Truly Goated: Episode 2 — The Goat (S1 E3+4)

When the alliances are tested and dance moves are attempted, it's not long before we see a stage 5 Kristen storm. Will grocery store Joe supply his rotted fruit? Can the women's alliance stay strong? Did Da'Vonne really think her plan was going to work? It's the episode that Kristensplains to CJ.

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 Rob: Welcome to Vanderpump Robs colon. Truly Goated. I'm Rob Schulte, and alongside me for this journey is Emily Rose of Who TF Knows, with Emily Rose.

Welcome back to Truly Goated.

Emily: Truly goaded. I feel truly goaded knowing, knowing that's how we're proceeding. I love that.

Rob: yeah, of course. Well, and it's, it's truly the best way to recap The Goat is two episodes at a time, because if you thought The Valley was full of fluff, well, wait till you see The [00:02:00] Goat.

Emily: really? There was, I'm going to be honest with you and the listeners. I did have a couple of things in these couple of episodes that I just skipped right through. I got the

Rob: I'll tell you what. Yeah, I watched, I watched both of these episodes like a week ago as of this recording and I was like, Oh, I should go back through and like, you know, refresh myself on it. And I was like, I'm not watching another 45 minutes of a game show that's, and I like was doing the skip 10. And I was like, oh, I get it. Absolutely everything that's going on. Like I'm going to stop and hear some of like the one on ones and whatnot, but like the, the long story short in the, the second episode we covered today, the episode four, when we do the pimple 

Emily: Oh, I skipped 

Rob: thing and when the operation, it's like, none of this matters.

Like this takes up so much time in the

Emily: It does.

Rob: and it does not

Emily: Which is like in other reality competition shows, [00:03:00] you tend to be a little more invested in the the challenges.

Rob: Yup.

Emily: Uh, not, not here. Not, not

Rob: Not in this one.

Emily: They're ridiculous.

Rob: It is incredibly ridiculous, especially, uh, some of the ones we see today. Uh, hopefully. Hopefully they don't get serious, because now I'm in, I'm in ridiculous mode, right? I'm in ridiculousness with Tosh. 0, and I'm merging everything together. But I have to ask you, did you watch the Summer House finale?

Emily: Oh, I

Rob: Because as of this recording, it happened this

Emily: Yes. Oh, I did. I definitely did. I

Rob: Do you have quick thoughts, quick heaters that you want to throw out

Emily: Yeah, so, I've, I've never particularly liked Carl. Uh, like, you know, there was like a fangirl kind of, and I've just always thought he wasn't very, like, attractive or funny. And,

Rob: Which is [00:04:00] how we judge

Emily: that's how I judge everybody, you're either attractive or you're funny, you're out.

Rob: ha ha ha

Emily: And so, uh, I was, I was interested. I see, uh, I'm not engaged with the fandom of Summer House the way that I am with Vanderpump Rules. So, I'm not afraid to say that I don't really give a shit about Carl. And I think

that there was a level of, um, I don't think that he, I believe that he wanted the cameras there.

I believe that what he was saying was scripted. I've dated a guy like him, and, uh, He just reminds me of the guy that just, like, wants you to change, which is, that's the through line of the whole relationship, uh, what we see this summer. So, no novel thoughts there on my end. It's just, I kind of felt like he was trying to say, he's trying to say, I brought the cameras because if I didn't bring the cameras, [00:05:00] nobody would believe me.

And I'm just like, dude, even, she, Even while she's on the phone with her dad, and he's like, see, she's spinning it right now, and I'm like, not really, she's just All she's saying is that she was blindsided, and so there's like, um, room to say like, you kind of were not blindsided, and cause you guys were fighting a lot.

Um, I think you just, I think Lindsay just feels like this is an inopportune time to break up, and I have a feeling Lindsay's the kind of woman who would prefer to divorce. Rather than cancel the wedding, and I think there was probably a lot of money riding on the wedding, uh, for them. And so, it's a foolish thing, and his reasoning for breaking things off was ridiculous if, when you have that much money on the line.

When you got into it as a kind of brand partnership to begin with. So, that's why, and that's also why the career conversation is goofy. Because, [00:06:00]Carl, this is our career. Being a couple, that's our career right now. So that whole storyline, to me, is ridiculous. Uh, but that's not to say that I don't find Lindsey to be a very I don't like her because I consistently hear that she is consistently rude to fans.

And I think that that's Is like a shi Reflects poorly on someone. Um, and, and I mean it's not just like a couple of stories. It's like, that seems to be a prevailing story. That she is rude to fans, and I think that sucks.

Rob: as someone who ran a PR

Emily: Exactly! And so I'm like, what's wrong with you? Um, so I'm not a huge fan of her either.

But I do think that she is a great reality television star. And I think that she is a great, great planner, and I think that they could have had a great, uh, reality relationship, even if it didn't last forever, and it could have, but it could have, they could have gotten monetized to last them much longer than their marriage, which was, like, the goal, I thought.[00:07:00]

So, uh, that was all goofy, and then I liked at the end how, like, Amanda and Paige and Sierra, but mostly Amanda and Paige, kind of had, you know, Detracting views about the relationship and they

just said them on camera and for some reason the fandom is not Trying to light page in and Amanda on fire for it and saying that they are evil Not girl power and neither did Lindsay.

So I just think it's interesting. That's all I have to say about that Totally unrelated to anything else

Rob: Yeah, well I think it's so, you know, you said pretty much everything I've thought too. There's some like nuance with. Like, I, I've said this before to some friends that I thought that this season overall was so interesting because from my perspective, I, you know, you, we've said before, I don't drink.

Uh, but I see in Carl [00:08:00] that like Carl doesn't actually do the work. He's just like, I'm stopping alcohol and drugs and I'm going to like work out a lot. And then as if any of these people don't work out a lot. And then. Uh, I'm going to jump into a relationship and that's my new addiction. Like that's what it looks like, you know?

Um, and a very easy thing to say, like, I'm not here to take his inventory for him, but like, that's what it seems like he's. Putting one thing in for another. Um, but watching this season, they definitely, they summer house team production team move to LA and be the team for Vanderpump rules because they just put Carl in this position where you're like, I kind of see where he's coming from.

I kind of see where he's coming from until like halfway through the season. And you're like, I kind of see where Lindsay's coming from. I kind of see where Lindsay's coming from here. And I'm getting [00:09:00] irritated along with him. Like, I don't like how either of them talk to each other, but they did this like perfect, like crossfade

Emily: Yes.

Rob: then when you see Carl come over there, you're like, dude, you rehearsed this speech so long and they're not taking accountability for Any of your actions.

Oh, the, the cops got called for a noise complaint and that's somehow Lindsay's fault when you're both fighting. Like, give me a 

Emily: me a break, for real. And, and can I, can I just say

Rob: yeah, go on.

Emily: Not that there's not plenty of content from the goat, but, uh, I'm supposed to be doing a full recap of the reunion part three of Vanderpump Rules. Lindsay, unfortunately, uh, got an injury so she's not going to be able to record today and then I have surgery blah blah blah this week so that's going to be delayed but I want to get this out off my chest, okay?

Where I say, if that's okay, when I say Lindsay is a great reality TV star on Summer [00:10:00] House, Ariana Maddox and Tom Sandoval are not great reality TV stars, like neither of them, and it is because they are not great reality TV stars that Scandal happened in my

Rob: Mm hmm. Yes, I can see

Emily: see what I'm saying like because they were because they didn't have really and not like obnoxious kitchen fights and Cameras coming up to document everything all the time, and we didn't get to see, not just because of them, but because of the nature of the two shows, I understand that.

But, that's how the audience was taken so by surprise, and that's how, Ariana was very, very savvily able to position herself and get all the brand deals and really like her PR really worked their asses off. [00:11:00] And I don't know what, I don't know what Tom Sandoval was doing. Again, he's not, he's not a great reality television star so I don't know what the hell he was doing.

But I think that when we look at it, at the end of the day, The only person that I think on that stage had the potential to be a great reality TV star, stars like Sheena, who none, but none of them are, none of them really did. their job as a reality star this season because if Lala really wanted to, like, do the thing where she gets the fanbase all on her side, then she would have come for Sheena.

But she didn't, which is fair because that's not true to who she is, but then she, like, missed the mark on her place on the show. So, it's just, it's just a whole, a whole bunch of madness. And I might record a solo episode tomorrow depending on how I feel before that. Before I get ready to leave to my, to my mom's because I'm having my gallbladder taken out on Wednesday, which comes back later.

Um, [00:12:00] so yeah, that's all my

Rob: all X I, I really appreciate them because as always. You're pretty on point with most everything there and we should get on point and get through some of these goat episodes. We're watching, first we'll talk about season one, episode three, Casualty of War. Uh, the Amazon Prime description is With another reality star, and okay, I was going to say this afterwards, but this description is full AI mode.

Um, so keep that in mind when reading this. With another reality star gone, the Women's Alliance is tested as Joe reveals their existence to the men in the house. Episode 103's talent show themed challenges result in some surprising winners and losers. One reality star tries to pull off the biggest game move of the season.

Which causes both alliances to make some tough choices. That [00:13:00] is terrible, but

Emily: Write a description for a reality competition show and one guy's name is Joe.

Rob: an ask me five questions about the topics that should be

Emily: Yes.

Rob: You know, Uh, so we'll get into it. The theme of episode three is talent shows and the gang have to perform an untalent show. They have to choose their talent at random. Um, Your guess is as good as mine and how random it actually is and then they have one hour to prepare The untalent show special guest is William Hung who does next to nothing on this If you have William Hung Get him to sing she bangs.

Don't just throw us the clip, you know,

Emily: she, or have him make a quip,

Rob: yes something

Emily: it out of the park. I mean, truly anything would have been sufficient, but we do get a cut to him drinking his [00:14:00] water at one point, which was really, really

Rob: It was phenomenal, and Tosh and him wearing the same shirt, and that, it's, the thing is, is that, like, I get that maybe William Hung isn't the most charismatic guy on the planet, but, like, if you're gonna have him out there, he's game, he's game to do something, you know, have him be the, the master of ceremonies, right, like, have him do a song before the talent show, uh, anyway, we go through, uh, The untalent show and here's.

The thing, everyone gets a card. There's 11 people performing, right? Yeah. Oh, there's 12 people performing. So everyone gets 11 cards. 1 to 11, you rate everyone's performance, but you can only use those cards once. So inherently, there's a game element to it. Not everyone can get 11, right? So, if we go through it, [00:15:00] Grocery Store Joe, his untalented, 80's aerobic size, aerobics sort of thing, his point total is 37, and I'm just going to go through them, and we can talk about this, because the resa of it all, and the

Emily: Haha!

Rob: The Davon, Davon and Justin, like, oh, it's so

Emily: I have a

Rob: but Davon, yeah, okay, I got to hear this, because Davon is juggling but she's like, I'm going to make it more, I'm going to make it a scene, I'm from theater, and it's stupid, and someone's just like chasing her, it's not a scene, there's no story that they're telling, but she gets 87 points, she knows, oh, I'm one of the higher people, I've gone second, uh, Alyssa slash Justin does poetry, And she gets all good score, good scores.

Davon is like adding up the scores and when it comes to her, she gives Justin, Alyssa a one. So it's 80. Definitely keeping them under [00:16:00] her. Wendell, stand up comedy, 79, Paola, animal imitations, 58, Kristen, Kristen does cake decorating as Jason wearing only an apron, which I, yeah,

Emily: won. I,

Rob: should have won.

Emily: should've won, that was great imitation work. I don't, I think my video stopped working. Um,

okay, well. 

Rob: but that's okay. We can do just audio if that

Emily: Okay. Well, uh, great imitation work from her. Uh, being naked is always a good vibe. Um, and apparently she's just been hitting the bottle. So, it, it really kind of worked out for me.

Rob: yeah, I'm okay with it. Uh, CJ does a Shakespeare monologue. 54 Jill is a break dancer. 83 who's now in second place. tech does baton twirling at 64.

Jason sings the star spangled banner. 59. Uh, Lauren is a balloon animal artist at 50. Reza does the most uncomfortable limbo scene I've ever seen is [00:17:00]at 85. Now, Reza is the last one to perform.

Emily: Right.

Rob: really surprised at how the scores he's getting, and like, Davon giving him a low score, but you, it's, you're the last one. It's the cards that are left.

Emily: Okay, well my theories weren't so much on the talent show. I just think that their behavior, all three of them, when they're all like, kind of chaotically yelling at each other, I'll put it like this. Uh, feels to me like, uh, they all kind of partook in some substances,

Rob: hmm. Mm

Emily: specific kinds of substances, before they filmed this reaction to the talent show. That's, that, the energy was very, like, why, like, we're crying about, about the, you know, Davon being competitive.

I just and [00:18:00] it's just just like I don't like it either frankly I think that her competitive spirit is very obnoxious, but what I don't think I'd cry. I don't I just just I would have

Rob: I don't think there's anything I could do on the goat that would make me tear up or Like get like I understand competition right and I understand that like even the silliest competition can bring something out in people but like Justin and Reza act like children, like really act like children.

And Davon almost acts like a child on the other side of it. Like I have to just like game the system, but like. You sit, like you said, Reza cries over his score and Justin starts a fight. Like this, all this game stuff. He's like talking shit behind her back. And then he like, he's like, all you want is the game that came in tape.

I was like, isn't this a game? Like, aren't we here to play a game? And Justin tries to argue that it's more than a game, but they're on the goat hosted by Tosh. [00:19:00] 0. Like,

Emily: like, I, I don't know if there's some sort of like invisible stake or like invisible, what is hanging over them that it's like so important because when, when Tosh, when Daniel Tosh does his commentary, it is by far the best part of the show.

Rob: Oh

Emily: Uh, but, his, my favorite part, I think he opens, I don't know which episode, he opens one of the episodes, oh, this one, being like, how could you get rid of her, she has the most Instagram followers, we're trying to get people to watch this stupid ass show.

And I was like, that is exactly how I feel, Daniel Tosh, because as we continue to eliminate some of these people, like, I'll, I'll talk about it when we get to that episode, but Yeah, so anyway, I think that their rambunctious fighting behavior is partly due to alcohol and maybe something else that they take to not pass out from alcohol, that's what I think.

Rob: Yeah, I

Emily: [00:20:00] Maybe coffee.

Rob: maybe coffee, it very well could be, could be, uh, this new kind of Adderall we keep hearing

Emily: Oh, yeah.

Rob: over the place. Um, but, the next day, Davon's like, I'm over it, because I've got a plan. I've got plan A, and only plan A. She's putting Justin on her team, because she's the GOAT, and she gets to choose the teams.

But she wants to put Justin on so that she can throw the match, And vote Justin out. She tells Paola if she's in, Jill's also in and the three of them can throw it because if they tell more than that, it'll, it'll, you know, loose lips sink ships sort of situation. Uh, and I love the Paola's like, okay, but what's plan B?

Emily: Right, we're right. Like,

Rob: like, there is no plan B. It's like, okay, hope this


Emily: literally. Devon is so [00:21:00] annoying to me that I can't hardly handle anything that she does. So while I think she was correct in the Untalent show, everything she does after this is extremely frustrating to me.

Rob: Yes. It's difficult because. I, I, what was she, was she on the challenge? Is that what Davon was on or Big

Emily: Big Brother, whatever. She and Wendell were on the same show, I'm not sure, but

Rob: Yeah. No, Wendell was on Survivor. She was on Big Brother because they're CBS fam. And so yeah, Big Brother, like that's all challenge and stuff too. But it's, it's interesting because. We then go to the challenge, which is loosely based on dance.

They have to spin around a large mic 10 times and then like go through an obstacle course and strike a pose. Right. Pretty easy to throw if you just do it right. Like Jill, I think did it right. She [00:22:00] was like, Oh, I'm old. I'm dizzy. But Dave Vaughn was just like, I'm falling immediately. And like, I won't even stand up like in everyone, they can just tell she's throwing it. And so after the challenge is like narrow, narrowly thrown, like they almost lose it, uh, or they almost win it actually. Um, and that makes me think like, was the other team trying to throw it too in a way, because they found out, but, uh, Davon pulls some of the men aside, like Wendell and Joe. says that she wants Justin out.

And which is, this is the whole thing. The whole time there's a men's and women's alliance. The women started their alliance, which essentially then solidified that there'd be a men's alliance. Because we saw with Joe and Tayshia that Joe was just like, I want you here. So don't you understand that? Like.

If you, like, you're going to be next. If the women find out about this, like if Tayshia and Joe would have teamed [00:23:00] up, that would have eliminated the women's and men's Alliance. Like if that would have just happened, it would have, it would have separated. But because of it, because I think we, we are shown like, this is the edit.

We are shown that the women's Alliance starts, which then leads us to believe that's what the men's Alliance happens, but it could have been the other way around. Um, window pulls Dave on the side and it's like. The guys don't want to go for Justin. So like, what do we do for a different scenario

Emily: Right. 

Rob: And he's like, we could vote Lauren out. And then this mixes the Alliance lines altogether and she's not having it.

Emily: mm.

Rob: And so window pull CJ aside. And it's like, Hey, this is the only way we're going to break these alliances up. And going forward, if you're on the team now, essentially, you're not going to be the next one out because you've only been on F boy Island and no one[00:24:00]


Emily: no one cares. Also, like, Yeah. The, the whole men women's alliance thing, isn't that, isn't that flawed just from the perspective of seeing how Davon operates? Wouldn't you be like, yeah, she's gonna do some wild shit to get me thrown off when all the men are thrown off when it's just women, because this is not boys versus girls.

This is one person wins the game.

Rob: yeah, and like, I keep going back to what Joe said. He's like, can have an alliance like that all you want. But when it's like eight people, like that is going to break down. And that's like what Wendell's trying to say too. Like when you force one alliance, you just create a different alliance. And so you want to like, get rid of that soon.

He's also like, and she's talking about it. Like he Wendell's thinking with his survivor brain. Let's see. Yeah, because on Survivor, [00:25:00] like, every episode after every challenge, like, you have to re evaluate the people you're working with. Which is actually, I mean, Wendell's shady as hell, but like, he's smart in that, you know?

Emily: I agree.

Rob: we go to the, the voting sequence and, surprise, surprise, Lauren gets voted out because they pulled CJ. And Kristen, I love Kristen just being like, unbelievable, untrustworthy,

Emily: This is so slimy. It's, it's the boys and CJ. It's the boys and CJ. I'm like, all right, Kristen, we get it, honey.

Rob: It is because Dave on through the match.

Emily: thing. Babe.

Rob: Um, and I love that Justin calls out Davon for throwing the match, but then like, Justin is like spiraling.

Emily: chaotic.

Rob: He is so chaotic. And Kristen is even like, Justin, you're good. We do love [00:26:00] you. And he's like, Kristen, you don't love anything but the bottle. And I was like, Damn,

Emily: I was like, holy shit. But then we find out that We all, as consumers of the Vanderverse and the GOAT, uh, all of us GOATed individuals, are kind of experiencing something with Kristen where whatever the fuck she's doing behind the scenes is not palatable to anyone she's around at any given point because we just see her.

I mean, she's kind of like I, I, after this episode, there was a couple of times where I felt like she was slurring, but like, other than that, like, she's not being particularly Wild or you know chaotic, but everybody says some shit about like Well, she's kind of like a storm and she's kind of got to go We kind of get to get her out of here And then so many people, [00:27:00] spoiler, vote her out that I'm like she must have been causing a fucking scene Over up there in Buckhead a few miles away from me.

I can't believe I didn't hear it the way they're talking about her

Rob: Uh, I do love at the end of episode three, Justin tries to like, martyr himself after all of that. Where he is like, I'll just go. I'll just go. And they're like, no, like whatever. And CJ's like, ah, I'm gonna go hang with the dudes 'cause, uh, I'm not gonna survive the

Emily: She said, I'm, I, I've been given to the gaze. It was always gonna happen. I was like, that's so funny. Keep CJ around.

Rob: she's been given to the gays, and we are giving ourselves to a break. We'll be right back. Alright, we're back, and it's time to talk about episode four, The Hurricane. Here comes the story of The Hurricane. Uh, this description's a little bit better. Davon is reeling [00:28:00] after a plan to send another reality star packing backfires. Now, with challenges that pay tribute to medical reality shows, the men try to keep their elimination streak going as Davon, Jill, Kristen, and Pao fight to win.

For power.

Emily: Beautiful.

Rob: while CJ is continuing to pack her things and move Powell tells her she feels betrayed. So like before she can actually go live with the boys, Paola comes in and it's like, you betrayed me. You said you were part of the women's Alliance. And CJ reminds her, Dave on through the game.

Which is really what broke the girls' alliance. Like Davon was willing for any of you to go home because just because she wanted Justin to go home doesn't mean that's who people are gonna vote for.

Emily: And 

she wanted Justin to go home, by the way, because Justin said that she, that she needs to take, to relax, essentially, and she can't, she [00:29:00] cannot, she can't take it. He's her number one competitor now. I'm like, actually, I feel like you're probably fine, because Justin doesn't take the game seriously, but okay, girl.

Rob: He's the one who like doesn't want to play the game, so like you can beat him at any point in time.

Emily: Oh,

Rob: uh, Kristen. It's all good. Kristen does connect with, Justin about what he said to her and he tries to explain that he was blindsided, which caused him to lash out. And I'm like, these people and they're like, go to therapy once and then know how to like, talk about it on camera.

Like I, in my notes, I put fart noise after this. discussion. Um, Tosh then lets everyone know that they're saluting the heroes of medical reality shows. And the challenge for the first portion of this is popping balloon [00:30:00] pimples on a giant face. Uh, if the balloon is filled with yellow liquid, you're going, you're, you're, you're out.

Blue liquid, you get to return to pop again. And did you also notice that the yellow balloons had like A water gun behind them as well?

Emily: No, because I fast forwarded through this whole thing. I'm not into, like, pimple

Rob: I ain't watching Pimple Popper

Emily: No. 

Rob: or whatever it is. MD. Um, uh, it's simple. Wendell wins

Emily: I got that. And then, yeah, this is the important part.

Rob: he can sell his immunity for 5, 000. Would you have sold your immunity for 5, 000?

Emily: Uh, the whole time I was like, take the money, take the money, take the money. I was like, I'm gonna take that money. Because then, at least if you get eliminated, you got 5K out of it.

Rob: yeah, 5k plus whatever they're paying you to even be on here. And also, we learned that [00:31:00] like, his, his girlfriend who he cheated on with another survivor winder, winner, um, is at home about to pop from their child. So it's win win for him. Even if he goes home, he's like, Hey, honey, I came home with the paycheck for being on the show, an extra 5k, and I didn't have to stay the

Emily: Right, I'm here for the birth.

Rob: Yeah, um, Jason continues to have the best strategy by cooking everyone excellent meals. Like that's, he even says it to the camera, he's like, they aren't putting me out while I cook these beets with cream cheese or whatever the

hell. But damn, those pork chops looked amazing.

Emily: Such a great, great point on his, on

Rob: Yeah, yeah. Uh, Wendell pulls Davon aside and apologizes for the game move he had to make, but they'd like to work with her going forward. This is where we're reminded again that he plays the survivor game, and she said she's just gonna smile and nod. Which is actually the worst thing, because [00:32:00]You just need to play it game by game and Wendell is winning.

So you've already broken the women's Alliance. Go with this other guy who actually actively wants to work with you, even after going against you. Um, the final challenge is a life size game of operation where people are blindfolded and. And if you touch the side of a maze while you're trying to, like, get a large piece of medical equipment, you get shocked.

One person is not blindfolded and, like, guiding the way. Um, they're yelling directions. Uh, Davon is the caller on one team, Justin's the guide on the other team. Davon is loud, which makes up for all of her terrible directions. I don't know if you fast forwarded through this, but she was

Emily: Yeah, she wasn't giving good directions, but she was distracting enough for the other team. Yeah.

Rob: She was like, forward, forward, forward, forward, and it's like, tell me how many steps.


Emily: She's [00:33:00] just not a good, she's not the greatest reality star. I'm very frustrated that, that she's like being positioned this way.

Rob: Yeah. Justin is clearer, but not very loud. So Kristen can't hear Justin, which leads their team to lose. Justin, Kristen pow and tech are up for elimination. Kristen is a Moby Mabel until Jill gives her a pep talk

Emily: was so dumb of Jill. Jill, let her

Rob: yeah.

Emily: Let her go.

Rob: this is not a friend at all. Uh, the votes are Yo.

That's right. That's right. That's what It has to come back. Yes, and that is, uh, that's very important to have a have someone to connect with on these shows. So at the voting ceremony, Kristen and Reza are the two that it's up against. And Kristen gets voted out, and I have written down the Kristen [00:34:00] quotes.

And I would love your thoughts on

Emily: Go ahead. No.

Rob: by the women in this house? Oh, that hurts, huh? You guys are so scared of the women, you have to have men controlling the house. Is this your version of mansplaining? I really love my girls so much. But CJ, you're the worst of the worst.

You're not a girl's girl. You went with the guys. And she does not allow CJ to speak.

Emily: No, it's great. It's so, um, Something about her coated. I love it. Tee

Rob: it really is. We're going to have a sandwich called the Kristen soon enough. Um, the hurricane, we should, that's what the PB and J should be titled.

Emily: a good idea.

Rob: Um, but then Kristen leaves, everyone has the like storm talk that you were talking about earlier. And as she gets upstairs, she's like, hang on, [00:35:00] I've got more to say.

spins around goes to the balcony and goes, Hey, CJ, I meant what I said. You're the worst of the worst. You aren't here for women. And I just love it. It's like, you, that's not, you didn't forget to say that. Like this isn't anything. Yeah. Like what's going on?

Emily: I was like, Kristen, You just, I just, I just, I'm so confused. 

Rob: Yeah. 

Emily: I don't care. Or don't, because you don't even hate CJ. Like, so

Rob: Kristen really thought she was doing something

Emily: She did..

Rob: it wasn't like, like, there's so many things that point to like, so many of these people are trying to make other alliances that are not working. And she's just like, Oh, is this your version of mansplaining?

It's like, what does that even mean? Kristen? Like,

Emily: one explained anything except for Tosh. Like, what are you talking about?

Rob: Who backs out slowly, like Homer into the bushes [00:36:00] during all

Emily: and everyone's like, wait, where's Daniel?

Rob: I do love that in CJ's talking head she's like, It's a little weird that Kristen wanted to stand up for women by tearing down a woman.

Emily: yeah. Targeting a woman. It's very Vanderpump of her.

Rob: yes. And Jill is pissed at Reza, for stomping on Kristen's grave. And the episode,

Emily: fuck, I forgot about that. She's like, she's only been out of the house for 30 minutes, we're already stomping on her grave. I'm like, what is wrong with you? She's, she's probably literally in the next room, still. She'll probably be there overnight.

Rob: I mean, Reza is annoying as all hell, but like chill, chill, um, and we end with like this, like fire in the eyes of Davon and Jill who are going to come for everyone next [00:37:00] time, but we'll see. We'll see. And, uh, Hopefully next week, it'll be you and I recapping another two episodes, but we'll find out once we know what that gallbladder's got up for our business.

Emily: it, we just gotta get this thing out and we'll, we'll know when, when we can hit record.

Rob: Yep. But, uh, you want to let everyone know where they can find you when you're not untruly goaded?

Emily: Yes, of course, you can find me at Who TF Knows Emily Rose. That's the name of my podcast, Who TF Knows Emily Rose. I've been covering Vanderpump Rules this season, but as it's come to a close, I will start other things, so Uh, I'm thinking about The Boys, House of the Dragon, and perhaps recapping an old, an old fashioned reality show, a vintage reality show, so we'll see about that.

So in the meantime, find me there. You can find me on Instagram, WhoTFKnowsEmilyRose, and WTFKEmilyRose on Twitter.

Rob: Excellent. And listeners, you know, the best thing you can do to support this podcast is [00:38:00] patreon. com slash Vanderpump Robs, but if you're not quite ready to give 1, Here's what you can do. Share the link to this show in your friendly group chat. And that's more listeners is, uh, is that's, that's what does it for us here at Vanderpump Robs.

And, uh, thank you again, Emily, and we will see everyone next time on Vanderpump Robs. Goodbye.


David Hopping: Call Me Jason — Vanderpump Rules (S6E9)


Truly Goated: Episode 1 — The Goat (S1 E1+2)