be asking him that on camera. Extremely entertaining, though. And, uh, really wish VPR would take a page out of their book.

Rob: 100%, uh, but rest in peace Vanderpump rules.

Emily: peace.

Rob: We'll see if it, uh, gets revived, uh, Weekend at Bernie's style, Weekend at Bernie's 2 style, I should say. Uh, well, season 12 will be like Weekend at Bernie's and then maybe season 13 will be Weekend at Bernie's 2. Just trying to reanimate that corpse, but, uh, let's see here.

Let's get into the goat. We're watching season one, episode seven and eight, but we're going to start with seven. Uh, title is every goat for themselves. The description goes like this. The reality stars battle it out in a celebration of Game Shows! After a big format change, the remaining contestants endure both disgusting and hilarious [00:12:00] challenges to determine who will move on to the final six.

Old scores are settled, and a strong player makes a shocking early exit. Interesting. Interesting. The theme of the episode's Game Shows. But here's what I want to know. What the heck is CJ playing on that Switch? She's the only one playing the video games, and I need to know what game she's playing.

Emily: so she, it had to be like, I mean, her fingers were moving at the speed of, say, a Tetris. So, I'm not sure that she was playing anything particularly advanced, and then of course the overlay of sound effect wasn't helpful. Because it was nothing.

Rob: that TV thing where they just apply Atari sounds to

Emily: Exactly. I wanted, I, that's a great question. I, I too wanted to know that.

I was immediately intrigued. Ha 

Rob: I'm guessing she's much like our friend Rocky. And playing Animal Crossing.

Emily: Rocky. God bless. She [00:13:00] probably is.

Rob: yeah. Seems like an Animal Crossing, or maybe, you know, I could see CJ getting into, like, a Paper Mario, but she's not playing, like, Diablo 3 on that thing, or Skyrim. Although, I feel that CJ would be a Skyrim girlie, though.

I could see CJ CJ as a

Skyrim girlie. 

Emily: I can see her, like, as a Twitch streamer. Like, and like having like the custom, like, headphones with the little ears and, 

Rob: Yeah, yeah. Selling 



Emily: Yeah. Yes. I hope that for her. Yes.

Rob: Yes, CJ, you can be your own boss. Anyway, Jill tells Wendell, well, it was either you or Reza and Wendell latches on to that for

Emily: Yeah. He becomes really bizarre this episode.

Rob: And she was like, well, you know, you got the goat, so I couldn't vote for you. But like, that's just, [00:14:00] you're here. I'm talking to you. He's like, no, no, no, Jilly. I know what you said, me or Reza. It's like, no one's, everyone knows they want you out of here, but, uh, Tosh delivers the news. No more team challenges.

Finally, uh, goat still gets immunity, but we'll also get mystery powers that we'll hear about in about five minutes, but they try and tee it up. Like it's going to be a

Emily: Yes.

Rob: So I guess we should also say that like. The thing is, is that like, well, if someone wouldn't go, then why do they do two challenges and the two challenges.

Is if you win the second challenge, you win money. So at least there's like an incentive and not just

Emily: to bore me to tears, yeah.

Rob: Yeah. Uh, so Tosh dressed as Guy Fieri explains the game show challenge because Guy Fieri is known for Guy's grocery games [00:15:00] and not diners, drive ins and dives.

Emily: I guess so. I The whole thing was, I found it very entertaining. This is also when I realized that they really upped the ante with their Chiron game. Um, which made it very engaging for me, because I'm I'm a subtitle girly, I love a caption. Okay. And so, I really They really made something very, very goofy and boring, very entertaining.

That's why you tune in every week, because they changed they're so self referential. Ha ha

Rob: And the little notes that Tosh reads himself at the elimination.

Emily: yes.

Rob: But did you notice, and this gets, we'll talk, we'll touch on this later, but did you notice the Chiron error in one of the episodes we


Emily: and you told me to look out for it, and I did not see it.

Rob: Okay. Okay. I want to get ready because I wrote it down. We'll

Emily: Oh, I can't wait, okay.

Rob: so the GOAT challenge is [00:16:00] two contestants, this is game shows, two contestants face off. They got a big red button in front of them and they have to count to 60. And the person who counts to 60 and hits the big red button first, if they're Whoever's closer to 60 seconds wins. This is insane. This is not a game.

Emily: No, no, no. Can I offer some advice to the listeners? This is not a show that you can just take willy nilly. You really have to, you have to pay attention. Or else you'll end up like me, who was not paying attention. And I looked up and I, for the first two or three rounds, could not for the life of me understand why the people getting the higher numbers were winning, I didn't get it, and then I had to Rewind.

It was a whole thing. So guys, when the challenges come on, you gotta pay attention.

Rob: you got to pay attention, but then once you actually [00:17:00] understand how it works, you can watch like one or two and then fast forward to the end, because the other thing is like, They make distractions happen. So leaf blowers or

Emily: Bubbles. That was

Rob: banging pot and

Emily: Yeah. Yeah.

Rob: it's not prices, right rules, which I found upsetting because, so it's closest to 60.

So if someone's 58, but another person is 61, 61 wins that well, they can just bullshit their way through this. They can make whoever they want 

Emily: Yeah. 

Rob: that's kind of what happens because Joe has this strategy the whole time, which everyone else should have picked

Emily: Yes.

Rob: because it's the smartest thing in the world.

Just buzz immediately after the other

Emily: Period.

Rob: and you're going to be closer, especially [00:18:00] if it's, you can do it over, if, if it's not Price is Right

rules. So, Joe's the goat. Um, and then superpowers are announced, and that's that at the end of each episode only two people will be up for elimination, we know

this. One is the loser of the second challenge, and the other is chosen by the goat after winning the goat. Although, if The person who has chosen to be the up for elimination wins the second challenge. They don't have to be up for elimination. They can then swap

Emily: Which is odd. Because, why, why, why are they choosing the person to be up for elimination between the challenges? It's just a little, a little goofy.

Rob: Yeah. It's not well thought out. If this gets a second season, I think there's going to be some retooling to the

Emily: And can I just say something? And [00:19:00] I just have to get this off my chest. That house is god awful ugly, and I know exactly where the hell it is, and I know exactly what neighborhood, and it is so in you can I can I think I already complained about this, so I apologize, but it was filmed this month, and, uh, a year ago, and right now it's a whopping 99 degrees outside, and it's humid as hell, it's so disgusting, I wanna die for them out there in the heat, it is so terrible, and I just really had to And the house is so ugly.

Rob: It's very

Emily: And I just It's just not fair. It's not a good representation of Atlanta. There's pretty homes here, guys. I promise.

Rob: Yeah. The circle house.

Emily: Oh, yeah. Is that here?

Rob: I think this circle was filmed in Atlanta, Atlanta, the latest

Emily: I don't know. I 

Rob: Anyway, um, Joe chooses

Wendell and CJ suggests [00:20:00] playing the Two questions game so that people can learn more about each other in between challenges.

Emily: weird.

Rob: And when we learned that CJ was bullied, okay. I think being bullied, like I'm not, not to make it light of it, but like being bullied in elementary school is.

Okay, all right, but you weren't bullied in middle school and you weren't bullied in high school Well, I think we can let that one

Emily: She's on a show called FBoy Island. She invites bullying into her life. I can't I don't know what to tell ya.

Rob: been a model for the last decade So

Emily: sorry, babe.

Rob: Wendell tries to share about his future kid and Devon's like he's a survivor player. He's tugging at the heartstrings.

And that's exactly what's going on

here. yeah.

Um, the next morning, Jill throws her back out trying to tie her shoe. Um, she calls Phaedra to get some cortisone shots because Phaedra is [00:21:00] married to medicine.

Emily: That was so stupid. Not stupid, but it was ridiculous. Because Just because it is. Because it was ridiculous. Because you have a medic on set, I'm sure.

Rob: yes, yes.

Emily: to And what's crazy is, so then I'm thinking, obviously we're going to have a Phaedra cameo. But no.

Rob: Uh huh.

Emily: We don't even hear her on the phone.

Rob: It's so strange that Jill's like, I gotta go to Phaedra. I gotta get my cortisone shots.

Emily: you know what? Again, I hadn't been paying attention for a smooth three or four minutes and when that happened, I paid attention again.

So, they'll getcha.

Rob: The gang goes to play their second challenge, the Wheel of Misfortune, and they're all worried that Jill's gonna get DQ'd, but she shows up just in She does. play a game that doesn't really matter. Require any sort of physical activity. Surprise, surprise.

Emily: does require a certain amount of maturity that Da'Vonne does not have and we'll get there.[00:22:00]

Rob: Yes. Um, this is where we get, if Wendell wins, he gets to pick his replacement, but the game pretty much is you spin a wheel and you have to like. Eat things that are like spicy rice or even ice cream

Emily: have to eat weird food, yeah.

Rob: essentially eat weird food. And then one thing that involves cockroaches and pulling goats out of a box, but the rest is all eating weird

Emily: Yeah.

Rob: And then Jason wins after eating a stick of butter.

Emily: Yeah, what was up with the butter? Was it like a special kind of butter?

Rob: No, I think it was just, isn't it gross to eat a whole stick of butter when we're all, um, starving for our fantastic influencer bodies?

Emily: I guess that's what that was about, because when I looked up I was like, he's just eating butter, but they're acting like, like he's eating goat shit. And I was very confused by that. And then there's Davon, who, this is after, [00:23:00] um, Wendell eats, I think it was, yeah, Wendell eats, like, a ghost pepper, covered pepper,

Rob: covered in ghost pepper

Emily: yeah, and then, um, all this other disgusting stuff, and she ate peanut butter that had peas in it, and you would think, you would think, that she was forced to eat literal dirt.

And I was

like, why is she so fussy about this? It's It's peanut butter and peas. It was so dis I she gets on my nerves.

Rob: I'm sorry, peanut butter is going to mask any pea flavor at


Peas flavor. I don't know about pea, but, um, You know, CJ got the, she's like, yeah, I got the Sunday, but I am literally lactose intolerant, so this is trouble for

Emily: that sucks so bad for her.

Rob: Yeah. Anyway, we got to get through this, Emily. Uh, Wendell gets voted out four to one.

CJ reminds us that Devon has a plan and [00:24:00] if Devon wins, she's just going to yawn harder than when Kristen Doty left. And I said, yes.

Emily: was funny.

Rob: Uh, let's take a quick break and we'll be back with, and we'll be back with season one, episode eight. And we're back with season one, episode eight. Catwalk calamity description.

In a fashion themed week, tensions flare as two reality stars fight about who has the power and who are merely pawns. In the end, a not so sexy catwalk will determine which reality star finds himself sadly strutting away from Goat Manor. Theme of the episode, Fashion reality shows. Um, I do like at the very beginning, CJ just pulls Joe aside, because he's the only [00:25:00] swing vote available, apparently.

I would think Jason, but I guess

Emily: Mm hmm.

Rob: And

Emily: Well, no, because he has a secret alliance with Davon, remember?

Rob: but like, so does Joe? So maybe this is just I don't know. Maybe the secret alliance with Davon is just more apparent with Jason than it is with

Emily: Yeah, possibly.

Rob: And she just spills it. She's like, I got to get Dave on out. I got to aim high. And it is very clear, at least through the edit.

And Joe's like, I won't vote for day because I have an alliance with her. And then we see all of the alliances. Dave on

Emily: Yes.

Rob: tell me if I miss anything here,

Emily: No, go ahead.

Rob: Final two deal with Joe. Final two deal with Jill. Final two deal with Jason. And within that, she's got a final three deal with Jill and Pau.

And a final three deal with Jill and Jason. Like, if any of that [00:26:00] If other people just start chatting, Davon's outta here. But it feels like everyone has to know this, right?

Emily: There's The thing is The, the great thing about this show is that they do choose the most delusional reality stars who are very much like self obsessed. Like Jill the whole time is just like very focused on herself. So unlike with traitors where you actually have to have a strategy to like the stakes are higher for you to have a strategy, here they're just saying they have a strategy because I don't know.

I think that they think it makes them look better. Smart. Uh, I think that they, uh, I think that they maybe don't talk to each other. And then Pao is the one that, uh, figures it out. And what sucks is that by the end of this episode we're left with some of the most snooze worthy people of all time. But [00:27:00] they,

Rob: Yeah.

Emily: they really are, they are something.

So sorry for that tangent.

Rob: I'm right there with you because I'm not excited about anyone maybe Jill just to see what she does. But I think Devon is boring, um, Jason's boring, Jill's actually pretty boring. Maybe I'm into Pao at

Emily: I know. That's what I was

thinking. Yeah. Yeah. I was like, well, she, she has been boring this whole time, but now, it's, it's interesting that she's been in it being so boring this whole time. You know what I mean?

Rob: yeah, and I gotta look up what Pao's pro wrestler name

Emily: Oh yeah. Yeah, that was a fun piece of information.

Rob: And is she in like, AEW or what does she wrestle

Emily: I don't know.

Rob: UCP.

Emily: What's that?

Rob: Uh, and she goes by Paola Blaze. [00:28:00] We're looking this up because this is what we do on this podcast.

Emily: Well, they don't give us this information, which is

Rob: Well, that's the

Emily: Yeah. Also, the show on IMDB, or maybe it was Google, has 6. 7 stars, and I was really impressed with that. Cause I just knew they were gonna have like three or something, and I was like, you know what? This show, it's not so bad.

Rob: well, her, she comes up on the pro wrestling wiki.

Emily: Hmm?

Rob: But why don't we get any, I'm

so frustrated. Just tell me if she's on AEW. I'm not even a wrestling person. I just want to know. If you know, listeners, leave us a five star review on Apple Podcasts and we'll read it. Um, anyway, the GOAT challenge is that everyone has to build a mannequin exactly the way the mannequin bride looks behind a curtain.

So there's a mannequin bride behind a curtain. They have a big pile of stuff. They're like, build this mannequin. Uh, Davon wins because [00:29:00] CJ laced up the back of the dress, which I feel Is what this challenge is rigged for Dave

on. I think that like, that should have been crucial if, if she didn't have to lace up the back of the dress, tell them that because that dress looks laced up on the

Emily: It does. Yes.

Rob: and Joe just really fucks this

Emily: Yeah, no, that

Rob: like fucked up in a way that I'm like, did you, you're asking tech if he threw his, did Joe throw this

Emily: Right, yeah, no. It was rough.

Rob: of course, Davon chooses CJ for elimination. Afterward, Davon pulls CJ aside to chat? That's what it sounded like, but it felt like a very CJ driven

Emily: Yeah, and, but, apparent And then, because CJ got, like, attacked, kind of, for talking to Davon, that all got very confusing to me, that whole exchange. Um, but the whole, you know, all of the alliances at this point are It's completely [00:30:00] worthless. Um, and so yeah. And then she had to go, was, when did CJ have to, no, uh, Pal had to apologize to CJ because she went off on her something,

Rob: Yeah. Pow has to

Emily: I just watched it. I don't know why I'm like acting like I

Rob: looking it up here.

Emily: Thank you. 

Rob: so yeah, CJ is talking with and CJ's just trying to make the claim. And she's like, Davon, I see you, I see you, you bring Powell and Jill along because you're going to beat them in the final challenges and Powell hears that.

Uh, and then Powell apologizes later. To CJ where CJ is like, this is all I was trying to say is exactly that. She tells Powell exactly what she told Dave Vaughn. She's like, I see you. I see what's going on. And at Powell, when I can see that with Dave Vaughn, I know you can see that with Dave Vaughn too.

And Joe eats a cupcake [00:31:00] with a fork while this is

Emily: It's true.

Rob: Um, cause I do love the CJs. When she's talking to Powell was like, how do you see it? How do you see everything playing out? I leave tonight. Maybe Joe leaves tomorrow. Then who

Emily: Yeah.

Rob: You, Jason? Like, um, cause it ain't Jill. Like the second challenge is a runway challenge.

Uh, you have to hold your book on your

head. There's like these dropping little like goat images. And then you have to strike a pose on the thing that spins you, without the book. Then you have to put two books on your head. And as you're walking back, people have like, little confetti cannons in their hand, which don't do

Emily: No.

Rob: And then you walk past the little goat stuff puppets that are dropping from the sky. And this is like, maybe the weakest challenge yet.

Emily: Yeah, it's a you walk you walk and balance a book on your head It would [00:32:00] be more interesting if you had to keep the book on your head when you're on the spinny thing That would have been more of a challenge. But of course these people still find a way to to kind of fuck it up So that's good

Rob: uh, they really do. CJ should have won this for some reason. Devon wins and it's down to timing. They say she won by like three seconds.

I just 

don't buy 

Emily: Rob yeah, I was gonna say do you think that this show is rigged towards day Vaughn?

Rob: Yes, I really do. And this was the episode that taught me maybe CJ was slower, but the wedding dress thing, is it the lace up the back is what, like, if you didn't have to do that, that should have been it because CJ would have 


Emily: totally

Rob: we also learned that Joe has a lumpy head. That's why he couldn't hold the book on it.

Emily: Jason was so funny. It's not his fault he got a lumpy head. I was like, that 

Rob: he's a silky hair [00:33:00] and then CJ just some politic and before the vote doesn't help CJ's voted out five to one But here's where the weird Chiron thing happened. So and I watched this episode a week ago, and then I watched it again today Why did I watch it twice? That's another podcast. Um, after her second vote, after Tosh reads like the second vote for CJ, her Chiron tally just counts up.

Like it goes from one to two, two to three, three to four, four to five. And then like it, like without the votes actually happening. So like, as Tosh is talking and like reading and saying all these other things going on, like the tally just like.

Emily: Interesting.

Rob: Yeah. And then it cuts to a new scene and it's back to two votes.

So I was like, Oh, CJ's either. They're doing one of those goofy go [00:34:00]things they love to do on this show, but it wasn't, it just felt like an error because like, yeah, I was like, Oh, she did get five votes.

Emily: that's interesting, wow. They need to pay more attention to this poor show.

Rob: yeah. Pay less attention and make it weirder.

Emily: Yeah, I like that.

Rob: CJ gives her version of a Kristen speech at the end.

Uh, she congratulates Day and says, everyone is complacent in making Day the winner. 

Emily: Right. 

Rob: It says she hopes Jill is happy taking second place and leaves. And Joe's just like, I think she just called us all suckers. And then in the talking head, Joe's like, it's actually, This does me a favor because PAL was probably gonna go after day


Emily: And, uh, to be fair to CJ, she was right. Like, you know, Kristen's speech was completely incoherent, but 

Rob: And another thing.

Emily: like, [00:35:00] but CJ's points were valid. This woman, and we, we've been calling it on this, on this podcast for the past several episodes. Devon is a schemer, which is, I guess, fine. To me, I find it annoying because

Rob: It was fine when it was at the beginning and like, Justin was like, Oh, I gotta, I'm here to be friends with people. And it's like, no, you're

not like play the fucking game. But now it's like people are playing the game. And Devon is. I don't know, she hasn't found the middle ground to make the show interesting,

Emily: like you're just being extremely competitive and that's not what we're watching. T Tosh, this episode literally calls it a faux reality competition show. So it's very hard to watch her do this to me.

Rob: Well, the theme of next week's episode is dating

shows, which I have to think that their game is going to be, like, [00:36:00] A crossword puzzle with words like French kiss or something, you know?

Emily: It really will be. Oh my god. Oh man.

Rob: I can't wait because the next episode of this podcast will be the conclusion of Truly Goated season one. We've made it. Well, we've almost made it. We're, this is, we're almost there. Uh, but tune in for that folks. And I'm really excited for it, but, but I'm also excited for you, Emily, to tell people where they can find you, your podcast, all that stuff.

Emily: Yes, yes, well, my podcast is Who the Fuck Knows with Emily Rose. That's at WhoTFKnowsEmilyRose on Instagram, WTFKEmilyRose on Twitter. Just finished talking, well, I'm still supposed to do an episode with Lindsay, but we both got, uh, injured at the same time, and have both had hard times recovering. So, we do have one more episode that I'm gonna try to Vanderpump Rules, but I'm going back to [00:37:00] my scripted roots for the next several episodes.

I have The Boys on Amazon Prime, Episodes 1 3. My friend Jeremiah will be joining me for that. And Sean from Watchers in the Bar podcast will be joining me to talk, uh, the House of the Dragon premiere. So I'm very excited about all those things. So if you're into like, kind of fandom stuff, then check out my podcast and I'm sure I'll sprinkle some reality TV in there from time to time.

Rob: You ever watch Lost back in the day?

Emily: I was not a lost head.

Rob: I am currently re watching Lost for the first time since 2010 and I tell ya, I think it hits different. And I think that, uh, I think it might be something for ya.

Emily: I know, 

Rob: And people have a lot of complaints and they're going to be like, Oh, they didn't explain this. Turns out they did.

Cause this dude on Tik TOK is explaining how everything actually ends up working. It was just how we made TV back then [00:38:00] where character driven and you had to explain Expanded over 25 episodes and sometimes not spoon feeding information to people helps create a more complex story than actually explaining every little thing 

that happens. 

Emily: Okay. Well, maybe I'll watch Maybe I'll watch Lost. Shit.

Rob: Hey, it's something to put on the, the menu and you can choose to do it or not. 

Um. Yeah. Well, listeners, this is, uh, it's been great. And if you want more, you can get bonus episodes, video episodes, ad free episodes, and just support this show. So you can see it go into the future by going to patreon. com slash Vanderpump Robs, or you can just share this episode with a friendly group chat that you know.

Loves people like me and Emily. Uh, see you next time [00:39:00] where we finish it out. And then, you know, we're pivoting into Southern hospitality and I think it's going to be the summer of hospitality right here on Vanderpump Robs, and we'll see you next time right here on Vanderpump Robs,



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