Truly Goated: Episode 5 — The Goat (S1 E9+10)

When Da'Vonne prays for Pao it's not long before she's booted from Goat manor. Will grocery store Joe shepherd a victory? Was there an insurance claim on flip-table? Who will Kristen vote for? It's the episode that awards the GOAT of goats, but not before Jason lies, a bunch.

Listen to Who TF Knows with Emily Rose!

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Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs: Truly GOATED. I'm Rob Schulte and alongside me. It’s post op Emily Rose. I said that last week. This is a fully healed Emily Rose, welcome to the podcast. 

Emily: Thank you, Rob. Uh, physically I am fully healed, so that's, um, that's something. I actually need to pick a bone with you really quick while we're here.

Uh oh. Oh 

Rob: no. 

Emily: This is our last recap, right, of the GOAT. Yes. And you had this opportunity in sending me the link to today's recording to say, Here you GOAT. Yes. You said, Here you go. 

Rob: No, I said, Here you GOAT. 

Emily: It says, here you go, 

Rob: a dash a T. 

Emily: well, I take it back. 

Rob: Well, what I love is that 

Emily: you were like, [00:02:00]

Rob: why didn't you take the opportunity to do a really dumb joke?

And I was like, are you, do you expect me to not take the opportunity to really 

Emily: know who you were? And 

Rob: it's like, who have I been podcasting with? No, but I get it. I added the dash when it should have just been the word. And I, 

Emily: It should have just been the word. I 

Rob: truly appreciate a punch up whenever it's given, so thank you.

You're welcome. I'm not going to get defensive about it. You have constructive criticism and I accept that. I say, bring it on. 

Emily: I, I, I was, I was going to say it no matter what. So I'm glad, glad you're taking it so well. 

Rob: Okay. Well, has this experience been truly goaded for you? 

Emily: I have to say it really has been truly goaded.

I just, I can't help but wonder, is there going to be a second season of The Goat? And who the fuck are they going to put on that show? 

Rob: Please keep them this exact same quality of celebrity reality, right? Yes. Like, [00:03:00] I don't need, Treshelle on there. I don't need that gal everyone hates from Big Brother who also was hated on Amazing Race.

Yes. Yes. 

Emily: Honestly, you could keep this cast and run them through again, see how they do.

Honestly They do just as terribly. 

Rob: Or swap this cast with, um, House of Villains. And House of Villains Season 2 gets these people. Even though these people aren't all villains, it's still Like run them through that and then get the House of Villains cast over here. 

Emily: I love that idea. 

Rob: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I guess we'll, we'll find out, you know, I should, I should make the announcement at the top of the episode, starting next week is my coverage of Southern Hospitality, which has been.

An interesting watch, and I will save most of my thoughts for those episodes, but what I will say is everyone who's like, it's like Vintage Vanderpump are liars. 

Emily: Yeah. It 

Rob: is 

Emily: [00:04:00] not. No, no, no. At all. I just like the freshness, the newness of the show. I love that. I love it for Grace Lilly.

I know I would die for Grace Lilly. It's wavy baby. And then she, there's so many, uh, Southern charm crossovers and I'm such a huge Southern charm fan. So it satisfies me in those ways. Yeah. But to compare it to early Vanderpump is a goofy thing to do. No. Goofy. 

Rob: I am glad that Leva is on the show.

Very little. but, big things before we dive into the episodes that I don't always take the opportunity to plug my Patreon at the top of the episode. So I'm going to do that right now, which is patreon. com slash Vanderpump robs, where I've got some really cool bonus episodes that's come out lately.

Like I believe this week's episode. is a, a friend of mine from college comes on who now works in the mental health field. So we [00:05:00] air our own stupid decisions as young 20 somethings and explain why we like Vanderpump rules. And then. going forward after that, I will be covering, uh, some real sleazy movies, uh, called the Angel Series with my friend Kyle Rupert, who people may have heard on Mother May Asleep With Podcast among other social media stuff.

So that's going to be fun. 

Emily: I need to watch those because I saw the I'd never I never have I saw the cover of the movies and I was like Oh, this is something I would definitely watch them 

Rob: and they're like all on to be I think too. So Yeah, 

Emily: a good to be night 

Rob: Yeah So, you know Southern Hospitality in the public feed and some some real fun Extra stuff or ad free episodes as well.

All of the public episodes are ad free in the patreon feed Including some stuff you and I have done over the past couple of years that just Yeah, a little [00:06:00] too too hot for TV, I think. 

Emily: Mm hmm. 

Rob: Um, over there. Hey, Emily! Come from my first recording of my podcast and talk about the Sheena Skinimax movie she did.


Emily: my god. I re listened to that episode maybe like a month ago just for fun. Uh huh. I don't know how, I don't know how I, like, got through watching the actual episode, but then recording it, with our friends. That was so much fun. The 

Rob: guys from Piloting Error. That was Yep. Cause they know their TV and we know our trash.

So, hey, they know their trash too. So, it's all there. Emily, let's get into it. We first start with episode nine of The Goat. The thinning of the herd. Which goes, the description is, The final five reality stars use dating themed challenges to woo themselves. A spot in the finale. Strong bonds are broken, real goats are herded, and the contestants say [00:07:00] goodbye to a major player.

Seems like a major player leaves every episode of this show. 

Emily: Yeah, well when they're all when the bar is like that low then I guess in some ways they are all major players. 

Rob: True. I had texted you True. After I watched this and the finale to with our friend Lindsay of Vanderpod recaps And I was like, I know y'all don't mind things getting spoiled, but I am in shock after watching these two episodes

Emily: It was shocking yeah, 

Rob: and it wasn't like death defying or Like a drama filled it was just wow It 

Emily: The final task, which I'm sure we'll get to, was the epitome of when people are like, That was a choice. Like, that was a fucking choice. And had no bearing on the rest of the [00:08:00] season for the entire time.

Nope. Uh, fascinating stuff, really. 

Rob: I have, I, you know what, I've got notes. But let's get through this, as we know, as we stated in the description, the theme is dating shows. And the episode starts off with the bacon being crispy and Jill being pissed that there's no OJ. Apparently, no one in the house can do anything but her, which begs the question, does Jill go grocery shopping?

For the house. I don't 

Emily: think so 

Rob: We get some couch time with Dave on and Jason where they relish in the fact that no one realizes They've been working together since day one, which 

Emily: yeah real fucking clever guys 

Rob: Yeah It was just the last episode where she's just like well I've got the final three with these people the final four with these people final two with these people and Da' she was a great place.

You know what? She was a major player. Her thing is that like we talked at the beginning of this. Yeah. You should want to play the [00:09:00] game and you should be able to, like, it is, it's not like what Justin said, where it's like, I'm here to meet people. No, it is, it is a game, but also. You have to be good at playing the game too when it gets to small numbers because you're obviously going to be out if everyone If one person starts talking to another person be like wait, that's not what she said to me.

And so Da'Vonne does say in a talking head though that she accepts that everyone including herself is disposable at this point 

Emily: I'm glad she finally came to terms with it. 

Rob: No 

Emily: It was wild. And did we, we didn't see them, Jason and Da'Vonne. I'm sorry. There's multiple frogs in my throat. I don't know what's happening over here.

Did we see them have an alliance? So was this also revealed to us for the first time? 

Rob: It was revealed to us when Day had said what. Team ups she had, but we never really saw a [00:10:00] conversation. So the editing really did us dirty as well. Like we could have been following this, but I guess Jason does say like, you know, we didn't really have to talk.

I just had to give you the head nod and we knew we were together on something. And okay. Yeah. Joe's excited about a dating show theme because he got engaged on Bachelor in Paradise. Wow. Joe. 

Emily: I know that maybe it was too, like, plucky for other people, but the hard, like, hitting home that Joe had no place to be in that finale scene, like, the more that he did that Daniel Tosh Picked on him.

Yeah, the funnier it got to me. So good. I couldn't get enough of it. He's so right Why have we been watching this guy's entire time? He fails at everything. He's terrible 

Rob: He even fails at throwing shade at Powell saying that nobody watches TLC and it's like bro A lot of [00:11:00] people watch TLC and even I know that and I don't watch TLC shows 

Emily: Same very much saying I 

Rob: feel like I need to get into love after lockup though 

Emily: I am good on the TLC shows, personally.

But I did start Welcome to Plathville, that was good, but I couldn't stick with it. 

Rob: Yeah, I think they're, they're learning. They have a certain audience, and that's fine with them. It's not, it's not me. I watch my Southern Hospitality. There you go. Hey, also, shout out to My new podcast art. Just putting that out there.

Emily: Yes. Oh my God. I love it. It's perfect. 

Rob: Thank you. before, I don't know why that came to be right now, but it is, I have to say. so before the challenge, Jason runs to Dayvon to tell her that Pau is gunning for this is something that's significant after the challenge, but it is good to know that this conversation happened before so that We [00:12:00] know Da'Vonne is working her hardest in this challenge to try and get the goat.

The challenge is called Lipstick and using only their lips, they have to hold an orange against a plexiglass wall And every few minutes they have to adjust to a lower set of markers. So you really strained your back and Jill's got that back brace on and does quite great throughout this. 

Emily: Yeah. 

Rob: Here's the thing.

It gets down to pow and Jason 

Emily: and 

Rob: Jason tries to play real dirty, which is a. Something that I'm glad they added here, because it shows us what he's willing to do throughout the rest of these two episodes. Right. He's talking to her, he's like, we'll tie. On the count of three, we'll both drop at the same time.

And Powell's like, no, I haven't won anything, and I am definitely not as tired as you, Jason. 

Emily: Yeah. Also, it was like, anybody. [00:13:00] Anybody with any sense knows that's not you're not you're gonna fuck me over like I would know yeah, Jason No, I'm not doing that dumbass. It's very like big brother little sister vibes like Okay, I'm gonna we're gonna tie like bitch.

I'm grown. I know that you're gonna fuck me over Excuse me, and I don't know what tying is What would that have, wouldn't they have made up some stupid thing for them to break the tie anyway? 

Rob: Yep, they would have made up some stupid thing or they would have done some sort of weird like slow mo shot of whose orange dropped first and hit the ground, right?

Yes, yes. Um, it, is not something that, uh, I, you know what? It just wasn't very graceful. And I didn't give any grace to these, to Jason here. 

Emily: And can I just say at this point in the show, we have some of the [00:14:00] literal biggest idiots, Paola, who's never won a challenge the entire time, Joe, who has consistently lost challenges the entire time, Jill, who's had a couple of physical injuries in the most low stakes fucking, uh, ropes course type things.

You have, uh, Devon, who's been running around bragging about what a great strategist she is, as every single alliance she has, like, blows up in her face. Like, these people are not the GOAT. No. Like, they are markedly not, and, I mean, it's just so, when, with the oranges, I was like, what the fuck am I watching, honest, honestly.


Rob: very gross. Very gross to see them making out. Also 

Emily: disgusting. Yeah. Ugh. 

Rob: So, afterwards, Pau puts Devon up on the chopping block, like, of course she [00:15:00] should, right? As anyone should, and Devon confronts Pau about saying, That I guess when pow did this, she said she saw Jason and day chatting before the challenge, which just cemented that she needed to do that.

And if you want a textbook definition of defensiveness, you get it here because pow is just minding your business, talking to Jill about how it was a hard decision, but she had to do it. And day just comes in and she's just like, I don't understand why you did that. I didn't know that. I did that. I did that.

You and Jason were chatting and 

Emily: yeah, 

Rob: obviously you are a better like a tighter twosome than you and I are and Obviously you and Jill are tighter than you and I are and you're a great player and pow is 100 percent right and Da'Vonne is Just denying it. 

Emily: also again can't stress enough Da'Vonne has been the one running around talking about This is a reality [00:16:00] competition, so I'm going to compete, I'm going to compete.

And she said herself, that everyone is up for it. So, just, I couldn't help but wonder, Did, was this like a, you know, the ultimate conspiracy, the ultimate Vanderpump Rules conspiracy, that, did the producers of the GOAT sit down with everybody and say, Hey, It's not enough drama, so someone's gonna have to really, someone's gonna have to go have a one on one.

Rob: I think that some, there was encouragement for Dave on to go in and say these things, but the thing is, is that the moment.

When Day goes, okay, you want to do that? Well, you're welcome for getting this far. You're welcome. And Powell's just like, you're welcome too, bitch. That did not sit well with Day. 

Emily: No. 

Rob: And 

Emily: because the people that hate being called a bitch are usually the ones that are the bitchiest in the first place. 

Rob: And [00:17:00] to Powell's credit, she immediately goes, you know what?

You're right. I shouldn't have called you that. But. You're in my face here. You're in my face and you will not leave. And you're being, she doesn't quite say this, but like, you're being passive aggressive and annoying and 

Emily: the 

Rob: things have already happened, so you're not changing anything here. And then Devon's like, well, I'm gonna pray for you.

Which is also the most passive aggressive thing you can do. 

Emily: So passive. But thankfully Jill was there to say, alright, that's right. Thank you. That's right, Day. Pray for her. 

Rob: Joe, get in here. Get in here, Joe. 

Emily: Oh my god. Shit! I was like, why are you And literally, the producer runs up behind Joe because that's who you get, Jill.

You don't get Joe! What is Joe gonna do? 

Rob: Joe, like, literally stands between a pro wrestler and the winner of Big Brother. [00:18:00] As if he's gonna do a thing. 

Emily: Nothing. Nothing at all. 

Rob: the next challenge is matchmaking goat herding. Where they have to, like, goats all have these symbols around their necks and they have to match two goats with the same necklace and put them in their respective fenced off areas.

And, but there's more goats than there are matched goats. So it's a, it's a crazy little challenge. Jason wins. Joe comes in last, but Jason Lee beats Dave on by like 13 seconds or something. Yeah, and 

Emily: she is devastated. 

Rob: Devastated in her Daisy Dukes. They're all wearing Daisy Dukes. Let's put that out there.

because it's a farm theme or a dating show theme. Well, dating is like farming, I guess. Sewing seeds and such. Yeah, in a way. Joe talks to Jason after this, so I guess that should, we should say just implicitly if you're not watching the show, or explicitly. Day is still on the chopping block and now Joe, so the [00:19:00]vote's gonna be between Joe and Day on this episode.

Joe talks to Jason and says, You have a better chance at beating me than you do at beating Da'Vonne. I'm not hitting you with the we're friends so don't vote with me because we're going to be friends no matter what, which is like, to Joe's credit, like what some of these people should be saying, like, it's not that big a deal.

Emily: It wasn't a bad, it honestly wasn't a bad point coming from Joe. And I was like, this maybe was his strategy all along to just Not give a shit. Yeah. And I appreciate that. 

Rob: I do too. Uh, Devon gets voted out and gives a great speech and essentially says no hard feelings because no matter what she played a hell of a game and for the way day behaved, I think she gave.

One of the better speeches as an exit speech. Yeah, 

Emily: for 

Rob: sure. It reminds us who day really is, you know, 

Emily: yes Yes 

Rob: and I'm going to remind the audience [00:20:00] that now is the time that I take a break in the podcast episode and if you don't want To hear these commercials you can get episodes ad free on patreon.

com slash Vanderpump props Okay, we're back from that delicious break we just had, and uh, it's the finale. Are you ready to get goated? This episode is titled, The Goat of Goats. And the description on Amazon Prime is, sorry, Amazon Prime video slash freebie, whatever this is airing on. And then there were four.

After a multi step challenge, the return of the eliminated cast members, and passionate pitches from the finalists, one reality star We'll walk away the greatest of all time. Right. Some of these are AI written. We all know this. Uh, the theme of this episode is the goat.

So it's all challenges [00:21:00] from this season. And, uh, 

Emily: yeah. Tosh 

Rob: congratulates everyone on making it to the finale. Everyone has been giving Joe shit for having like nine lives. It's just like, why is he still here? And as you stated, one of the funniest things to happen is just Tosh laying into him. Yep. so yeah, the finale, the events are all a celebration of the entire series and that one person will be going home after the first challenge.

So It'll be between three and then there were three and the first challenge is called a reality remix relay race All obstacles from previous challenges an exciting way to reuse old props and stay under budget as Tosh says 

Emily: So funny and so true 

Rob: We have to throw the ring around a lifesaver from the Bravo episode.

I was kind 

Emily: of disappointed. They didn't Build another Set of boats from pool noodles, you know, that was really that would have [00:22:00] been 

Rob: amazing I should say they have to ring the lifesaver around the buoy Two separate things here. They have to do our favorite thing of pop the balloon pimples, which was dumb and gross 

Emily: So dumb still don't understand the mechanics of that 

Rob: me either.

There was a squirt gun behind it for some reason They have to do a table flip. But did you notice the difference in the table flip this time? 

Emily: Yeah, and it made Remarkably more sense. Yes. I was like, why didn't they do this the first time? The first time was so dumb. 

Rob: Yeah. Like 

Emily: it's supposed to be like flip cups.

So you get something the size of a cup. 

Rob: Yep. They flipped a whole table originally when they were, and it's a mini table this time, because I was looking back on it and like the slow mo. Shots they did from the earlier episode. It really looked like the table, like probably hit three people in the face when they were 

Emily: 100 percent when like Reza 

Rob: was going fricking agro mode on that [00:23:00] thing.

And it was like flipping five times in the air. Uh, 

Emily: it 

Rob: is no bueno. They have to do a word, word, scramble, slingshot tomatoes, and then each leg gives you a puzzle piece that you have to put together at the end. And it all comes down to the puzzle. But right before we get there, Powell loses a tooth at the slingshot.

Emily: you asked me before I watched the episode, if I were to tell you someone loses a tooth, who did you, who do you think? Yes. And of course, I'm like, Joe. And I had forgotten that CJ had gotten voted off, so I said Joe or CJ just because, I don't know, these things seem to happen to beautiful people.

Yes. So, I was like for sure Joe. And for it to be Powell, and then for, For her to get a new tooth, seemingly, same day, within 24 hours, is, they've got a great medic over there at the Buckhead Goat Manor, you know? 

Rob: It makes me think that maybe she [00:24:00] already had fake teeth, and that this is just one that, like, gets slotted in.

Emily: Yeah. No, a hundred percent. 'cause you can see her regular tooth 

Rob: Oh, yeah. 

Emily: Under there. Yeah. When she's like talking. True. So, wow. And of all the challenges, she, I guess she snapped it back on her face. Yeah. And like her, 

Rob: her hands like flew back at her face after letting go of the slingshot. But the biggest surprise of all is that, uh, Joe won the challenge

Emily: at one point, as ts pointed out. He put a corner piece 

Rob: In the middle 

Emily: in the middle in the middle. 

Rob: What are you doing joe? 

Emily: It's astounding 

Rob: everyone's wondering where that tooth went and turns out pal swallowed it. She swallowed it. She swallowed it 

Emily: I was like, yo The tooth is the goat. The 

Rob: tooth is the goat.


Emily: truly, the tooth is the goat. 

Rob: Because, you know, as you said, she got it [00:25:00] replaced really quickly. The next morning, they're really on their reality TV game because they just brought in Sheena's fake tooth from season 2 of Vanderpump. And they're just like, well, no one's using this anymore. Let's give it to Pal.

Emily: Here you go. 

Rob: Uh, the final competition sucking up, I should say Jill lost Jill went home. So, uh, 

Emily: I know it was sad. I kind of, I really wanted it for Jill so that she could get like a reason to go on, like watch what happens live and be like, Lindsay, I am the greatest reality style of all time. 

Rob: That would have been amazing.

And maybe she would have been brought back to this new season of Roni, which would like, This new cast of ronin that got announced would be great if you just added one legacy ronin 

Emily: person. Yeah, 

Rob: not bethany not ramona No, 

Emily: we're not stupid. We're crazy. 

Rob: Yeah, so They got to suck up to the rest of the cast they voted out and they have one hour to convince [00:26:00] everyone that's been voted out to vote them the goat votes are good.

This time. note that when they're, when we see the group walking in slow motion, the group of losers walking in slow motion tech is doing the try hard palms. 

Emily: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. 

Rob: When, uh, Influencer men. Birdman. Birdman. Oh, yes. 

Emily: Yeah. Yeah. 

Rob: the Influencer men don't know what to do with their hands.

I don't know what to 

Emily: do with my hands. They don't. At one point someone says, they don't look happy. No! And I was like, uh, okay. Okay. Sure. 

Rob: so significant conversations that these people had. Joe's game was broken and broken down into people thought I was dumb, and that's why you should vote for me. And 

Emily: yeah. 

Rob: Uh, he talks to Wendell. People underestimated me.

He talks to Tayshia. Tayshia wants him to say sorry, but he doesn't because it's like, it's a game, and 

Emily: [00:27:00] Yeah, also, Tayshia, no one remembers what the hell you're upset about. Like, no one remembers, and they did not do, like, flashbacks during these pivotal conversations. So it was very confusing. 

Rob: So weird, because why would Sutation's argument, they, we'll talk about it I guess a little bit later too, in the, 

ceremony. Um, the, the thing is, is that, yeah, she thinks that, He betrayed her, but like he was it was between him and her like right so he's supposed to go home anyway Joe and Kristen he talks to Kristen and just knows what she wants to hear and that he wants to have a baby She's like, oh you got my vote.

Yeah my vote. 

Emily: I was watching so I watched the last two with my friend Robi, shout out, who doesn't, hadn't, had never watched the show. So I was like stopping and explaining things and when we got to that point, I was like, look, this is going to take a minute, but I just [00:28:00] want you to know this is fucking dumb.

Rob: Yeah. 

Emily: Okay. Very 

Rob: dumb. 

Emily: they don't elaborate on any of this, right? No So, for people, even for the people that have been diligently watching for 8 episodes, 9 episodes, I was confused Also, Don't forget, they're on a time limit, so they have to be strategic, I guess, about who they try to persuade to vote for them.

Now, what I don't understand is why, I mean, like, they should have done something where the people, the, the voted out people got put into, like, teams or something, or, like, something like that. Or they were, like, serving as a high council, or something witchy like that. But it makes No sense for these people that got voted out to have any say in who stays in the game.

Rob: Uh, yeah. And I get that you want to like vote for people. Like I get what they're trying to do, [00:29:00] but it does not make any sense that like, it's not very helpful because the conversations aren't really going to do anything. And I, and I have a point on that in just a minute. Jason's plan is to, was to bend the truth. He talks to Jill, says, I cried when he left. He talks to Justin and said he was a bullied when he was a kid. And he talks to Dave on and says that Jill told him to vote for Dave on, which is like the more than bending. He damn near broke the thing.

And pow just like speaks to everyone from the heart, I guess. And. Pal misses the opportunity to talk to Devon, but, uh, she does apologize and Devon accepts it later on. So all of these people then go to vote for who they want. And then at the ultimation ceremony, this is what I was talking about. Uh, so first we get the Tayshia thing and then we get the Jill, Jason thing, all of these would have been much more important before they voted.

Emily: Right, right, right. 

Rob: So why are we even [00:30:00] wasting time on it? The Tayshia thing being that she somehow thought Joe should have What did you think? Because it sounded like she wanted Joe to just accept that he was going home. 

Emily: Yeah, I, I think, and this is a little conspiracy brained, but I kind of got the vibe that Tayshia and him had had a conversation where it was like, well, obviously Joe, you're going to go home.

And like, I'm meant to be. Like, I'm Tayshia. I'm one of, I'm the actual famous one of the two of us from the Bachelor world. So, I'm going to stay, and you're gonna, and you're gonna go. And I think for whatever reason, maybe she thinks that he, like, told people to vote her out, or something. But, like, she seems to think that he did not deserve to be there.

Yeah. Which is, like, fair, and kind of the whole thing. But you don't have to 

Rob: say it! 

Emily: No, you don't. And also, it doesn't, I mean, it doesn't [00:31:00] matter now, honey. Yeah, exactly. 

Rob: Chill out. Like, Tayshia, I used to kind of like you, but like, this is such a weird hill to die on. On the GOAT. Yeah. We 

Emily: behind the scenes information from this show.

Rob: Yeah. We also get the Jason saying Jill said to vote for Dave Vaughn, and Jill's like, that's just not true. Right. I mean, Jason gets caught in his own web of lies, but everyone's already voted, so it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. And, uh, Powell wins. She's goat. Yeah, Joe gets one vote. Jason gets zero votes and everything else went to Powell 

Emily: Who do you think voted for Joe?

Rob: oh, it's Kristen. It's Kristen Cuz why would Kristen 

Emily: support a woman? 

Rob: Yeah, I mean a but also like Why would they show that scene with her and like I Kristen is never on the same plane of thinking as anyone She's on a show with So, it just goes to show you that that continues [00:32:00] on to the goat.

Emily: Again, there just seems to be this thing that, like, they don't either, either they don't have time to translate for us, or I'm just, like, not fully paying attention, but I did not realize that Pal had such an impact on everybody. 

Rob: Same. Same. I 

Emily: had no idea. I mean, like, yeah, she was part of the girls alliance or whatever, but it's also, like, every single one of the other women Destroyed each other.

So I don't know why that would be an important thing to any of them. I don't, I don't, I didn't see her. I don't remember Pal interacting with any of the men at any point. No, really anybody. I don't remember the show. I don't think. 

Rob: I just think that everyone's like sitting there going like, I guess, pal. You know, did you stick around for the post credit sequence?

Emily: No. Well, wait with Joe 

Rob: with big ass baby. 

Emily: No. 

Rob: Okay. Well, let me tell you. Do I need to, 

Emily: do I need to watch? You [00:33:00] don't. 

Rob: I will explain it to you. And it'll be something that you can choose to go back and watch or not. 

Emily: Okay. Okay. Okay. 

Rob: So, the credits start rolling, and then it goes to like everyone hanging out at the house post vote, and they're all just like, oh yeah, we're on the go, we're on the, a doorbell rings, someone comes out, and then, you know those like, lifelike baby masks that looks like a baby who's crying?

Mm hmm. And, um, Daniel Tosh is obviously in that and a baby. Diaper lying in like some manger and a note says dear goat manor. My name is big ass, baby please raise me to be a reality TV star and then reeks Havoc like starts crawling the walls and knocking shit off of the shelves Big ass, baby doing here It was wonderful, 

Emily: I have to watch that.

Rob: Yeah. Yeah, 

Emily: the hell goes on with this show. 

Rob: I know You Well, [00:34:00] we know what the hell goes on with this show. We had a great time, we had fun, maybe we need to return. We'll need to find another weird show to do later on. Maybe this fall or something. Cause, uh, why don't you tell the listeners what you're doing.

On Who TF Knows with Emily Rose during this kind of Bravo Lull. 

Emily: Sure, so right now I am covering The Boys. I just did a mid season recap with my friend Jeremiah for episodes 1 through 5. I guess it's a little more than mid season. I will be recapping episode 6. I will be doing House of the Dragon, but we've had several scheduling issues.

So my first, I will also do a mid season checkup. And with House of the Dragon, when that mark hits. And then I will be individually recapping those episodes. And, uh, yeah, other than that, I, I don't have other plans. I just kind of want to keep it reality free, baby, for a minute, 

Rob: Hey, that sounds great.

[00:35:00] So listeners, go listen to Emily's podcast. I actually, I saw a comment on Instagram that said, someone said they found you through My show 

Emily: Rob. No, she found me through your show She lives two streets down from me. Holy shit We go to the same bars like once I like followed her like we had we run in similar circles have never met before and She found me through your show.

Isn't that crazy? Shout 

Rob: out. 

Emily: Shout out. I 

Rob: I'm sorry. I don't have the 

Emily: handle and I don't want to call her out. We're not going 

Rob: to dox you here, but like, 

Emily: no, we're not. 

Rob: We see you and we appreciate you. You gotta listen to Vanderpump Rob's and you gotta subscribe to Vanderpump Rob's premium at patrion.

com slash Vanderpump Rob's. Where can they also support you besides who TF knows that Emily Rose. 

Emily: Sure, well, if you go to my Instagram at WhoTFKnowsEmilyRose on Instagram, and you look at my [00:36:00] link, you, the link in bio, you will get access to my Buy Me A Coffee, so you can go there, you can follow me on Twitter, you can follow me on Instagram, you can, really, that's, that's all you need to do until I get something else going on.

That's it. And that'll be just fine. So simple. 

Rob: These are simple things that people can do. You know, I say go to both of, you know, what's, what's really easy, people, is is it takes about 30 seconds to leave a written apple review with five stars and I don't ever read them but I would appreciate them how about that 

Emily: I would I would also appreciate them 

Rob: yeah 

Emily: um I think I was like I have a similar rating to a podcast that I hate, I'm not going to name it, but, um, and I was very sad about that.

So just go, go give me, give me some love. 

Rob: Thank you so much, everyone. We appreciate, you know, you, the listener, because you, the listener are truly goaded and if you continue on, you will continue to be truly goaded as [00:37:00] I drift into my Southern hospitality world. When we see you next time. On Vanderpump Robs.

See ya!


Isabel Boehms: Growing Up Pump


Mark Pagán: He's Just Not That Into You (2009)